
作者&投稿:柴芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

They were dancing at nine o'clock last night. 2.在there be结构中。如: There is a boy swimming in the river. 3.在have fun\/problems结构中...I stopped hem before he began to talk with me. 6)后时 I'll tell you after I finish it. 7)紧接时 As soon as I see him, I'll tell...

___ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you.___ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday.___ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower.___ are they? They are my parents.___ is my mother? She is in the living room ___ are you going?

"Liu Kun agreed readily.So every day when the cock crow,they got up and practied sword playing,the cold steel of the swords glinting and flashing.Day by day and year in,year out,they never stopped.As the saying goes,constant effort yields sure success.Through long periods of ...

Sniff would *** ell out the general direction of the cheese, using his great nose, and Scurry would race ahead. They got lost, as you might expect, went off 21 in the wrong direction and often bumped 22 into walls.However, the two littlepeople, Hem and Haw, used a ...

1、I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。2、You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的...

急!急!急!英语作文:Why I come to college?
Many parents groom their children for a career in an academic field where they earn a lot of money and get acceptance. This surety is important for them to know that their children will have social security.This is often not to be influenced by the children, because they have ...

Instantly, two raccoons tugged at the hem of her skirt and began to guide her through the woods. The deer, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, and birds followed close behind. Soon they were at the edge of a clearing. Snow White pushed aside the bushes and saw a charming little cottage nestled...


人工翻译中,稍后 鹅卵石与钻石 “为什么我们要学这些没用的东西呢”这是老师从学生口中听到的最多的抱怨,如果我的学生有人这么说的话,我就会给他们讲个故事:天黑了,牧民们经过一天劳累的跋涉后准备扎营休息,突然,他们被一团亮光包围,牧民们意识到上帝就要出现了,他们兴奋异常,期待会有意想不到...

2)形容词性,在句子中可以用作定语和形容词补足语(也有人称作原因状语)。定语:He is always the first one to get up. 他总是第一个起床的人。I have a few wirds to say. 我有几句话要说。用在 be + 情感形容词后,如:She is ready to help us. 他愿意帮助我们。They are ...

全咏15845183903问: they与them有什么不同?怎么用? -
柯城区业立回答:[答案] them 是代词they(他们)的宾格,也就是在句子里当宾语用; 例如:Please show them the book.请把书给他们看. they 的意思是“他们”,在句子当主语用;例如:They give me a gift.他们给了我一件礼物.

全咏15845183903问: they和them怎么区分 -
柯城区业立回答: they和them都有他们的意思,但是they是主语,一般用在句首,主动的;them是宾语,一般用在句末,被动的. 例如:They are students. I like them.

全咏15845183903问: they和them的区别是什么 -
柯城区业立回答: 第一个是主语,放在句首,第二个是宾格的他们,放在动词后面.

全咏15845183903问: 英语提问
柯城区业立回答: they和them区别为:性质不同、位置不同、搭配不同.一、性质不同1、they:they是主格人称代词,做主语.2、them:them是宾格人称代词,做宾语.二、位置不同1、they:they放在句子开头,能够引起整个句子.2、them:them跟在谓语之后,常放在句子末尾.三、搭配不同1、they:they搭配名词性从句.2、them:them搭配动宾或介宾从句.

全咏15845183903问: they和them他们有什么区别吗?意思好像是一样的?如果有区别,用在句子中是怎么区分的? -
柯城区业立回答:[答案] they作主语

全咏15845183903问: them和they的区别 -
柯城区业立回答: them 宾格,指代他们! they 是主格,意思也是他们.

全咏15845183903问: they them 我怎么区别? -
柯城区业立回答:[答案] They 是主格,一般用在句子开头,如They are students Them是宾格,一般用在动词或介词后面,如I like them./These books belong to them

全咏15845183903问: 英文they和them的用法有什么区别 -
柯城区业立回答: they是表示主语的,意为他们的意思,而them就是表示的宾格

全咏15845183903问: them it they 的区别 -
柯城区业立回答:[答案] them 宾格,指代他们!they 是主格,意思也是他们;it 是指示代词,指代单数的 它;

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