
作者&投稿:龙力 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

to his ome 89.There ___ water in the bottle. A. is no B. is not C. are no D. are not 90.We enjoyed ___ at the Tom’s birthday party last Tuesday. A. us B. our C. ourself D. ourselves 91.Help ___ to ___ some fish,boys. A. yourself,\/ B. yourself,eat C. yourselv...

25、Grilled salmon fish 香煎三文答鱼 26、fish & chip French style 法式炸鱼排 27、Rosemary roast chicken 柔丝玛丽烤鸡 28、chicken chop 法式鸡扒 16、grilled scallop 法式焗鲜贝

口蘑汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushroom sauce 红汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and brown sauce 番茄汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and tomato sauce 波兰式蒸鱼 steamed fish a la Poland 土豆煮鱼 boiled fish with potatoes 黄油汁土豆煮鱼 boiled fish and potato with butter sauce 炸大虾 ...

2、salmon英 [ˈsæmən] 美 [ˈsæmən] 鲑鱼;三文鱼;大马哈鱼;鲑鱼肉 正像中国人过春节吃年饭一样,欧美人过圣诞节也很注重全家团聚。三文鱼是一种流行的食品,亦是一种甚为健康的食品。三文鱼的食法有多种,欧洲及美国人则会以热或冷烟熏方式制作烟熏...

鱼汤fish soup 家常鱼汤 fish soup in home style 红鱼汤 fish soup with tomato 红菜汤 borsch 蔬菜汤 vegetables soup; soup with vegetables 丸子蔬菜汤 meat balls soup with vegetables 酸菜汤 sour cabbage soup 龙须菜汤 soup with asparagus 葱头汤 onion soup 洋葱汤 onion soup 西红柿汤 tomato soup 番茄...

to his ome 89.There ___ water in the bottle. A. is no B. is not C. are no D. are not 90.We enjoyed ___ at the Tom’s birthday party last Tuesday. A. us B. our C. ourself D. ourselves 91.Help ___ to ___ some fish,boys. A. yourself,\/ B. yourself,eat C. yourselv...

3、(B)处错,改正:fish 4、(B)处错,改正: begins 5、.(B)处错,改正: making 作文 Mary is an English girl.she is in garde , and she's 12 years old.she want to introduce her family to others. she has a twin sister.her dad is a doctor, and her mum is a ...

首先正纳闷来个头盘吧,看你自己愿意选哪个吧 炸鱿鱼圈炸鱿鱼圈 材料:鲜鱿鱼1条,鸡蛋2个,面粉50克,面包糠100克。调料:柠檬汁15克 做法:1.鲜鱿鱼洗净,切成1厘米宽的圆圈状,加入柠 檬汁腌制10分钟;鸡蛋打散。2.腌好的鱿鱼圈粘上面粉、鸡蛋液、面包糠。3.将油倒入锅中加热至六成热左右,...

鱼汤fish soup家常鱼汤 fish soup in home style红鱼汤 fish soup with tomato红菜汤 borsch蔬菜汤 vegetables soup; soup with vegetables丸子蔬菜汤 meat balls soup with vegetables酸菜汤 sour cabbage soup龙须菜汤 soup with asparagus葱头汤 onion soup洋葱汤 onion soup西红柿汤 tomato soup番茄汤 tomato soup...

鱼肉冻 fish jelly酿馅鱼 stuffed fish红鱼子酱 red caviar黑鱼子酱 black caviar大虾泥 minced prawns蟹肉泥 minced crab meat4)家禽 poultry鸡肉冻 chicken jelly; chicken in aspic水晶鸡 chicken in aspic鸡肉泥 minced chicken meat; chicken paste鸡肝泥 minced chicken liver; chicken liver paste鸭肝泥 minced...

景朗17211134728问: 几条鱼怎么表示somefish还是somefishes
夏河县替硝回答: fish“鱼”,这个词在英语中属于单复数一致的词.所以,应该用some fish 或 a few fish.fishes多用来表示多种类的鱼.所以,some fishes会给人不同的概念.“几种鱼”“某些鱼”等等.

景朗17211134728问: 当FISH前面出现SOME时,后面用单数还是复数 -
夏河县替硝回答: 单数.

景朗17211134728问: fish为什么要用some不能用具体的数字? -
夏河县替硝回答: fish既可以表示鱼,也可表示鱼肉.表示一条鱼时可以是a fish 或some 单复数形式相同.在表示鱼肉时,它是不可数名词,不跟数词连用,可以说 some fish,不能说one fish

景朗17211134728问: some fish后谓语动词用单数还是负数!为什么啊 -
夏河县替硝回答:[答案] 负数 我不是很清楚什么是谓语动词 我没怎么学过语法 我猜是动词一种把 反正给你举几个例子 some fish dies after ... some fish eats . some fish flies

景朗17211134728问: some fish和a lot of fish一样吗? -
夏河县替硝回答: 从意思来说并不相同,some fish 以为一些鱼,而a lot of fish意为许多鱼,但是题目并不是很明确,如果fish是指鱼,那作为一个可数名词,应该写成 some fishes和a lot of fishes

景朗17211134728问: Fish前用一些修饰时用some还是any -
夏河县替硝回答: some,因为fish是可数名词

景朗17211134728问: some fishes是错的吗?为什么? -
夏河县替硝回答: fish 的复数既可以是fish也可以是fishes,fishes通常表示各种各样的鱼some fishes并没有错

景朗17211134728问: some fish 为什么不是fishes?什么情况用到fishes? -
夏河县替硝回答: 指鱼的种类时用fishes,其它情况用fish. fish用作可数名词指“鱼的条数”时单数和复数形式相同(two fish两条鱼),指“鱼的种类”时复数形式才为fishes(two fishes两种鱼);fish用作不可数名词时无复数形式,应作“鱼肉”解(Help yourself ...

景朗17211134728问: 词组"some fish"要 s吗 -
夏河县替硝回答: 不要s, fish作为鱼是不可数名词.

景朗17211134728问: I want some ( )鱼 括号里应填fish还是fishes? 与可不可数? -
夏河县替硝回答: fish 当鱼肉解释 是不可数名词,只填fish,当鱼类解释,是可数名词,可用复数

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