
作者&投稿:巴芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1妈妈,这是我的好朋友,汤姆 Mum, this is my best friend,Tom. 2那是你的叔叔约翰吗? Is he your uncle John? 3他们是我的父母亲. They are my parents. 4这些照片太美妙了! These pictures are so beautiful! 5我有一个妹妹,两个哥哥. I have a sister and two brothers. 6-那是你的女儿吗? Is she your daughter? -是的. Yes,she is --- A.Betty . Look at the picture. Who's that girl? 贝蒂。看那张照片。那个女生是谁? B.She is my friend. 她是我的朋友。 A. What's her name? 她叫什么名字? B.Sue Green. Sue Green(人名就不翻译了哈) A.Who's that man? Is he her father? 那个男人是谁?他是不是他的父亲? B.Yes,and the woman is her mother. 是的,那个女人是她的母亲。 A. Is the boy her brother? 那个男孩是不是她的哥哥/弟弟? B.Yes,he is.And that's this cat. 是,他是她的哥哥/弟弟。这是猫咪。 A .What's its name? 它叫什么? B.It's Mimi. 它叫咪咪。 A.Ah,it's a nice name. 啊,那是个好名字。 ===== 若还有什么疑问,请继续追问;如果满意,请评价采纳回答^_^ 不嫌麻烦的话,也请楼楼关注我团,成为我团粉丝,让成员们有更大的动力发扬团队、你的一个小点击让我们有更大的进步,谢谢 有兴趣的友友也可以申请加入我们团队,一起共同发展团队、、、

A。 1. What letter is a body of water?
2. What is it that found in the every center of America and
3. Why is a river rich?
4. Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?
5. Which runs faster, heat or cold? Why?
____ is greater than God.
____ is more evil than the Devil.
The poor need ____.
The rich have ____.
If you eat ____, you will die.
7. What number should replace(代替)the question mark?
( ) 8. What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen
of the other?”
A. 六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半
( ) 9. What three letters turn a girl into a woman?
( ) 10. We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is
A. 一件无用而累的东西 B.一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱
( ) 11.What’s too much for two and just right for one?
A. Time B. A secret C. friend D. A room
( ) 12. What’s the Chinese for “talk big”?
A. 吹牛 B. 说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大
( ) 13. I know that from A to Z.
A.从A到I B.从头到尾 C.字母表 D.距离很远
( ) 14. You can’t do it. You can sue to Ann for help.
A. ask B. think C. find D. give
( ) 15.What’s that? That’s a lily I like it very much.
A. girl’s name B. flower C. picture D. cup

B。1.What two things can't you have for breakfast?

2.What starts with E,ends with E and only has one letter?

3.The more it is,the less you see.What is it?

4.What is smaller than a fly's mouth?

5.What is it when a cake is divided(被分开)among(在……之间) four children?

6.Do you know what letter is a kind of drink(饮料)?

7.Easy come,easy go.(译成中文)



1 Mr Wang is thirsty __________________________?

2.The elephent’s ears are long __________________________?

3. We like birds _________________________?

4.Hello.You are his mother __________________________?

5.I can sing and dance. ___________________________?

二 将下列每组词各组成一句特殊疑问句

1.(you are how). _________________________?.

2.(old how Ben is)_________________________?

3.colour is what your shirt_________________________?

4.(can see what the on you desk ) ________________________?

5.(like what do you)_________________________?

答案:一.1. Is Mr Wang thirsty? 2. Are the elephent’s ears long 3. Do you like birds? 4.Hello. Are you his mother? 5.Can you sing and dance?

二.1. How are you? 2.How old is Ben ? 3.What colour is your shirt? 4.What can you see on the desk? 5.What do you like?
(who, where, when)
_____ is that pretty girl? She is my sister.
_____ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you.
_____ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday.
_____ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower.
_____ are they? They are my parents.
_____ is my mother? She is in the living room
_____ are you going? We are going to the bakery(面包坊).
_____ do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon.
_____ does he jog? He jogs in the park.
_____ are you from? I'm from Changchun city.

