
作者&投稿:逄叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. as busy as a bee.忙碌至极 2. as merry as a cricket\/grig.非常高兴;非常快活。(cricket蟋蟀)3. as slippery as an eel.油滑;不可靠。(ell是一种油滑的鱼类)4. at one fell swoop.一举;一下子;刹那之间。5. beard the lion 捋虎须;奋勇还击;在太岁头上动土。6. bell the ...

耿解13781579310问: tellastory/joke/ile或tell sbto do sth怎样造句 -
绥宁县塞奇回答: 1. tell a story 讲故事 If you tell a story, you'd better tell it to the full.讲故事最好别掐头去尾.2. tell a joke 讲笑话 The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice.主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话.3. tell a lie 说谎 You should not tell a lie and say ...

耿解13781579310问: 给某人讲故事用英语怎么说 -
绥宁县塞奇回答:[答案] tell sb.a story = tell a story to sb.

耿解13781579310问: tell sth. to sb. 和tell sb. about sth的区别 -
绥宁县塞奇回答: tell sth. to sb. 和tell sb. about sth 前者是双宾语结构:tell sb.sth. 其中把直接宾语sth.提前就要加介词,变成tell sth, to sb.意思是“告诉某人某事”或“吧某事告诉某人”;后者是“告诉某人关于某事”意思根本不同. 比如:: tell ua a story= Tell a story to us.给我们讲个故事.Tell us about your story. Tell us something about yourself. 告诉我们关于你的故事.告诉我们关于你自己的故事

耿解13781579310问: tell the story - ___us.to还是for? -
绥宁县塞奇回答:[答案] tell the story【 to】us. 因为tell sb sth= tell sth to sb

耿解13781579310问: tellsthtoSb造句 -
绥宁县塞奇回答: My mother tell this things to me 我的妈妈告诉我这件事 He can't tell it to his sister. 他不能告诉他姐姐这件事. 随便造句就可以了,非常简单的,这几个都是自己编出来的.

耿解13781579310问: tell the story - ---us. to还是for?? -
绥宁县塞奇回答: tell a story to sb给某人讲故事

耿解13781579310问: 真的有tell sth to sb这种搭配吗?!请高手解释啊!!! -
绥宁县塞奇回答: tell sb sth和give sb sth结构都一样, 都是接的双宾语如果sb sth 之间有逻辑上的主谓关系,那便是【复合宾语】, 可这两个都没有 如: We call him Jack. (He is Jack) 复合宾语 We elected him monitor. (He was monitor)复合宾语 I think him a clever boy. (He is a clever boy)复合宾语

耿解13781579310问: tell a story to 还 for -
绥宁县塞奇回答: tell sb a story=tell a story to sb:给某人讲故事

耿解13781579310问: Tell me a story.这样表达没错吧,是不是也可以说 Tell a story to me. -
绥宁县塞奇回答:[答案] 对的 ,可接双宾语的词 tell sb.sth=tell sth to sb.

耿解13781579310问: tell to sb·对吗? -
绥宁县塞奇回答: 要说tell sth to sb=tell sb sth 如:Don't tell the truth to him.=Don't tell him the truth 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^zd__^*)】

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