
作者&投稿:陀月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He turned politician many years ago
turn + n 成为 这是特定用法 注意哦 become + n 成为。。 become后面的名词就要用冠词 他在很多年前就成为了政治家 He turned politician many years ago 或 He became an politician many years ago 希望有帮助

37.He turned ___ the radio because his father was asleep.
B. turn down 这句话的意思是他把收音机声音调小了,因为他的爸爸正在睡觉。A. turn on打开收音机,电源开关等;B. turn down 调小声音;C. turn up调大声音;D.turn over翻转。所以只有B是正确选项。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)...

turn的用法总结如下:转弯在英语中可以表示为"turn",其英式读音为[tɜːn],美式读音为[tɜːrn]。还有wheel,它的发音为\/wiːl\/。具体的用法和例句如下所示:一、"turn"作为动词时,表示转向或转身的动作,常用于描述人或车辆的行为:1、He turned left at the inte...

He turned 21 years old.为何不用become?

turn,读音:英 [tɜːn],美 [tɜːrn]释义:vt. 转动,使旋转;转弯;翻过来;兑换 vi. 转向;转变;转动 n. 转弯;变化;(损害或有益于别人的)行为,举动,举止 例句:After failing to start his own business, he turned to do foreign trade.自己创业失败后,他...


1、turn down减小。2、turn over翻转。3、turn in交出。4、turn into变成。5、turn away避开。6、turn back折回。7、turn to转向。turn的例句:1、He turned abruptly and walked away(他突然转身走了)。2、They turned their telescopes towards other nearby galaxies(他们把望远镜转向附近其他...

He turned his horse and rode away.他拨转马头就走了。3.(使)不适, 作呕, 恶心 At the sight of blood her stomach turned.她看到血就感到恶心。The stink of the rotten fish turned my stomach.腐烂的鱼臭味使我恶心。及物动词 vt.1.使折起, 使翻转 He could turn a bar of steel.他...

He turned a good writer.当名词前有形容词时turn后要a吗?
应该是对的 有人用这个做例句的 .特殊词:① 当man人类,word 消息,turn系此后表语n,不用.Word came that he would go abroad.Man will conquer nature.He turned writer\/He turned a good writer\/ He became a writer.2.某些抽象名词具体化时是可数名词,其前可加a surprise,fire,joy,must He...

ten years later, he turned teacher.为什么用一般过去式?

独孤婕15795411370问: she turned doctor这个句子中表语是什么?怎么看出来的? -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答:[答案] she turned doctor这个句子中表语是doctor,turn可以作联系动词,后面可以接n/adj 作表语,所以这里名词doctor 就是表语. 此外,turn doctor 中间不可以加冠词a,但是become a doctor要加a ,这个比较特殊,记住就行了.

独孤婕15795411370问: she has turn a doctor 有错吗 -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: She has become a doctor.

独孤婕15795411370问: He had been ( )teacher and then he turned ( )doctor.职务前不是零冠词吗?为什么第一个空填 a -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答:[答案] he had been a teacher,可以理解为他曾是一名老师.turned doctor可以理解为转行为医生.医生在这里是一个职业,不用加冠词.

独孤婕15795411370问: The year later he turned - -- - doctor填什么 冠词 -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: 第一题不加冠词 turned doctor 第二题加不定冠词a: become a doctor

独孤婕15795411370问: turn + 形容词 + 名词, 形容词前是否加冠词?
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: 这个问题好! 1、这里有两个词可比较: turn+职业名词(无冠词) become+职业名词(有冠词).如: She turned lawyer after graduation. She became a lawyer after graduation. 2、因此,She turned excellent teacher.

独孤婕15795411370问: Three years later he turned /became - doctor分别填什么冠词?r -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: 定冠词the/不定冠词 a

独孤婕15795411370问: He was a doctor before he turned teacher 老师为什么是补语?分析下句子 -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: 前面He was a doctor已经是个句子了,doctor是宾语,后面before he turned teacher 是对 doctor的一个说明,是个宾补,学到后面会有很多类似的语法和重句,到时会重点讲,特别是高中,重句和复合句尤其重要,

独孤婕15795411370问: He had been ( )teacher and then he turned ( )doctor.职务前不是零冠词吗? 为什么第一个空填 a ? -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: he had been a teacher,可以理解为他曾是一名老师.turned doctor可以理解为转行为医生.医生在这里是一个职业,不用加冠词.

独孤婕15795411370问: 一道英语题:He used to be ( ) teacher but later he turned ( ) writer . A.a;a B.a;the C./;a D.a;/ -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: 选D. He used to be a teacher till he turned writer. 他在成为作家以前一直是老师. turn 后接表示职业的单数可数名词作表语时 名词前一般不用冠词;但若该名词前有形容词修饰时, 则需要加冠词. 则需要加冠词. The young worker has turned writer. 这位年轻的工人成了一名作家. 这位年轻的工人成了一名作家. She has turned a successful singer. 她成了一名成功的歌手. 她成了一名成功的歌手

独孤婕15795411370问: turn的词组? -
楚雄彝族自治州胃乐回答: turn用作名词时可以和不少介词构成介词短语,使用时须注意各短语意义上的细微差别.l. at every turn每次,总是,到处,主要表示事情发生的频率.例如: ①Because of his drinking,the man was refused a job at every torn. 由于酗酒,那个人每...

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