
作者&投稿:永郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. saying 因without后加动名词
2. tricks, 要复数形式,固定说法
3. scratching, 现在进行时
4. connected, 被动语态, 应为cable本身不会互相连接,所以要用被动语态

B.some,glasses of orange

1.B 见文章第一段“ went hiking with my friends, Sally and Tom, in Sai Kung. We wanted to celebrate Tom’s birthday.”

6.C 见文章第五段“I’m sorry but I can’t reach your hat. I’m too heavy for the branches. This is the highest I can go.’”汤姆说他太重,树枝承受不住他的重量,所以他没有办法继续往高处爬。

2.A 文章一开头"Mary’s diary entry"就已经交待出本篇故事的主人公是Mary

7.A starving 有饥饿的意思

3.C sail 有飞起的意思 则C。fly up -- 飞起 复合
drop down --坠落,掉落
fall off --数量减少;势力、地位等降低;脱离

8.A 由同行可见“ Suddenly, a piece of cloth landed between Sally
and me.”则得出,一块布也就是主人公的帽子落在了Sally和主人公之

4.B 由文中可见“Oh no! That was my favourite hat,’ I sighed. ‘It
was a souvenir from Australia!"Marry说那是她最喜欢的帽子,而且

9.B boomerang--n.回力棒;自作自受 vi.回到原处;自作自受

5.A 由文章上下文联系来看可知,汤姆是在借助篱笆爬树。“There was a
fence beside the tree. Tom climbed up it and then swung himself
over one of the tree’s branches. Carefully, he began to climb
up the tree. ” fence--篱笆

10.C 文章末尾提及,切合主题 “It must be a boomerang hat!’ laughed
Tom. ‘It came back to you!’

1 Mary went hiking with her friends because … ( )B
A it was a sunny day.
B it was Tom’s birthday.
C they like hiking in Sai Kung.

6 Tom was unable to get the hat back because … ( )C
A the branches were too heavy.
B he was scared of heights.
C he could not climb higher up.

2 In line 4, ‘mine’ refers to …( )A
A Mary’s hat.
B Sally’s hat.
C Tom’s hat.

7 In line 13, ‘starving’ means very …( )A
A hungry.
B tired.
C thirsty.

3 In line 5, ‘sailed’ means …( ) C
A dropped down.
B fell off.
C flew up.

8 According to lines 14–15, the hat landed … ( )A
A beside Mary.
B next to Sally’s hat.
C on a piece of cloth.

4 The hat was important to Mary because …( )C
A it was a birthday present.
B she liked it very much.
C she liked Australian souvenirs.

9 From the story, we can tell that a ‘boomerang’ is something that … ( )B
A drops down from trees.
B comes back when you throw it.
C protects us from strong sunshine.

5 In line 8, ‘it’ refers to the …( )A
A fence.
B hat.
C tree.

10 A suitable title for the diary entry is …( )C
A Tom’s birthday.
B Hiking in Sai Kung.
C My boomerang hat.

One是一个英文单词,是名词、代词、限定词、形容词、数词。名词时翻译为“一;一美元纸币;(One) (印、马、美)温(人名)”。做代词时翻译为“一个人;任何人,人们(表泛指);那个人;(特指的)那种人”。做限定词时翻译为“一个(强调某人或某事);一个(用于比较相似的人或物);某个...

一:基数词:one 序数词:first

一的英语:one。拓展:一到十的英语单词怎么读?如下:1、数字一:单词:one,音标:英[wʌn]2、数字二:单词:two,音标:英 [tu:]3、数字三:单词:three,音标:英 [θri:]4、数字四:单词:four,音标:英 [fɔ:(r)]5、数字五:单词:five,音标:英 [faɪv]6、数...

2英语读作 :two 3英语读作 :three 4英语读作 :four 5英语读作 :five 6英语读作 :six 7英语读作 :seven 8英语读作 :eight 9英语读作 :nine 10英语读作 :ten 11英语读作 :eleven 12英语读作 :twelve 13英语读作 :thirteen 14英语读作 :fourteen 15英语读作 :fifteen 16英语...

1到100的英语单词的读法如下:1—15 1、one:wʌn。2、two:tu:。3、three:θri:。4、four:fɔ:,fəur。5、five:faiv。6、six:siks。7、seven:'sevn,'sevən。8、eight:eit。9、nine:nain。10、ten:ten。11、eleven:i'levn,i'levən。12、...

用英语写1到15的单词是: 1、one 2、o 3、three 4、four 5、five 6、six 7、seven 8、eight 9、nine 10、ten 11、eleven 12、elve 13、thirteen 14、fourteen 15、fifteen 拓展资料 one 1. I have $100m hidden away where no one will ever find it. 我把1亿美元藏到了一个永远没人会找...


第一英语first,读音:英 [fɜːst] 美 [fɜːrst] 第二英语second,读音:英 ['sekənd] 美 ['sekənd] 第三英语third,读音:英 [θɜːd] 美 [θɜːrd] 第四英语fourth,读音:英 [fɔːθ] 美 [fɔːrθ] 第五英语fifth,读音:英 [fɪfθ] 美 [fɪfθ] 第六...

序数词:第1 first 1st 第2 second 2nd 第3 third 3rd 第4 fourth 4th 第5 fifth 5th 第6 sixth 6th 第7 seventh 7th 第8 eighth 8th 第9 ninth 9th 第10 tenth 10th 第11 eleventh 11th 第12 twelfth 12th 第13 thirteenth 13th 第...


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云龙县15149867923: 初一英语怎么预习 -
崇重利必:[答案] 首先找老师或者哥哥姐姐小先教你一些基本的英语知识,然后自己根据图片和书上的知识,结合新单词,自己慢慢理解,不会的地方注明,第二天上课时自己特别注重这种不了解的地方,这样进步会很大

云龙县15149867923: 初一英语 -
崇重利必: women touriststoldcrosson the other sidehurriedsawstaringafraid/

云龙县15149867923: 初一英语 -
崇重利必: 1. How long from to2. help with3. does her homework4. ride bike to此题若仍有疑问,欢迎追问!

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