
作者&投稿:招谢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

On a Friday night,a poor young violinist was playing his violin...
根据a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat 可知那位年轻人拉小提琴是为了赚钱,所以选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据He bought the lottery and won a ...

There was a small boy near it. He was looking at the beautiful red car. Then he looked up and saw Fred. "How do you get into that small car?" he asked him. Fred laughed and said, "I don't get into it. I put it on." 8 Mr and Mrs Yates had one daughter. Her name was ...

one day there was a blind
1.B;2.C;3.B;4.A;5.D; (1) 细节理解题。由文章首句“…there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench…”可知,这位盲人叫 John。 (2) 细节理解题。由第二段中“A creative publicist(广告员)named Tom was walking…”和“…turned it around and wrote ...

8.A 由同行可见“ Suddenly, a piece of cloth landed between Sally and me.”则得出,一块布也就是主人公的帽子落在了Sally和主人公之 间的位置上。4.B 由文中可见“Oh no! That was my favourite hat,’ I sighed. ‘It was a souvenir from Australia!"Marry说那是她最喜欢的帽...

Do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse there is a story in "Hanshu" telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and had a large collection. Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly. One ...

英语作文a big day out
bought some crap, I got a funky China-man’s hat, and then Tim and I lined up for the Mudvayne moshpit. Well, to say the least, we got in. it was the most insane experience of my life. Luckily I liked the band enough to be able to forgive the pack of hooligans th...

Thirteen, for me, was a challenging year. My parents divorced an...

put it on a hat和 wear a hat的区别
put on a hat “带上帽子”强调的是带帽子的动作 举例:He put on a hat when he saw me. 他看到我就带上了帽子。(强调他的动作)wear a hat“戴着帽子”形容的是带着帽子的状态 举例:I see him wear a hat. 我看到他戴着一顶帽子。(强调我看到他时他正戴着帽子这一状态,至于他动...

he has a black hat改为同义句
直到他来我才离开。二、His 1、含义:adj. 他的。2、用法:直接源自古英语的he,意为他的。He claims it was his idea.他声称这是他的主意。三、hat 1、含义:n. 帽子。2、用法:hat的基本意思是“帽子”,主要强调周边有檐的帽子,是可数名词。比喻指“乌纱帽”。She bought a hat yesterday...

发音不同的一个是 table 里 a 字母 。table n. ta - ble \/ ‘ tei - bl \/ 双音节 单词,与 lake , like , fine ... 它们都发字 母自己的名称音。lake \/ leik \/ like \/ laik \/ fine \/ fain \/ 而 hat 和 pants 就不同了,它们俩都是 属于闭音节词 ,两个元音字母 ...

况钥14716651447问: 英语it强调句型怎么用? -
曲松县肠舒回答: 一、it强调句型的构成:It+be+被强调部分+that(强调部分指人做主语时时用who,指人做宾语时用whom)+句子的其他部分.例如:Mary met an old beggar in the street yesterday.It was Mary who/that met an old beggar in the street yesterday.(...

况钥14716651447问: it is/was 引导的句型 -
曲松县肠舒回答: 1.It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如: It wasn't until he came back that I went to bed.直到他回来我才睡觉.(一定要注意被强调句型谓语动词否定的转移,及形式). It was because he was ill that he didn't come to school today...

况钥14716651447问: it was .....that 的强调句详解 -
曲松县肠舒回答: 7.用强调句型:“It be(注意时态)+被强调的部分+that/who+原句其它部分”来强调说话人的意愿. 被强调的部分为“人”时用who,为“物”时用that. It was on Monday night\in the room that all this happened. 所有这一切发生在周一晚上\那个小屋中. It's me who he blamed.他怪的是我. 注意:被强调部分不能是谓语.

况钥14716651447问: 英语中的强调句的用法 -
曲松县肠舒回答: 强调句型的构成是:It is (was) + 被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子的其他成分.被强调的部分放在 It is (was) 之后,其它部分置于that之后.被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语.强调的主语如果是人,可以由who代替that. 1. 被强调的成分举...

况钥14716651447问: that引导的主语从句(it做形式主语)和强调句(It+was/is+who/whom/that)的 -
曲松县肠舒回答: 强调句可以强调句子中除谓语外的任何部分,并且去掉(It+was/is+who/whom/that)这个结构后句子仍能成立.例:All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.(强调all the members) It was all the members that held a meeting in the ...

况钥14716651447问: that引导的主语从句(it做形式主语)和强调句(It+was/is+who/whom/that)的怎么来区分,有哪些区别!最好举一些实例! -
曲松县肠舒回答:[答案] 强调句可以强调句子中除谓语外的任何部分,并且去掉(It+was/is+who/whom/that)这个结构后句子仍能成立.例:All the members held a meeting in the club yesterday.(强调all the members) It was all the members th...

况钥14716651447问: 英语强调句,要五句,谢谢 -
曲松县肠舒回答: Last night I saw a film in the Youth Palace.强调主语:It was I that / who saw a film in the Youth Palace last night.强调宾语:It was a film that I saw in the Youth Palace last night.强调地点状语:It was in the Youth Palace that I saw a film last night....

况钥14716651447问: 英语强调句的用法与技巧 -
曲松县肠舒回答:强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,下面简单归纳它的几种结构:1.用助动词“do(does/did)+动词原形”来表示强调: He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方. Do write to me when you get ...

况钥14716651447问: 关于It的六种基本句型和例句 -
曲松县肠舒回答:[答案]1. 陈述句的强调句,强调陈述句中的某个成分. 为了强调句子中的有些成分,要用强调结构It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+其他部分.被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语、状语,但不能是定语表语和谓语.这种类型的强调句主要注意一下几个方面: 1)...

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