
作者&投稿:佐戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我要一篇两分钟的英语演讲稿,关于My dream的。我的梦想是当医生。原创...
I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. She answered with a smile, “Yes I am s ometimes very tired but seeing my patients getting better and better makes me happy from the bottom of my heart.” As I grow up, I gradually come to understand her words...

英语作文:My dram job (写当老师) 不要百度
Slowly, I bega n to fall in love with love from teachers, teacher that line of work. I want to bec ome a glorious teachers. The teacher to teach students knowledge, teach stude nts the truth in life, to encourage the st udents to grow, so many stars, profess ors, expert...

骆娅15960143134问: some of 作主语谓语用单数还是复数?后面加人称代词的主格还是宾格 ?some of the student通吗? -
汝城县山梨回答: 1、some of 作主语,谓语动词的单复数取决于【some所指代的对象】:指代可数名词时,谓语动词用复数;指代不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数.类似用法有:part,half,rest,all 等.可以参考英语语法书【主谓一致】部分,都有解释.例如:...

骆娅15960143134问: 英语定语从句:some students who want to learn skills from electives. 这句语法上有错误,出现在哪里?为啥呀!??求教,鞠躬!
汝城县山梨回答: 这句原句应该是Some students want to learn skills from electives,某些学生想通过选修课学习技能.改为定语从句:These are the students who/that want to learn skills from electives,一些学生,是哪些学生呢?想通过选修课学习技能的学生....

骆娅15960143134问: some of +名词 some +名词 -
汝城县山梨回答: some of +名词 中这个”名词“是特指的群体,some of +名词表示这个群体中的一些,比如说some of the cars 指那些车中的一些 some +名词 中这个名词是泛指,比如说some people

骆娅15960143134问: 英语问题 -
汝城县山梨回答: 这个不是条件状语从句 你把这个句子的结构分错了 1)首先 some students (who do not do well enough in school) 这里是定语从句 who... 后面的用来修饰 some students 2)现在看整体结构...

骆娅15960143134问: 不定代词作主语如some of the student中of与some的关系是什么 -
汝城县山梨回答: some of the student主语是student some是定语 some are students some是主语 不定代词some可以代替名词和形容词,常用在肯定句中作主语、宾语、定语等.作定语时,它可以修饰可数名词(单、复数皆可)和不可数名词.例如: ??some are doctors,some are nurses.有些人是医生,有些人是护士.(作主语)

骆娅15960143134问: Some of the students were late for the meeting, but I can't remember - ---. -
汝城县山梨回答: Some of the students were late for the meeting, but I can't remember____. A. what B.when C. which D.whom 正确答案:【D】 解析:本题根据题目意思就可以判断答案.本题意思是:有些同学开会迟到了,但是我记不得是谁了.用who(谁)的宾语形式whom. 请采纳,谢谢您~

骆娅15960143134问: some students 和 some of the student的区别 -
汝城县山梨回答: some students 这个只是指一些学生 some of the students 这个也是指一些学生,不过是特指那些学生中的一些学生

骆娅15960143134问: Some students lacking self - discipline are too muc -
汝城县山梨回答: 如果你想表达的是有些缺乏自律的学生太沉迷这些游戏的话那就在students后面加上who如果不是想这样表达的话就把who去掉,这样就变成了有些缺乏自律的人太沉迷于这些游戏了,如果觉得有用请采纳

骆娅15960143134问: Some of the students are afraid of the teachers  ... -
汝城县山梨回答: B 试题分析:句意:一些学生害怕对他们要求严的老师.be afraid of害怕;be strict withsb对某人要求严格;这里teachers是先行词;who引导的是定语从句,因为先行词是指人的复数,所以定语从句的谓语动词用复数,故排除AC;根据后面是固定短语,故排除D,故选B.

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