
作者&投稿:贺邰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

resent指怨恨。近义词:hate;be down on.派生词:1.resentful adj. 厌恶的 2.resentfully adv. 充满愤恨地 3.resentment n. 愤恨,怨恨 英语六级真题例句[2021年 CET6 听力]:People generally resent being rejected. (resent这里指对…怀恨)人们普遍讨厌被拒绝。用法:resent为及物动词,其后可直接...

"Resent"是一个英语单词,它的意思是"憎恨、愤恨、怨恨"。这个词通常用来描述一个人因为某种原因而对另一个人或事物产生强烈的不满或厌恶。以下是一些关于"resent"的用法和例句:Resentment towards a person: "Resentment towards a person"指的是对某个人的怨恨或憎恨。例如,"She resents her ex-h...

英语单词:hate 和 resent 都有“恨,怨恨”的意思,其区别和具体用法是如...
hate 更多是 讨厌,因不喜欢而恨,多用作口语;如:I hate you (后一般跟人)resent 更多是 绝望,因不满意而怨恨,多用作书面。如:It let me resented.(一般与事件、东西搭配)resent + v-ing(或 something )..怨恨……

例5. It begins as a childlike interest in the grand spectacle and exciting event; it grows as a mature interest in the variety and complexity of the drama, the splendid achievements and terrible failures; it ends as deep sense of the mystery of man's life of all the dead, great and ob...

He resents the government who rubbishes him and has some envy to Forrest because he gets honor he dreams for. So when Forrest says he will be the captain, he shouts to the crowds and says to Forrest bitterly “if you’re ever a shrimp boat captain, that’s the day I’m an ...

“这封信要在下一个母亲节寄出,一天也不能早!”合肥高中的一名学生李小凡向提供这种服务的公司说到,李小凡为他妈妈提前写好这封信来表达自己下一个母亲节对妈妈的爱 '这种服务的提供使人们放慢节奏, 以另外一种方式来体会时间的含义”,合肥的一家“未来邮件”公司的经理说到。冯小是一名身负重...

5、visited his grandparesents 七、 听录音,找出所听到的句子的汉语意思(5☆) Keys: 1. A 2 B. 3.A. 4. B. 5. C. 八、听录音补全对话。 Keys: 1、Where did you go 2、How did you go 3、went skiing 4、visited my uncle 5、Who did you go with 笔试部分 九.选出读音不同的一项。(5...

Light Yagami is a brilliant, but bored, high school student who resents the crime and corruption in the world. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers a mysterious notebook, known as the "Death Note", lying on the ground in the year 2003. The Death Note's ...

死亡笔记的指示,如果一个人声称\\ ' s的名字被写在那,那人就必治死。灯是最初的怀疑死亡笔记的真实性,相信这只是一个恶作剧。然而,经过试验,造成2名罪犯,光是被迫承认这些笔记是真实的。经过了真正的主人,死神的死亡笔记,名叫琉克试图成为“上帝的新世界”,通过他的判断上的罪犯。不久,令人费解的...

The rotting leg has an awful stench but Harry denies any pain or horror. He is just angry and extremely fatigued. He resents his wife (and maybe even her wealth) and is verbally cruel to her. While he rests, she shoots a ram. Harry reminisces about the people and places ...

宾蔡18867238725问: presents怎么读 -
丹阳市克瑞回答: present 读音:英['preznt] 美[ˈprɛznt] 释义:adj. 现在的;目前的;出席的;[语法学]现在时的 n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 第三人称单数:presents;过去分词:presented;名词复数:presents;现... 例句: 1. Augmented reality: past, present and ...

宾蔡18867238725问: presents的音标 -
丹阳市克瑞回答: 有两种读音['preznt], [pri'zent]present 1 ['preznt] n.(名词) 1. A moment or period in time perceptible as intermediate between past and future; now. 现在,目前:在过去和将来之间可感受到的作为过渡的时间点或段;现在 2. Abbr. pres.,pr....

宾蔡18867238725问: presents怎么读
丹阳市克瑞回答: presents [p'rɪzents]意思:1、复数名词,礼物 2、第三人称动词,提出、赠送读作:p 锐 散 次

宾蔡18867238725问: 英文present怎么读
丹阳市克瑞回答: present 英 [ˈpreznt] 美 [ˈprɛznt] adj. 目前的;现在的;出席的;[语法学]现在时的 n. 现在;礼物;瞄准 vt. 提出;出现;介绍;赠送 vi. 举枪瞄准 第三人称单数: presents 复数: presents 现在分词: presenting 过去式: presented 过去分词: presented

宾蔡18867238725问: presents和prepared怎么读?什么意思? -
丹阳市克瑞回答: presents ['prezənts] 只能是名词或者动词第三人称单数形式. n. 1. 现在; 目前 2. 礼物, 赠品 vt. 出现; 出席; 显示;介绍;赠与; 交给 prepared [pri'pɛəd ] vt. 准备 vt. & vi. 1. 筹备, 进行各项准备工作 2. 做好思想准备

宾蔡18867238725问: present怎么读中文译,麻烦了急需
丹阳市克瑞回答: present [英] [ˈpreznt][美] [ˈprɛznt] adj.目前的; 现在的; 出席的; [语法学]现在时的; n.现在; 礼物; 瞄准; [例句] He has brought much of the present crisis on himself 目前的大部分危机都是他自己引起的.[复数]presents

宾蔡18867238725问: bought presents 怎样读 -
丹阳市克瑞回答: bought [bɔt] ['prɛznts] 买礼物 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

宾蔡18867238725问: 礼物的英语怎么读 -
丹阳市克瑞回答: gift 礼物; 赠品;使人感到亲切的﹑ 慷慨的﹑ 小小的...礼物生日﹑ 圣诞﹑ 结婚等礼品巧克力﹑ 鲜花等礼物. present 礼物; 赠品;结婚﹑ 圣诞﹑ 生日等礼物

宾蔡18867238725问: bought presents怎么读? -
丹阳市克瑞回答: bought [bɔt] ['prɛznts] 买礼物

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