
作者&投稿:庞香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求一篇英语作文 The job I like 字数:80词
The job I like is being a teacher. I have always enjoyed sharing knowledge and helping others learn. Being a teacher allows me to inspire and guide students on their educational journey. It brings me joy to see the spark of understanding in their eyes when they grasp a new con...

急需英语作文the job i want to get in the future120个字
The ideal job first and foremost fun. If we do not do what is fun than why do it at all? That is not to say that life is all about having fun but rather to say that the ideal job needs to serve a inner purpose of contribution to society in some way. It does not m...

job的音标为英[dʒɒb],美[dʒɑːb]。job解析如下:一、单词读音:英式发音:[dʒɒb]美式发音:[dʒɑːb]二、单词释义:n. 工作,职业,任务,职责 v. 完成,做(工作)三、词形变化:复数:jobs 过去式:jobbed 过去分词:jobbed 现在分词:...

His present job seemed to be a blind alley.他现在的职业看来没什么前途。Why are you out of job for such a long time?你为何失业这么久?Bob and I were rivals for the job.鲍勃和我是这一职位的竞争者。It promised to be a difficult job.看来这是一项困难的任务。I've got various...

The job I like The doctor is my favourite job. It is a decent profession. The doctor never has to stay out under the hot sunshine, or in the cold wind. He always works in a clean room with air-conditioning. Sitting in the comfortable chair, he diagnoses the sick without...

I'm sure he is up to the job if only he would give his mind to...
能够胜任 我确定如果他决定做的话一定能够胜任这项工作。

5 I received a phone call from a man naming Mr.Wang.改为 named 6 I hear you do well on your studies.改为 do well in 7 I entered into his office with a beating heart.去掉 into 8 job-hunting talk 改为 job interview 9 And to my surprised And 改为 But 10 That he ...

it is no use doing what you like you have got to like what you do...
", but "how can I love the job I have?" Following are four practical steps towards coming to terms with why you do what you're doing. Take some time to think about it, and you might be surprised by what you find.Realize that your job does not define you, but how you...

work和job的区别 一、读音不同 job 英[dʒɒb] 美[dʒɑːb]work 英[wɜːk] 美[wɜːrk]二、释义不同 job n. 工作; 职业; 职位; (一项)任务; (一件)工作,活儿,事情; 责任; 职责; 犯罪行为(尤指偷窃); 东西; 作业,工作...

求一篇以growing up为主题的英文演讲稿。要求3分钟左右~高悬赏100分...
From the age of five, the memories I have are those of following my father around the yard watching wash the car and mow the lawn. My father would sometimes give me a small sponge so that i could help him wash the car and although the job I did was insignificant and most...

锺琬18755363031问: I like () one of the two books. A.the older B.oldest C.the oldest D.older 选什么,为什么? -
永泰县消眩回答: 答案是:A 当表示两者中的一个较... 时,用 the +比较级比如:the taller one of the twins is Lucy 双胞胎中较高的那个是 露西因此本题的答案是:the older 句子的意思是:我喜欢两本书中较旧的那本☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

锺琬18755363031问: t is+adj+for sb+to do sth和it is+of sb +to do sth有什么区别? -
永泰县消眩回答: t is+adj+for sb+to do sth和it is+of sb +to do sth的区别 is+adj+for sb+to do sth表示事物特征特点.It's very hard for him to study two subjects. 对他来说学两门科目是很难的. is+of sb +to do sth表示人物的性格.It's very nice of you to help me...

锺琬18755363031问: It's+adj.+of sb+to do sth是什么意思 -
永泰县消眩回答: 你好, It's+adj.+of sb+to do sth 是一种固定句型 表示:某人做某事怎么样 例如: It's kind of you to help me . 你能帮助我真是太好了. It's silly of him not to forgive others for their mistakes. 他不肯原谅别人的过错真是太傻了.

锺琬18755363031问: New+methods+make+the+job+easy.这是什么句 -
永泰县消眩回答: 答案是:这是一个简单句 ,New methods(主语) make (谓语)the job(宾语) easy(宾语补足语)

锺琬18755363031问: job后面要不要+ing -
永泰县消眩回答: 这是一个多义词 n. 职业; (一件) 工作; 职责; (作为一个单元处理的) 作业; vt. 承包; 代客买卖; vi. 做零工; 作包工; 打杂; [例句]Once I'm in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到工作.[其他] 第三人称单数:jobs 复数:jobs 现在分词:jobbing 过去式:jobbed过去分词:jobbed

锺琬18755363031问: 一段sql错误,请大家帮忙指正! -
永泰县消眩回答: sqlstr="select * from fabu_zw where ','+zhineng_job+',' like '%," 改成sqlstr="select * from fabu_zw where "+zhineng_job+" like '%(" sqlstr=sqlstr+zhin(i)+",%'" 改成sqlstr=sqlstr+zhin(i)+")%'" sqlstr=sqlstr+" or ','+zhineng_job+',' like '%," 改成sqlstr=sqlstr+" or "+zhineng_job+" like '%"

锺琬18755363031问: BEC学习中遇到问题.job - share should be like a marriage - one vice,one unit.
永泰县消眩回答: 单词写错了,应为: “one voice,one unit” 意思: 异口同声, 一个整体.(意即: 两人一条心, 合二为一)

锺琬18755363031问: 英语语法:It comes to+名词 该如何理解?一、It comes to the job.二、 When it comes to security.A:Why are you so whiny?B:It coms to the job.A:When it comes ... -
永泰县消眩回答:[答案] It comes to这个句型这样理 可加动名词doing 或名词,这个 to 是介词. When it comes to English talking,I'm all thumbs.谈到英语对话,我一窍不通. 一、It comes to the job.谈到工作,当然加job (名词) 二、 When it comes to security.谈到安全,也同样...

锺琬18755363031问: - ----+is+the+book++Robinson+Crusoe+like+A+What+B+How+选哪一个正确
永泰县消眩回答: 正确:A (作介词like的宾语.)

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