
作者&投稿:郯劳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

要一个很独特的英文名字 要有寓意的 越独特越好
Sapphire,源于拉丁文Spphins,意思是蓝色宝石;Emerald,起源于古波斯语,后演化成拉丁语Smaragdus,大约在公元 16世纪左右,成为今天英文名称,意思是祖母绿;Jadeite,是西班牙语Picdo de jade的简称,意思是翡翠;pal,源于拉丁文Opalus,意思是“集宝石之美于一身”,或来源于梵文 Upala,意思是“贵重的宝石...

OK的全称,准确来讲是词源,是Oll korrect=all correct。为什么会用两个错拼的词来构造首字母缩写呢?是因为当时流行一种搞笑的方式,就是把某个词组故意写成发音一样但拼写错误的词组,然后用这个错误词组的首字母缩写来代表本来的词组。类似的当时的例子,还有OW=oll wright=all right, KY=know yuse...

AN 晏 AP 鸭 AU \/ OW 区\/欧 B BALL 波 BAN 班 BAU 包\/鲍 BAY 湾 BEI 费 BIK 碧 BIN 卞\/扁\/边 BING 冰\/炳 BIU 标\/布 BO 宝 BOK 卜 BONG 邦 BOON 胖\/盘 BOOT 砵 BOR 播 BUI 贝 BUN 彬 BUT 毕\/拔 C CAU 沟 CHA 查\/柴\/差 CHAI 柴\/齐\/仔 CHAK 泽 CHAM 湛\/斩\/鉴 CHA...

导演\/编剧:山姆·雷米 Sam Raimi\/山姆·雷米 Sam Raimi 主演: 托贝·马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 托弗·戈瑞斯 Topher Grace 《蜘蛛侠3》的男主角仍然沿用1、2部的男主角,影星托比·马奎尔。托比·马奎尔因为在2002年科幻动作巨制《蜘蛛侠》(Spid...


谁给个狼队激活码啊! !!!
卡号18:to5GfxPN9IAx 卡号19:zQVzJbewLKQ2 卡号20:pYZOs8UDWRbH 卡号21:Tyqirg90pK19 卡号22:Hw5U01QMQmaV 卡号23:duTGUgKyWv0V 卡号24:fIClUdjQtNnk 卡号25:8lLHfIA40PLl 卡号26:yNSuhRKwY9sS 卡号27:EB1jn7sdX6TL 卡号28:9UydluqHk5gz 卡号29:SV9rB9taqIZx 卡号30:cntRRAih0d4U...

(英文)"聪颖,快乐的":SONIA的简写。如同名字所给的意思,SUNNY被视做聪颖快乐外向,令人喜爱,性感但有点没大脑,喜欢参加派对的女孩。 scalett.斯佳丽,乱世佳人女主角,很坚强美丽的女孩子 Carina卡瑞娜 Cathy凯茜 Chris克莉丝 Vanessa温妮莎 Nina尼娜 Wendy温蒂 (Gwendolyn,Wanda的昵称) Sandy桑迪 catherine 凯瑟琳 涵义...

91JciBQTnWUoItHRgeATluPq7dXK8u3TOXr5K0mk274tSDiAUooHC6pYUOHcis9aXF + sJ09ckMWDamp2xP9jItXSqItoZjDL8Py9YX3hjb72iobi + QciLbBOxhWWu5wDoRg9GEAvdwzZh9Y07 \/ S0bLzUqzu303ZK5OWXk \/ NMSAw + ATAIbcp + VU7FZpuhe2dub7OuE3jqcRPujXDEHagiBA6wMeWBCcbaFvjY4cqIxxtIxxRBSD1pSIo6bYHI3...


91JciBQTnWUoItHRgeATluPq7dXK8u3TOXr5K0mk274tSDiAUooHC6pYUOHcis9aXF sJ09ckMWDamp2xP9jItXSqItoZjDL8Py9YX3hjb72iobi QciLbBOxhWWu5wDoRg9GEAvdwzZh9Y07\/S0bLzUqzu303ZK5OWXk\/NMSAw ATAIbcp VU7FZpuhe2dub7OuE3jqcRPujXDEHagiBA6wMeWBCcbaFvjY4cqIxxtIxxRBSD1pSIo6bYHI3tKePVq rtVaA5qiU...

卓芳13180981302问: how to keep safe英语作文 -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] How to keep safe? As teenagers,we should always keep safety in mind.But how can we keep safe?Here are some of my suggestions. First,you have to be careful about the persons you want to make friends with especially online friends .Not everyone ...

卓芳13180981302问: 英语作文how to keep safe学生的安全教育现在受到了全社会的热切关注.作为一名初中生,请以“how to keep safe”为题,从校园安全、交通安全、饮食安全... -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] How to keep safeAs is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different aspects,that is,the safe in scho...

卓芳13180981302问: 以How to keep safe?为题写一篇60——70个英语单词的英语作文, -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] How to keep safeAs is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different aspects,that is,the safe in scho...

卓芳13180981302问: How to keep safe?1、50字左右2、内容不限,只要是关于怎样保持安全 -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] It's very important for us to keep safe on the road .We should obey the traffic rules.When the red light is on,we must stop and we are not allowed to go on walking.It's safe to cross the road when the light is green.When we want to cross the road,we'd etter ...

卓芳13180981302问: How to keep safe?.英语作文 -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] 由于不知道您提问的作文题目是哪个层次的,我先写一个高中层次的您看行吗? How to keep safe As is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different ...

卓芳13180981302问: how to keep safe英语作文 -
舞阳县喜炎回答: How to keep safe?As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions.First, you have to be careful about the persons you want to make friends with especially online friends . Not ...

卓芳13180981302问: howtostaysafe英语作文 -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案]How to keep safe As teenagers,we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe?Here are some of my suggestions.First,we should be careful when we make friends,especially on line.Second,if we are in danger, we must call the ...

卓芳13180981302问: 英语作文 How to keep safe -
舞阳县喜炎回答: How to keep safe As is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different aspects,that is,the safe in school,the safe in traffic and the safe in diet. Nowadays,...

卓芳13180981302问: 作文"How to keep safe on the road"怎么写?不用写出来,告诉我应该写什么就好了. -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] 需要分几段,有一个大的结构.你可以找几个要点,比如人自身的原因(注意看路况,开车要注意车距什么的),以及外界因素(比如天气),还要适当给一些建议,比如怎样才能预防在坏天气出门之类的,详略得当就行了.全文围绕”s...

卓芳13180981302问: How to keep safe初二英语作文(不少于70词)提示词:teenager(青少年)suggestions(建议)on line make friend with healthy dangerous food swim first -
舞阳县喜炎回答:[答案] Should students make friends on line ? Some people say yes.The internet helps make many friends.Chatting on line,... 而且一些学生在网上上当受骗. 我认为学生应该把他们的学习、健康和安全放在首位.至于友谊,我们可以很容易地在我们的同学...

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