
作者&投稿:郗涛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

go see a movie with his friend. Here is another example: Second Example: I want to change my major to biology but before I can do that I need to get some prerequisites out of the way. Meaning: The speaker can’t (isn’t allowed to) change his major until he pletes ...

This is all topped off by a really long and protracted moment where the camera lovingly dotes on Mel Gibson as he is taken to a platform to be tortured. It's the kind of moment that makes preschoolers point to the screen and say, "Christ figure! Christ figure!" Either that or: "...

He got in after a special test.经过一次特殊测试后,他被接受入学。《21世纪大英汉词典》We must run a test before beginning to operate a new machine.在开始使用一台新机器前必须先进行一次试验。《21世纪大英汉词典》His work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on...

2. 语言知识:一般现在时是英语中常见的一种简单时态,主要用来表示现阶段经常、反复、习惯做的动作或行为,也常常用来描述客观事实。大多数情况下,一般现在时句子的句子中谓语动词使用动词原形形式,但当主语为第三人称单数主格人称代词he,she,it或者与之功能相当的名词时,谓语动词词尾必须改为词尾加–...

写作思路:英语作文介绍英语老师,可以从老师的外貌,性格,上课等内容描写。正文如下:My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman.我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,她是一个善良的人。She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth.她有两只大大的眼睛,...

9.I can no longer out uo with his way; he always treats me as a child.我对他已忍无可忍,他总是把我当孩子看待。10.The wimen's club has ebabked Lin,a foreugn company empletes who used to pay little attention to her appearance, to improve her dress style and become ...


During the 30mimutes he started and stopped,he bent and staighten...
在这30分钟里 他稍向前行 又马上停止 他弯下腰看看水面 又重新站直 与那阻止他前行的恐惧做着激烈的斗争

He been put the bird in the cage. They been joined the army. 三、黑人英语在拼写和词汇上的变异 美国黑人英语在拼写和词汇上的变异特征主要体现在以下两个方面: 1. 我们可发现,美国黑人英语在拼写方面真实地反映了他们的发音。本文的第一节已经讨论了黑人发音上的特征,这种特征在某种程度上也体现在拼...

he lost his new pen two minutes ago 对he提问怎么写?
一、解析 首先划线提问是 Who lost his new pen two minutes ago ?句意:是谁两分钟之前丢失了他的钢笔?二、划线提问具体思路如下 第一步,划线提问划线内容去掉。第二步,确定特殊疑问词画什么问什么,画的是He(他)问的是“是谁,即 Who。第三步,划线部分如果在谓语动词前面剩下...

禾文13865733851问: 在雅典的政治体系中,五百人议事会是怎样产生的 -
泰山区盐酸回答:[答案] 五百人会议又译作五百人议事会,是古希腊城邦雅典的民主政制的核心,他的职责是落实公民大会的决策,是一个总司一切... medimnoi阶级pentakosiomedimnoi、骑士阶级hippies、有轭牲阶级zeugitai的成员才可参选,雇工阶级thetes 是被排除出外...

禾文13865733851问: ______the tescher 's help ,Jane has kept us - ____ - the class. -
泰山区盐酸回答:[选项] A. Under ,of B. With ,of C. Under ,with D. With ,with

禾文13865733851问: 圣诞节的由来中英文? -
泰山区盐酸回答: December 25th is Christmas Day.Christmas is an important and popular festival in many western countries.Before Christmas people buy Christmas trees and decorate them.Christmas tree...

禾文13865733851问: 梭伦改革中的四百人议事会不是前三个等级公民均可入选吗?那克利斯提尼改革中的五百人议事会呢?也是吗? -
泰山区盐酸回答: 应该也是,因为直到伯利克里改革时,所有公民可以担任几乎一切职位,所以我觉得克里斯提尼那时候还不行.

禾文13865733851问: - some student, the tescher entered the hall -
泰山区盐酸回答: 应该是分词结构,比如说:Having talked with some students at the gate, the tescher entered the hall.或者是动名词结构:Before talking with some students waiting seated there, the tescher entered the hall.或者就是介词结构:( Together / along ) with some students, the tescher entered the hall.

禾文13865733851问: Both he and I are satisfied with the tesvlt.什么意思? -
泰山区盐酸回答: 我和他都对结果(楼主是不是打错了)满意 你看 那就是结果了

禾文13865733851问: 《上古卷轴》系列是哪个游戏公司出品的 -
泰山区盐酸回答: 上古卷轴(The Elder Scrolls,简称 TES)是由Bethesda制作的史诗性奇幻风格RPG,自1994年上市的“Arena”开始,截止2011年11月,已有五代游戏.本系列游戏于一个架空世界名叫Nirn的星球上,目前故事焦点皆在该星球上,一个叫Temriel的帝国所发生的历史事件.本系列游戏强调极大的自由度,以完整的架空世界,丰富的世界设定,在众多角色扮演游戏里,独具一格,历代游戏皆获奖无数,备受肯定.

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