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1、He turned left at the intersection.(他在十字路口向左转弯。)

2、The car turned sharply to avoid a collision.(汽车急转弯以避免碰撞。)

3、She turned around and waved goodbye.(她转过身挥手道别。)


1、Take the next turn on your right.(在你右手边转下一个弯。)

2、I missed the turn and had to go back.(我错过了拐弯处,只得返回。)

3、The road took a sharp turn ahead.(路前方有一个急转弯。)


1、According to the traits of T-Robot, three motion tracks are brought up, which are line motion, arc motion and certain point wheel motion, and relevant motion formula are put forward.(针对T-Robot的特点把它的运动轨迹分为直线、弧线和定点转弯三类,并推导了各自的运动公式。)


【举例造句】: 投竿垂饵,晦幽迹于渭滨;抱瓮灌园,绝机心于汉渚。 ★明·梁辰鱼《浣纱记·谈义》【拼音代码】: bwgy 【近义词】: 抱瓮出灌 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;比喻安于现状,不想改变 【英文】: water the garden with an urn in arm--lead a simple life 【故事】: 传说...


19世纪与20世纪转换交替时期;9.by turns 轮流;交替 10.turn left v. 向左转 11.turn right v. 向右转 12.turn around 船只留港 13.turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻回到 14.turn up 出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧 15.turn out to be 结果是;原来是 16.urn down 拒绝;向下转折 ...

请采纳。祝好!--- to doing 用法归纳 一、动词+介词to+动名词<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" \/> 1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事 3. object to doing sth 反对做某事 4. see to doing sth 负...

tagUrn 设置或获取在命名空间声明中指定的统一资源名称(URN)。TIMECONTAINER timeContainer 设置或获取与元素关联的时间线类型。TITLE title 设置或获取对象的咨询信息(工具提示)。TRUESPEED trueSpeed 设置或获取字幕的位置是否使用 scrollDelay 和 scrollAmount 属性计算,已过的实际时间来自于时钟计时。unique...

made from ,made in, made of 都有什么区别呢
made from,made in和made of都是我们用英文表达"制造"时的常用词组,它们的含义和用法是有区别的,具体如下: 一:含义解释 be made from 英 [bi meɪd frəm] 美 [bi meɪd frəm] 由…制成的 be made in 英 [bi meɪd ɪn] 美 [bi meɪd ɪn] 在……地方制造;在…生产或制造...

made from ,made in, made of 都有什么区别呢
——The urn appeared to be made of some sort of bronze.这瓮看起来像是某种青铜制的。——The pipes should be made of plastic.这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。——The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。3、be made from ——An unlimited number of ...

——The urn appeared to be made of some sort of bronze.这瓮看起来像是某种青铜制的。——The pipes should be made of plastic.这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。——The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。3、be made from ——An unlimited number of ...

made from和made of有什么区别?
——The urn appeared to be made of some sort of bronze.这瓮看起来像是某种青铜制的。——The pipes should be made of plastic.这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。——The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。3、be made from ——An unlimited number of ...

made from和made of有什么区别?
——The urn appeared to be made of some sort of bronze.这瓮看起来像是某种青铜制的。——The pipes should be made of plastic.这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。——The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。3、be made from ——An unlimited number of ...

细河区18981534816: turn的用法 -
卢珊松根:[答案] turn的用法归纳如下: I.turn (n.) 顺序,轮流 1.It's one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 It's your turn to make a decision. 2.take one's turn to do sth.= do sth.in turn =do sth.by turns轮流做某事 The nurses attended the patient in turn / by turns.=The nurses ...

细河区18981534816: turn的用法归纳如下 -
卢珊松根: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:niceLJ23turn的用法归纳如下:I. turn (n.) 顺序,轮流1. It's one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事It's your turn to make a decision.2. take one's turn to do sth. = do sth. in turn =do sth. by turns轮流做某事...

细河区18981534816: turn的用法 -
卢珊松根: 一、 turn = become 用作连系动词. 二、 turn up表示"出现"及由turn构成的词组.

细河区18981534816: turn常见词组及用法,一定要常见的,易考的,不要生僻的 -
卢珊松根: turn可作动词和名词.其含义丰富,加之与turn搭配有许多短语,用起来往往有一定的困难,针对这一情况,现将它的用法介绍如下. 一、用作不及物动词时,有“转动;转身;变得”等意思.如: Everybody knows that the earth turns around ...

细河区18981534816: 总结一下turn的短语及意思 -
卢珊松根: turn on打开 开启 turn off关掉 turn down调小 turn to求助于 turn over翻转 turn against sb/sth转而讨厌、反对某人某事 turn out to be 最后结果,最终成为 turn into sth使......变成 turn in 交还,交回 turn back 掉转头 turn away 不让......进入 turn sth around 完成,提供,生产 应该差不多就这些

细河区18981534816: 帮我归纳一下turn 的词组 -
卢珊松根: turn down减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等)Please turn the television down a bit.请把电视机音量关小点.to turn down the gas关小煤气拒绝,不接受turn in睡觉把…交给警方归还turn on打...

细河区18981534816: Turn…into的用法 -
卢珊松根:[答案] 幸福的味道809-08-17 in turn的用法有哪些? in turn的用法有哪些? 添加收藏 [外语] [英语] hjuy200209-08-17 turn的用法归纳如下: I. turn (n.) 顺序, 轮流 1. It's one's turn to do sth...

细河区18981534816: turn的用法还有相关词组~~~??
卢珊松根: turn a blind eye to 对…装作不见 turn against 背叛 turn away 赶走 turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 turn green 变绿 turn in 交出,决定 turn into 变成 turn left/right 向左/向右 turn off 关(电灯、收音机等) turn on 打开(电灯等) turn on the radio 打开收音机 turn out 生产;驱逐;翻转 turn over (机器等)运转;翻过来 turn red with anger 因发怒而脸胀红 turn to 变成 turn up 出现;找到;证明是

细河区18981534816: get和turn的比较get和turn的用法比较
卢珊松根: become, get, go, grow, turn这几个词作系动词时,都可以表示“变成”的意思,但具体用法有所不同.become, get, go通常表示变化的过程已经完成,become比较正式,get和go比较口语化.turn强调变化的结果.turn后接名词作表语时,名词前不用冠词.

细河区18981534816: turn return的区别及相关知识点 -
卢珊松根: turn 是旋转的意思引申为 转弯 转业 转向 或 轮流等意思 后接 in on out off ..等等又具备不同的意思 return是返回,回到 反馈 等等... 二者的用法几乎完全不同.

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