
作者&投稿:范购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he got very a___and shut the door a___(angry)括号里填什么
angry 第一个用形容词作表语 angrily 副词修饰动词shut

1完形填空:It was nearly 11:00 p.m.And it was dark.There were f...
After about three months,he came back to work.When the boss saw him, he said to him a_ngrily__,"I will fire you! Three months ago, a woman came to tell me that you drove away with her favorite doll before she got into your car!Was it true? Why?!”2.__A__ funny...


After about three months,he came back to work.When the boss saw him, he said to him a_ngrily__,"I will fire you! Three months ago, a woman came to tell me that you drove away with her favorite doll before she got into your car!Was it true? Why?!”2.__A__ funny...

happy angrily nice sad rudely 望采纳

"who has written the words on the wall"he asked
他很生气地问:“谁在墙上写字了?”改成间接引语为 He asked angrily who had written the words on the wall.

孛洪13973311023问: angrily是什么意思,音标怎么写
云岩区升白回答: angrily美音:['æŋgrɪlɪ]英音:['æŋgrili](愤怒地,生气地)的意思

孛洪13973311023问: angrily - 搜狗百科
云岩区升白回答: angrily 是由形容词angry 转化为副词的,表示“生气地”

孛洪13973311023问: angrily是副词吗? -
云岩区升白回答:[答案] angrily adv.副词 愤怒地

孛洪13973311023问: angrily还是angry said to me -
云岩区升白回答:[答案] 副词修饰动词,应该用angrily.

孛洪13973311023问: angrily的中文是什么?
云岩区升白回答: 生气的,副词,形容词是angry

孛洪13973311023问: angry和angrily -
云岩区升白回答: 你的理解没错,形容词是用来修饰名词的,那么副词就是用来修饰动词的~ 比如,他做出了生气的表情, He made an angry face. 因为要修饰名词face, 所以要用形容词angry. 再比如,他生气地说, He said angrily. 因为要修饰动词said, 所以要用副词angrily.. 这就有点像中文的“的”和“地”. “的”前面的就是形容词,“地”前面的就是副词.

孛洪13973311023问: angry 和 angrily 用法angry 和 angrily 用法 -
云岩区升白回答:[答案] angry形容词,跟在系动词be之后,常用作形容名词.例如:Lily is quite angry bird angrily 副词,用于形容动词.例如:He left the classroom angrily.

孛洪13973311023问: angrily是什么意思 -
云岩区升白回答: angrily的意思:愤怒地;生气地. 读音:英[ˈæŋgrɪli]、美[ˈæŋgrəli] 词性:通常在句中作副词,修饰主语或宾语. 固定搭配:rebuke angrily怒斥;Staring angrily生气地望着;stare angrily怒目而视 ; 怒气冲冲地盯着. 例句:She ...

孛洪13973311023问: angrily是啥意思 -
云岩区升白回答: 气愤的 后缀是LY 这么简单的词还来问,又没分

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