He is my father.
They are under the tree.
I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后) 提示:饭后强调的是时间问题。
Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池)
Superman flies in the sky.
I often brush my teeth in the eveining.
Alan likes to play with Bill.
Joe's father plays badminton(羽毛球) every weekend.
The supermarket is near the school.
The laptop(笔记本电脑) is on the table.
Jennifer has a pair of earrings(耳环).
The flowers are in the flower pot(花盆).
My grandpa took us to the zoo.
I put the gold fish(金鱼) into the fish tank(鱼缸).
The monkey sleeps at night.




1. 否定句型

1) 一般否定句

I don't know this. No news is good news.

There is no person (smoke)/not a person/not any person (smoke) in the house.


He went to his office, not to see him.

I am sorry for not coming on time.

I don't think/believe/suppose/feel/imagine you are right.


All the answers are not right

All is not gold that glitters

I don't know all of them.

I can't see everybody/everything.

Both of them are not right.


None of my friends smoke.

I can see nothing/nobody.

Neither of them is right.

Nothing can be so simple as this.

5) 延续否定

You didn't see him, neither/nor did I.

You don't know, I don't know either.

He doesn't know English, let alone/to say nothing of/not to speak of (更不用说) French.

6) 半否定句

We seldom/hardly/scarcely/barely hear such fine singing.

I know little English. I saw few people.

7) 双重否定

You can't make something out of nothing.

What's done cannot be undone.

There is no sweet without sweat.

No gain without pains.

I can't help /keep/ laughing whenever I hear it.

No man is so old but (that) he can learn.


Everyone is ready except you.

He did nothing but play.

But for your help, I couldn't do it.


I won't do it at all.

I can't see it any more.

He is no longer a boy.

2. 判断句型

1) 一般判断句

It is important for us to learn English.

It is kind of you to help me

sincere means honest.

The boy is called/named Tom.

We regarded/consider it as an honor.


It is English that we should learn.

It is he who helped me a lot.


Your sentence doesn't sound/look/appear/feel right.

You look/seem as if/as thought you had been there before.

Maybe/Perhaps/ she is ill.

He is probably ill.

He is likely ill.

It is possible that he is late

4) 注释判断

He can remember so many English words, that is (to say) he is a living dictionary.(活字典)

5) 正反判断

That sounds all right, but in fact it is not.

6) 比较判断

It is more a picture than a poem.

7) 互斥判断

He or you are wrong.

Either he is right or I am.

3. 祝愿祁使句式

1) 一般句式

Study hard and keep fit.

Be brave! Don't be shy!

Get out of here.


Do tell me.

Never tell a lie.

3) 委婉祈使句

Please tell me the true.

Would/Will/Won't do me a favor?

Would/Do you mind my smoking?

What/How/ about going on foot?


Let us go. Let us know the time.

Don't let the fire out.

Let's not waste the time.

You'd better start early.

Shall we listen to some music?

Why don't you get something to drink?

Suppose/supposing you pick me up at about six?

I suggest we (should) take the train.


Success to you!

Wish you a good journey.

May you have a happy marriage.

Here's to your success!

Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship!

4. 感叹句型

How well he speaks!

How kind she is!

What a nice weather it is!

Here he comes!

Such is life!



5. 疑问句型

1) 一般疑问句

Is he a doctor?

Do you the way to the station?


He is a teacher, isn't he?

It is quite cheap, don't you think?

3) 特殊疑问句

What is the distance/width/size/population/temperature/fare?

Who is he?

What is he?(干什么的)

What is he like?

How is he?

How do you like him?

What do you think of him?

What ever do you mean by saying this?


He is a doctor or a nurse?


Do you know how old he is?

Tell me if (whether) you like it.

What do you think/say/suppose I should do?


