
作者&投稿:只卷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


At the same time the number of tamping sleeper, divided into single pillow tamping machine (08-16-), double pillow tamping machine (08-32 tamper-type vehicles), four pillow tamping machine.By operating targets, divided into line tamping machine (08-32-), the turnout tamping machi...

stamping, attention shall not be used in concrete, watering after the application of vibration pump tamping solid, concrete secondary watering completely solidified, and then one by one inspection fastening nut.7

问题一:地基工程中的强夯是什么意思 一种地供处理方法 用一定重量的锤从一定高度落下,击打地基土,以达到增加地基土承载力,一般处理大面积厚填土场地较多用 问题二:强夯法的定义 强夯法【dynamic consolidation】【Heavy Tamping】指的是为提高软弱地基的承载力,用重锤自一定高度下落夯击土层使地基...

〖ram;tamping;earthpounding〗用夯把地砸密实 打号子 dǎhàozi 〖singaworksongtosynchronicemovementswithonepersonleading〗为共同用力而喊号子 打黑枪 dǎhēiqiāng 〖makeasniper'sshot,firefrombehind〗乘人不备在暗中打枪害人;比喻乘人不备在暗中攻击伤害别人 打哼哼 dǎhēngheng 〖groanandmoan〗因病痛而...

Your graduation today solidifies your acceptance into one of the finest law enforcement agencies in our nation . 中西部和 东北地区加快开放开发,积极 承接产业转移,发展基础不断 夯实; We have opened up and developed faster in central-west and north -east areas , changing the industri...

to the digestion time and deal with the seams.Learn through the construction of this article is the actual construction plays an important role in guiding the construction documents.Key words: construction organization design, design drawings, tamping experiments, maximum dry density ...

Paving lower after the high-frequency impact to the isolation of ramming floor sprinkler, paving the asphalt mixture to the surrounding after the first intermediate, formed no signs of consolidating 3-4 times, should overlap with neighboring solidify the half-tamping宽度.10, the upper ...

设计图纸是设计院针对对本工程设计出来的结构体系,并制作成图纸,此图纸即叫设计图纸 一般的情况下,对于回填土工程,为了达到土方回填最大的密实程度要做击实试验,测定最佳含水率、最大干密度。不管怎样,回填土达不到原来自然土的压实程度,设计对回填土承载有个要求,就是回填压实程度,一般百分之...


柘沾19353428290问: 冲压圆模用英语怎么说 -
临江市胱氨回答: 冲压圆模_有道翻译 翻译结果:Stamping dies stamping_有道词典 stamping 英 ['stæmpɪŋ] 美 ['stæmpɪŋ] n. 冲击制品 v. 冲压 更多释义>> [网络短语] stamping 冲压,压模,印花 stamping press 冲压机,打印机,压印机 Stamping parts 冲压机 详细用法>>

柘沾19353428290问: 翻译学位证书钢印怎么翻译? -
临江市胱氨回答: 你好!Diploma Seal 希望对你有所帮助,望采纳.

柘沾19353428290问: what is a stamp?翻译 -
临江市胱氨回答: what is a stamp 什么是邮票 stamp 英[stæmp] 美[stæmp] n. 邮票; 标志,印记; 跺脚; 特征; vt. 标记; 盖章于…; 贴邮票于…; 用脚踩踏; vi. 捣碎; 跺脚; [网络] 图章; 印章; 士担; [例句]It's FREEPOST, so there's no need for a stamp.这是免费邮寄,不用贴邮票.[其他] 第三人称单数:stamps 复数:stamps 现在分词:stamping 过去式:stamped 过去分词:stamped

柘沾19353428290问: hot stamping是什么意思 -
临江市胱氨回答: hot stamping烫印;烫金;热转印;热冲压Hot Stamping, Indent Marking, Foils , Numbering Heads, Heat Transfer Heat Exchangers. 采购产品烫印,缩进标记,箔,号码头,传热换热器.很高兴...

柘沾19353428290问: 冲压的英文,冲压的翻译,怎么用英语翻译冲压,冲压用 -
临江市胱氨回答: 冲压: [机]punching press punching pressing stamping punch 例句:This machine can punch out 2000coins a day.这台机器一天能冲压出2000枚硬币 冲压用:Stamping with 例句:It looks like milk,and it is nontoxic,but press working ,not refreshment,is its purpose.它像牛奶,而且无毒,不过它不是饮料而是冲压用的 望采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

柘沾19353428290问: 五金件的专业英语翻译 -
临江市胱氨回答: 螺丝:screw 螺母:nut 车件:wooden parts 冲压件:stamping 拉钉:blind rivet

柘沾19353428290问: 冲压件制品用英语怎么说 -
临江市胱氨回答: 冲压件制品的英文翻译_百度翻译 冲压件制品 Stamping parts products

柘沾19353428290问: 冲压、车身、油漆、总装四大车间英语怎么说 -
临江市胱氨回答: 冲压、车身、油漆、总装四大车间 英文翻译 Stamping, car body, painting, assembly, four major workshops

柘沾19353428290问: 冲压模具设计与制造用英语怎么翻译 -
临江市胱氨回答: 冲压模具设计与制造应翻成:The design and manufacturing of stamping dies 翻译中首先翻设计与制造,然后再翻冲压模具.冲压模具在英文里有几种翻法:dies;Stamping die; Stamping tool; Stamping dies光是翻die或dies容易混淆,因为die是模子的总称,拉丝模,挤塑模都可以用die,所以还是翻成stamping die比较好,但在整篇文章中,多次出现的话就简化用die也可以.

柘沾19353428290问: 翻译单词~~1.烫金的效果2.仿漆皮3.礼盒4.经营各种档次的礼
临江市胱氨回答: 1.烫金的效果 stamping effect 2.仿漆皮 imitating wax-leather 3.礼盒 gift-box 4.经营各种档次的礼品 deal in the gifts of different classes 5.请放心 you may rest assure that

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