
作者&投稿:宥南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My father is 41years old this year. He is a civil servant and his office is near our home. My mother is a housewife, who is 40 years old. She is a kind person. She gets up early in the morning. She first do the cleaning, then prepare the breakfast for my dad and ...


词根的意思:词里表示基本意义的语素。一个合成词可以只含一个词根,如椅子中的“椅”和老虎中的“虎”;也可以不止一个词根,如保卫就包含“保”和“卫”两个词根。拼音:[ cí gēn ]引证解释:语言学用语。词的主要组成部分。如“桌子”里的“桌”,“老虎”里的“虎”、“学习”里的“学...

TodaysDate=" "+d[date.getDay()]+" "+day+" "+m[date.getMonth()]+" "+year;D=TodaysDate.split('');H='...';H=H.split('');M='...';M=M.split('');S='...';S=S.split('');Face='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12';font='Arial';size=1;speed=0.6;ns...

TodaysDate="年 "+m[date.getMonth()]+day+"日 "+d[date.getDay()]+" "+year;D=TodaysDate.split('');H='...';H=H.split('');M='...';M=M.split('');S='...';S=S.split('');Face='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12';font='Arial';size=1;speed=0.9;ns=(document...

“Twenty d ollars! Why ,I understand you to say that you charged only four dollars for such...第6\/8页 约翰:嗯,在夏天天都长,在冬天天都短。 The lecturer on evolution had been going on for...The bird answered, “Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard my ...

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武神ol十殿阎罗 都死三回了 42奇门和43剑侠固定小队 怎么过 高手指点下...

我要的是歌曲名称,不要给我一个乐队的名字,太范围太广了 展开  我来答 8个回答 #热议# 该不该让孩子很早学习人情世故? wwf258 2007-01-18...Ol` 55 Take It To The Limit Those Shoes Funky New Year Dirty Laundry Funk All She Wants To Do Is Dance The Best Of My Love 下载地址: ...

51.wet wet wet--love is all around http:\/\/www.t9t8.com\/mp3123\/i\/music0706\/1\/87.wma ...http:\/\/www.cdol.net\/11\/music\/o2\/always.mp3 80.sarah connor-- love is color bli 本回答

苑砌15514946075问: 18year old还是18 years old?为什么 -
城中区铝镁回答: 18 year-old 或者18 years old前面那个year-old整个作为一个名词,中间的-不能省

苑砌15514946075问: an 18 years old,an 18 - year - old有什么区别 -
城中区铝镁回答:[答案] He is 18 years old .= He is an 18-year-old boy . 另外,an 18 years old 表达不正确 ,没有这种表达的.

苑砌15514946075问: 一个八十岁的男人 用a 还是 an 还有 18 - year - old 前面是 a 还是 an -
城中区铝镁回答: 元音单词前的冠词用an,所以都是an

苑砌15514946075问: 18year old还是18 years old?为什么 -
城中区铝镁回答: 我怎么记得应该是18-year-old,做形容词啊!比如a 18-year-old boy.而18 years old,举个例子:I'm 18 years old. 用例子来说明比较好理解

苑砌15514946075问: an 18 years old,an 18 - year - old有什么区别 -
城中区铝镁回答: He is 18 years old . = He is an 18-year-old boy .另外,an 18 years old 表达不正确 ,没有这种表达的.

苑砌15514946075问: 什么时候用year old ? 什么时候用years old ? -
城中区铝镁回答: 大于一岁就用复数years old.刚好一岁及以下就用year old.例如:At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent.她54岁了,精力和气色都非常好.The car is less than a year old, and therefore still under guarantee. 这辆汽车用不到一年,...

苑砌15514946075问: 英语翻译18 - year - old看成一个单词吗? -
城中区铝镁回答:[答案] carol is an eighteen-year-old football player

苑砌15514946075问: eighteen - year - old是什么意思 -
城中区铝镁回答: eighteen-year-old 十八岁的 1. And an eighteen year old boy has got to eat. 一个十八岁,忍饥挨饿的男孩. 2. Person who is eighteen year old or who have reach majority. 已18岁或已达法定年龄的人. 3. Wu Fangmiao, an eighteen-year-old boy, never gave up himself because of his mental paralysis. 十八岁的吴方淼没有因身患脑瘫, 而自暴自弃.

苑砌15514946075问: an 18 - year - old boy对吗? -
城中区铝镁回答: 对的.18-year-old 18岁的,相当于一个形容词

苑砌15514946075问: 10 year old 为什么不是10 years old -
城中区铝镁回答: 10-year-old,这个时候用year,有一定形容词的感觉,10岁的....修饰某一个名词,比如 the 10-year-old boy is playing football,就是那个10岁的男孩在踢足球, 而10 years old重在强调10岁,就是一岁一岁这样来叠加的意思,The boy playing football is 10 years old,那个踢球的男孩10岁了.

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