1) 表数目

It is exactly ten o'clock.

It is five miles away from here.

He is more than/over/ at least not less than 20.

He is under/at most/no more than 20.


He was born on April 22 1994/in 1994 on the morning of Oct.1.


He is 20 years old/years of age.

He is at the age of 10.


It is four times that of last years.

This is four times as big (again) as that one.

This is four times bigger than that one.

The income is double what it was.

The output of coal was 200% greater than in 1998.


It is 10 meters long/wide/high.

It costs me 100 yuan.

I spent 10 hours to finish it.

It took me 10 days to finish it.

It is worth 100 yuan.

7. 关联指代句型


I have two books, one is Chinese; the other English.

I have five books, one is Chinese; the others English.

To say is one thing, but/and/ to do is another.

One the one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other hand, I am also you friend.

Some like to play football, others are fond of basketball.


First/firstly, I wish good health, second/secondly success in your study, third/thirdly good luck in everything.

First stop, then look, finally cross.

At first/in the beginning/ he word hard. Later/Afterwards he is not so diligent.


This is the same book as I lost yesterday.

This is the same book that I lost yesterday.(同一本书)

Don't trust such a man as over praise you.

He/One/Those/They who should come failed to appear.

A man/A person/The one/Anyone/People who saw her liked her very much.

The day/time/moment will come when China is strongest in the world.

4) 两项连接

He can speak not only English but also French.

The book is both interesting and instructive.

It is neither cold nor hot.

Please either come in or go out.

The old worker has experience and knowledge as well.


Besides literature, we have grammar and writing.

Apart from oxygen, there are some other gases in the air.

In addition to "if", there is many other conjunctions that can introduce conditional clauses.

I must go now, incidentally, if you want that book.

You seem to like tea, so do I.

8. 比较句型


He is as tall as I.

He is the same height as I.

She is no less diligent than he.

The lab is no better than a cottage.

2) 差比句

I speak English worse than he does.

He is not so/as tall as I am.

Our knowledge is much inferior to their.

3) 极比句

He is the tallest of all in the class.

None/No one/ is so blind as those that won't see.

Nothing is so easy as this.


The more a man knows, the more he feels his ignorance(无知).

5) 择比句

He is taller than any other boy in the class

It is better late than never.

They would die than live as slaves

He prefers doing to talking

He prefers to do rather than to talk.

He prefers mathematics to English.

I'd rather stay here.


You think me idle, but on the contrary, I am busy.

They are working hard while you are wasting your time.


We must work like him.

He behaves as his father does.

He speaks English as if/though he was a foreigner.


1) 一般事实

If we succeed, what will the people say?

Suppose it rains, what shall we do?

Persevere(坚持) and you'll succeed.


If I were you, I would go.

If you had seen it, you would have been moved.


Unless you try, you'll never succeed.

Don't move, or/else/otherwise I'll shot.


If only I have another chance, I shall do better.

Only in this way can we learn English well.

So/As long as we don't lose heart, we'll succeed.


Since that is so, there is no more to say.

Now that you are grown up, you must stop this behavior.

11. 时间句型


When I see him, I'll tell him.

2) 表同时

You'll grow wiser as you grow older.

Work while you work, play while you play.

He worked, at the same/in the meantime he listened to the music.


Every/each time when I went to his house, he was out.

By the time that we got there, he was out.


Sometimes he sings, sometimes he dances.

At one time the baby cries, at another it talks.


I stopped hem before he began to talk with me.


I'll tell you after I finish it.


As soon as I see him, I'll tell him.

Once you begin, you must continue.

The (very) moment/instant (that) I saw him, I recognized him.

On hearing the news, she bust into tears.

Hardly had I seen the light, when I heard a loud thundering.


I haven't seen him since I came here.

A friend is never know till/until a man have need.

12. 地点句型

1) 一般地点

Where have you been?

Where there is a will, there is a way.


Hebei lies in the east of China.

