
作者&投稿:生钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

sequence的意思:n. [数][计] 序列;顺序;续发事件;vt. 按顺序排好。读音:英 [ˈsiːkwəns] ;美 [ˈsiːkwəns]短语 main sequence 主序星 ; [天] 主星序 ; [天] 主序 ; 主序带 Fibonacci sequence 斐波那契数列 ; 斐波纳契数列 ; 斐波那契序列 ...

sequent 英['si:kwənt] 美['si:kwənt]adj. 接续而来的;[例句]This article elaborates on four sequent tactics in improving college students'academic motivation.文章系统阐述了激发大学生学习动机的四个连贯的策略。

sequence的意思是: 顺序;连续 一、读音:英 ['siːkwəns]     美 ['siːkwəns]二、意思是:依次排列,(把...)按顺序排好,整理好 测定...序列,确定…的化学结构序列 三、例句:1、Please sequence the names in alphabetical order.请按字母顺序排列好名单。

In sequent toil all forwards do contend, Nativity, once in the main of light, Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crowned, Crooked eclipses against his glory fight, And time that gave doth now his gift confound. Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth And delves the parallels in beaut...

您好!衣服上不慎沾到发泡污渍,越快清洗越好,顽固污渍长时间的停留,更难以洗净,建议采用以下方法尝试淡化、去除污渍:1、衣服干的时候,用手洗专用洗衣液原液涂抹在污渍处,完全覆盖污渍,静置5分钟后(可轻轻搓洗),加入洗衣液常规洗涤;2、如经过上述方法污渍仍无法去除,则 (1)纯白色的棉、麻...

要求如下,写篇英语作文。 1:今天,越来越多的人对音乐感兴趣,人们非常重 ...
Nowadays,more and more people are grtting interested in music,and valued to it.So in cinsequent,people begin to enjoy music a lot,and karaoke becomes a common way for they to entertain.Because singing is really a good way to relax or entertain ourselves.On the other hand, ...

Informix Dynamic Server 7.31.UD8 (SEQUENT)Informix Dynamic Server 7.31.UD8 (SGI 32)Informix Dynamic Server 7.31.UD8 (SOLARIS, 32-BIT)Informix Dynamic Server 7.31.FD8 (SOLARIS, 64-BIT)Informix Dynamic Server 7.31.FD8 (HP, 64-bit)Informix Dynamic Server 7.31.UD7 (SCO)In...


consequent divide 顺向分水岭 consequent drainage 顺向水系 consequent pole 【物】庶极 His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work.他因病缺席很久, 耽误了很多课程。习惯用语 be consequent on 因...而引起的, 随...而发生的, 是...的后果 be consequent upon...

In sequent toil all forwards do contend. Nativity once in the main of light Crawls to maturity wherewith being crown'd Crooked elipses 'gainst his glory fight And Time that gave doth now his t confound. Time doth trfix the flourish set on youth And delves the parallels in ...

务毅18240584955问: consequently是什么意思 -
和田市利欣回答: consequently 英[ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli] 美[ˈkɑ:nsəkwentli] adv. 所以,因此; 因此,因而; 终于,这样; 合乎逻辑的推论是; [网络] 结果; 所以; 于是; [例句]They often dont want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. 他们通常不想冒犯别人,所以开始会使用一些特定的表达来缓和接下来的内容. [其他] 形近词: subsequently consequences consequence

务毅18240584955问: consequently意思 -
和田市利欣回答: consequently 英音:['kɔnsikwentli] 美音:['kɑnsə,kwɛntlɪ] 词典解释 consequently副词 ad.1. 结果,因此,必然地

务毅18240584955问: consequently可以用在开头吗
和田市利欣回答: 可以用在开头,例如:1、Consequently, we should have no problem reaching our goals this year.因此,我们达成今年的目标应该没有问题.2、Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points.结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点.

务毅18240584955问: 怎样记住consequently是因此、所以的意思?如题 -
和田市利欣回答:[答案] cons 和cause 发音类似.cause是原因,引起的意思.所以它就是之后的结果了.当然.这种记法的目的是不要和sequently 顺序.混淆

务毅18240584955问: 英语造句,来看下哦用consequently造句并翻译,解释下什么意思?谢谢了 -
和田市利欣回答:[答案] Consequently you can reveal any lie.因此你能揭穿任何谎言.bbs.77169.comConsequently,though they read,they cannot digest .所以虽然读了,但是消化不了 can consequently not form part of other program sequences.蠕虫因此并...

务毅18240584955问: consequencetly什么意思中文翻译 -
和田市利欣回答: consequently 英[ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli]美[ˈkɑ:nsəkwentli] adv. 所以,因此; 因此,因而; 终于,这样; 合乎逻辑的结果; 所以; 于是 例句:They often dont want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain ...

务毅18240584955问: consequent 与 consequently两者的区别和例句. -
和田市利欣回答:[答案] 第一个是形容词“作为结果的,随之发生的”;第二个是副词“从而,因此”

务毅18240584955问: consequently 可以用在句首吗,若可以需要用逗号隔开吗? -
和田市利欣回答:[答案] 可以用在句首,不需要逗号搁开. Mr Foster has never been to China.Consequently he knows very little about it. 福斯特先生从未去过中国,所以对中国了解得很少.

务毅18240584955问: consequently有连词词性吗?
和田市利欣回答: consequently [`kɑnsəˌkwZntlI; ˋkɒnsikwəntli] 副词 (无比较级、最高级)因此,所以

务毅18240584955问: 英语语法Consequently后面跟消极结果,那therefore后面也是跟消极结果吗?Consequently和therefore一样意思吗?Consequently与therefore有没有区别? -
和田市利欣回答:[答案] therefore后面积极或消极的结果都可以接.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

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