
作者&投稿:臾欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hat [hAt]n.帽子 vt.戴帽子 HAT =Hardness Assurance Test 硬度保证测试 hat hat AHD:[h�0�5t]D.J.[h#t]K.K.[h#t]n.(名词)A covering for the head, especially one with a shaped crown and brim.帽子:特指具有特定造型的顶和沿的头上的覆盖物 A head covering...

怎样说英语才地道?hat怎么读 ?关于hat的几个习惯用语
6、white hat 正面角(jue2)色 A black hat is the villain or bad guy, especially in a western movie in which such a character would wear a black hat in contrast to the hero's white hat.“黑帽”指恶棍或坏蛋,尤其在西部片里,他们一般都戴着一顶黑帽子,而跟他们对手的正面角色...


区别:1、意思的不同 hat指有帽檐的遮阳帽或者绅士带的高顶帽。cap指无帽檐但有帽舌的软帽或便帽。2、使用的不同 cap常与其他词构成复合词。hat一般不可构成复合词,但可引申为官职。3、读音的不同 hat 英[hæt] 美[hæt][例句]India is one part of the world I would go to...

I think this tie can_A__better___your suit. A.go ;with B.match;wi...
go with是指和……相配,适合,搭配,一般指颜色,风格 原句翻译:我认为这款领带与你的西装更搭配。go with 1.伴随 Happiness doesn't necessarily go with money.2.与...相配 Do you think this hat would go with my new dress?3.与...约会 He goes with the girl every week.4.顺从....

cake的 a 是发\/ei\/音,hat 的 a 是发\/æ\/音 hat 英[hæt] 美[hæt]n. 帽子; (帽子所表示的) 职位,职务;vt. 给…戴上帽子,为…提供帽子;vi. 供应帽子; 制造帽子;[例句]India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a ha...

would you put it on,please?
如果用can的话,那么第三个句子就翻译为:你能把帽子戴上吗?这样就改变了原意,并且would比can表达的方式更委婉。绝对没有错!我新概念都学完了。请及时纳推荐答案,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 如果有什么不懂的话,请追问~

cap和hat的区别:1、hat:形状多变,圆形全边或者无边的帽子,其大小通常比cap大。如我们平常所戴的用来遮太阳的帽子;或是英国绅士所戴的高顶礼帽(top hat);草帽,女生常戴的圆形的礼帽,男生的牛仔帽等;hat还可引申为官职的象征。2、cap:一般刚好能罩着头部,只有一部分边缘,并且没有帽边,...

lt's near the hat
lt's near the hat 靠近帽子 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译hat_百度翻译 hat英[hæt]美[hæt]n.帽子; (帽子所表示的) 职位,职务;vt.给…戴上帽子,为…提供帽子;vi.供应帽子; 制造帽子;[例句]India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a hat....


茌烟13591011446问: what about 与 would like区别 -
九龙坡区玄麦回答: what about是怎么样的意思,而would like是想干某事或喜欢做某事

茌烟13591011446问: 谁能详解一下What would you like的用法啊? -
九龙坡区玄麦回答:[答案] What would you like就是“你要什么”的意思.常见的用法有:What would you like to eat?你要吃什么?和 What would you like to drink?你要喝什么?你可以回答:I'd like to eat some chicken.\I'd like to drink some...

茌烟13591011446问: 用特殊疑问词What提问,句中有Would you like怎样才能把Would you like转变成 want,是否用Do,如What wou...用特殊疑问词What提问,句中有Would you ... -
九龙坡区玄麦回答:[答案] what would you like for your birthday present?这样的问句中应该把助动词would提前而不是用do.

茌烟13591011446问: what would you like是什么意思 -
九龙坡区玄麦回答: 英文:what would you like 中文:你想要什么 很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

茌烟13591011446问: what would you do if i disappeared, would you li -
九龙坡区玄麦回答: what would you do if i disappeared, would you lie me如果我消失了,你会做什么,你会骗我吗 如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

茌烟13591011446问: What would you like什么意思
九龙坡区玄麦回答: 意思是:你想要(吃)什么呢? / 你想要(点)什么呢?多用于餐厅酒店酒吧等

茌烟13591011446问: what would you like英语作文 -
九龙坡区玄麦回答: There are many foods in the food realm.Potato is my favourite food. Most of us like potatoes,because they are delicious.I'm no exception.Scientists tell us that they are good for our health,that's why I like patatoes. Potatoes are the well-known ...

茌烟13591011446问: 问what would you like?怎样答
九龙坡区玄麦回答: 用 I would like=I'd like+你想说的话就行了! 这是个固定的回答方式,如果不知道,觉得有必要记一下哦!给你一个例子吧!A:What would you like to drink?想要喝点什么?B:I would like to drink a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶.

茌烟13591011446问: what would you like?意思是什么 答句是什么 -
九龙坡区玄麦回答: 意思是你想要点什么?答句可以很多,如 I like a cup of coffee(我想要杯咖啡),a piece of bread(一块面包)或者 I like a cup of juice(我想要杯果汁), a piece of sandwich(一块三文治)、、、

茌烟13591011446问: 问what would you like?怎样答 -
九龙坡区玄麦回答:[答案] 用 I would like=I'd like+你想说的话就行了!这是个固定的回答方式,如果不知道,觉得有必要记一下哦!给你一个例子吧! A:What would you like to drink?想要喝点什么? B:I would like to drink a cup of tea.我想喝杯茶.

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