Japan is lies to the east of China.

The house faces (to) the south.

He is sitting at the front of the classroom

He is standing in front of/before me.

He is sitting at the back of/behind me.

He is sitting in the back of/at the rear of the classroom.

He is sitting next to/besides me.

He is sitting close to/near me.

At the top of/On top of the shelf, there are some books.

He is sitting on the left/right.

The mountain you see to the right is the Purple Mountain.


He didn't go to school because he was ill.

Since we are all here, let's begin our meeting.

It might rain yesterday, for the ground was wet.

Now (that) we have finished the work, we can go home.

I am glad to meet you.

I am sorry that I hear that.

Thank you for your help.

That is why he failed to come.

He didn't come because of/on account of the weather.

He went out of curiosity.

I succeeded thanks to his help.

This failure is due to the fact they lack experience.

Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled.

What are studying English for?

For what reason did you choose this?

What's the point of asking his to do that?

How come you never told me about it?

What with the wind and what with the rain, our walk was spoiled.


He stopped aside so that she could go in.

He sits in the front in order that he can see words clearly.

He gets up early so as to/in order to have time to do exercises.

He repeated it for fear that there should be any mistake.

15. 结果句型

It was very cold, so that the river froze.

They cost a lot of money, so/therefore we use them carefully.

He is such a good man that every one likes him.

He ran so fast that no one could catch him.

He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty.

I was caught in the rain. As a result, I had a bad cold.

16. 程度句型

How often do you write to your parents?

How long do you stay at home?

It is so beautiful that we all love it.

It is too big for you.

He is too excited to speak.

He is not old enough to know this.

The letter must be sent as soon as possible

You must work as hard as you can.

As far as I know, I can speak only English.

17. 让步句型

Though/Although he is rich, (yet/still) he doesn't show off.

Yang as he is, he know a lot of things.

Even if/though he succeeded, he was not proud.

No matter what you say, I'll still try to do it.

Keep calm, whatever happens.

In spite of this, we must go ahead with our plans.

Regardless of all the difficulties, we'll fight it out to the end.

18. 转折句型

I searched everywhere but could not find him.

You may go, only return quickly.

He is seriously ill, still there is hope of his recovery.

It looked like rain, however it was clear in the afternoon.

He is still young, yet he is high up in the position.

He didn't tell me the truth, I know it, though.

19. 省略句

I think/say/suppose/expect/believe/hope so.

Why not come earlier next time?

1.一般现在式:do..例:He drinks a cup of coffee.
2.现在进行式:be doing例:I am drink a cup of coffee.
3.一般将来式的肯定句:will do 例:I will drink a cup of tea .4.否定句:will not do =won't do 例:I won't drink a cup of coffee.
5.一般疑问句:助动词(do ,does,did+sb+do sth+?)例:Do you drink a cup of tea?
where 哪儿(地方)
which 那个
who 谁
how 怎么
why 为什么 +一般疑问句.例:What time did he drink a cup of tea?.............


1:给他一个茶杯。Giving him a teacup 2:哪个盒子是空的?Which box is empty?3:哪把刀子是锋利的?which knife is sharp?4:这个瓶子是满的。It is full of this bottle.5:哪顶帽子是埃玛的?(埃玛的英文:Emma)Which hat is belongs to Emma?6:那个旧茶杯是脏的。That old teacup...

01.Do you have your breakfast at home?是的,通常早上在家吃面条,偶尔吃些其它的。Yes, I do.I usually have noodles at home in the morning and occasionally something else.02.Who cooks the meals in your family?通常是我的母亲在家做饭,但我的父亲偶尔也会做饭。My mother usually d...

1.I want to make friends___ in china to learn chinese.2.please write to me soon___ thank you Jack Smith 动词填空 spend be wait call have like 1.hurry up.everybody ___is waiting___ for you 2.hai men __was___ out when i called her 3.it's six in...

1. I will call you as soon as I__B__ the ticket to the football watch A. will get B. get C. got D. am getting解析:在主从复合句中:如果是条件状语从句,时间状语 的话,记住一个规律“主将从现”意思,主句的时态用一般将来是,从句用一般现在时态表示将来;因此答案为B...

pass these gifts.3.你能给我看看你的新书包吗?can you show your new bag to me?can you show me your new bag?4.那个男孩每天都给他奶奶读报纸。That boy reads newspaper to grandma every day.5.小明的妈妈给他买了解些新书。xiao ming is mother has bought him some new books....

1 B ( 序数词用a 表示‘ 又,再)2 D ( WORK 是不可数名词)3 B 分数的表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1,分母加S,另外EARTH 是不可数,故动词用单数is 4 A 复数名词的所有格 5 B 形容词修饰不定代词要后置 6 A ( 因为STUDENTS 是复数)祝你寒假快乐,学习进步!

经典英语脑筋急转弯 1. Why are girls afraid of the letter C? calorie 1.Because it makes fat fact!2. Why is the letter E so important? 2. Because it's the begining of everything!3. Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other? 3. Because...

1)结构分析:这是主从复合句 主句:The way showed his ability 该方法显示了它的能力 同位语从句:(that省略)he had the problem settled 即他使得问题被解决的方法 2)选项解析:动词过去式 settled 是同位语从句的谓语动词;动词过去式 showed 是主句的谓语动词;如果用现在分词 showing,则主句缺...

1.We are in Class Five,Grande Seven.We are not in Class Five,Grande Seven.Are we in Class Five,Grande Seven. ——yes,we are\/No we aren't 2.He has long hair.He not has long hair.Dose he have long hair.——yes,he has\/No he haven't 3.Lucy and lily hace big ...

1、I think she has to go now,(doesn't she)?解释:疑问句的主谓跟宾语从句的一致,此处是前肯后否。单项选择 2、Did you hear (B. what I said)?解释:宾语从句,用陈述语序,而且时态也要统一为过去时。3、He is sure (of) his answer to the question.解释:be sure of,对…...

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弓枯欣圣: 1.This is not Emma's skirt. Is this Emma's skirt?2.Those are not sales reps. Are those sales reps?3.Tim is not French. Is Tim French?4.His friend is not an engineer. Is his frien...

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弓枯欣圣: 1、—can you____me your MP4 for listening to music? —Certainly,but you mustn't ____it to others. A.borrow;borrow B.lend;lend C.borrow;lend D.lend;borrow2、Linlin was sad to fail the exam.And the rainy weather made her___. A.bluer B.a joy C....

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弓枯欣圣: 1.---Excuse me.Are these your shoes? ---Yes. A:What B:Why C:Yes D:Bye 2. ---That's a nice kite!Do you_OK.Thanks. A:like it B:think that C:want to go D:f...

柳州市17350891653: 一些英语题 -
弓枯欣圣: 1.These are our books.(These books are ours )2.This is her red coat.(This red coat is hers)3.Are these your pens?(These pens are mine )4.Is that his bike?(That bike is his)5.Those are their boxes.(Those boxes are theirs)6.Whose shirt is this?(这个没法改......)

柳州市17350891653: 一些英语题...急
弓枯欣圣: 1.Come have 4. follows 7. was seen to come

柳州市17350891653: 一些英语题啊
弓枯欣圣: 1. How are you? 2. What's wrong with you? 3. How do you feel? 4. How many traffic lights in a country? 5. How many students are there in your classroom? 6. How many brothers do you have? 7. How many note-books in your bag? 8. How much is the shirt? 9. How long is your hair? 10. How long are your legs?

柳州市17350891653: 一些英语题~~~~
弓枯欣圣: 1. to have a good rest 2. me think of 3. to have plenty of 4. difficult to talk with 5. to lend , from you 6. when to leave 7. when we will8. who he should

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