
作者&投稿:米妹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  The human whoge name is wtitten in this note shall die

  This note will not take effect nmliess the wyiter has the person’s face in their mind when wyiting his/her name will not be affected.

  If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the persons name,it will happen.

  If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.

  After writting the cause of death,details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and

  This note shall become the property of the human world,once it touches the ground ofthe human world。

  The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original ower,i.e.a god of death.

  the human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.

  If the time of death is written within 40seconds after writting the cause of death as a heart attack ,
  the time of death can be manipulated,
  and the time can go into effect within 40seconds after writting the name.

  THe human who toughes the DEATH NOTE can recognal ower,a god of death,even if the
  human is not the owner of the note.

  The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death, its original
  owner,until they die.

  If a human uses the note,a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days
  after he/she uses the note

  Gods of death,the original owners of the DEATH NOTE,do not do,in principle,anything
  which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.

  A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or ruleswhich will
  apply to the human who owns it.

  A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or ruleswhich will
  apply to the human who owns it.

  A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note.but humans cannot.

  The human who becomes the owner of the DEATH NOTE can,in exchange of half of
  his/her remaining life,getthe eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see
  ahumans name and remaining lifetime when looking through them

  A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head
  with a gun.However,there are ways to kill a god of death,which are not generally know to
  the gods of death.

  The conditions for death will not be realized unless it is physically possible for that human
  or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human.

  The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the gods of death,either.
  So, youmust examine and find out.

  One page taken from the DEATH NOTE,or even a fragment of the page,contains the
  full effects of the note

  f the god of death decides to use the DEATH NOTE to kill the assassin of an
  The dead god of death will disappear,but the DEATH NOTE will remain.
  The ownership of this DEATH NOTE is usually carried over to the next god of death that
  touches it,but it is common sense that it is returned to the Great god of death.

  Even the original owners of the DEATH NOTE.gods of death, do not knowmuch about
  the note.

  The names you see with the ee power of a god of death are the names needed to kill that person. you will be adle to gee the names even if thet person lsn't regigtered in the family regigtration.

  T和 number of pageg of the DEATH NOTE will neve run out.



1.The human whose name is written in this note shall die.
This note will not take effect unless the writer has the persons face in their mind when writing
his/her name.therefore,people sharing the same will not be affected.

2.If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the persons name,it will happen.
If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
After writting the cause of death,details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and

3.This note shall become the property of the human world,once it touches the ground ofthe human world.
The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original ower,i.e.a god of death.
the human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.

4.If the time of death is written within 40seconds after writting the cause of death as a heart attack ,
the time of death can be manipulated,
and the time can go into effect within 40seconds after writting the name.

5.THe human who toughes the DEATH NOTE can recognal ower,a god of death,even if the
human is not the owner of the note.

6.The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death, its original
owner,until they die.

7.If a human uses the note,a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days
after he/she uses the note.

8.Gods of death,the original owners of the DEATH NOTE,do not do,in principle,anything
which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.

9.A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or ruleswhich will
apply to the human who owns it.

10.A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note.but humans cannot.

夜神月是一个辉煌,但是无聊,高中学生们的犯罪和腐败的,在世界上。他的人生经历了巨大的变化时,他发现了一个神秘的笔记本,被称为“死亡笔记”,躺在地上,在2003年。死亡笔记的指示,如果一个人声称\ ' s的名字被写在那,那人就必治死。灯是最初的怀疑死亡笔记的真实性,相信这只是一个恶作剧。然而,经过试验,造成2名罪犯,光是被迫承认这些笔记是真实的。经过了真正的主人,死神的死亡笔记,名叫琉克试图成为“上帝的新世界”,通过他的判断上的罪犯。




不久,报告的死亡人数令人费解的罪犯捕获了国际刑警组织的重视和一个神秘的侦探只知道为\的“L \”。蜇很快学会的连环杀手,市民代号为\“基拉\”(从英文单词的日语发音产生\“杀手\”),是设在日本。 L亦得出结论,基拉可以杀人奠定了人们对他们的手指。光认识到,L将是他最大的克星,以及竞赛精神的优越性,证明两者之间开始。


不久,报告的死亡人数令人费解的罪犯捕获了国际刑警组织的重视和一个神秘的侦探只知道为\的“L \”。蜇很快学会的连环杀手,市民代号为\“基拉\”(从英文单词的日语发音产生\“杀手\”),是设在日本。 L亦得出结论,基拉可以杀人奠定了人们对他们的手指。光认识到,L将是他最大的克星,以及竞赛精神的优越性,证明两者之间开始。

Light Yagami是一个聪明却有些死板并且极其憎恨世界上一切犯罪和腐败的高中生。在2003年意外发现地上一本神秘的笔记本后,他的生活发生了巨大的转变——这本笔记就是“死亡笔记”。“死亡笔记”说明中称,如果将人类的名字记录在其中,那么这个人就将会死去。Light一开始有些怀疑死亡笔记的真实性,觉得这只是个恶作剧。但是在一次实验杀死两名罪犯后,Light不得不承认死亡笔记是真实的!在会见了死亡笔记的真实拥有者——死神Ryuk之后,Light决心通过他自己对罪犯的审判成为“新世界之神”。

请大家帮个忙,急需《死亡笔记》的英文介绍,谁能提供一些资料。_百度知 ...
学校要办一个my favorite movie show,很想介绍《死亡笔记》,想为它做一个幻灯片,要配上背景音乐,还要有电影、演员及背景的英文介绍,这样就可以在主席台上一边放映一些片断和图片给大家看一边现场介绍给大家听,不知道朋友们有没有什么更好的介意,或者能否提供一些关于它的电影介绍,演员介绍,背景等的英文资料,尤其...

译名:死亡笔记 英文片名:Death Note 导演:金子修介 编剧:大石哲也 主演:藤原龙也 松山健一 濑户朝香 香椎由宇 细川茂树 类型:悬疑 制作:日本TV 上映日期:2006年6月17日(日本)推荐指数:★★★ 官方网站:http:\/\/wwws.warnerbros.co.jp\/deathnote\/ 剧情简介:故事始于死神界中一个无聊的...

死亡笔记讲的是什么? 要详细资料
死亡笔记中文译名:死亡笔记(大陆、中国香港)死亡笔记本(中国台湾) 日文名:デスノート 英文名:DEATH NOTE 简称:死笔、DN 网络又译:死亡小册子、天上掉下个小册子、月和L的生死恋 原作:大场鸫(dōng) 作画:小畑(tián)健 出版社:集英社(日本)、东立出版社(...

中文名称:死亡笔记 英文名称:Death Note 简介: 在死神界中,一个死神把他的“死亡笔记本”丢失在了人间,所以他不得不来到人间寻找。此时在人间界,17岁的男生夜神月在学校的操场捡到了那本“DEATH NOTE”,并发现本子里写着“只要名字被写在上面的人就会死亡。”于是,夜神月便开始在上面写上那些他认为该死的人的...

死亡笔记 日文名:デスノート 英文名:DEATH NOTE 原作:大场鸫(dōng)作画:小畑(tián)健 出版社:集英社(日本)、东立出版社(中国台湾)、文化传信集团有限公司(中国香港) 连载杂志:《周刊少年Jump》(2004年1号~2006年24号) 连载时间:2003年12月~2006年5月 类型:少年漫画、悬疑、...

漫画 死亡笔记 中文译名:死亡笔记(大陆、中国香港)死亡笔记本(中国台湾) 日文名:デスノート 英文名:DEATH NOTE 简称:死笔、DN 网络又译:死亡小册子、天上掉下个小册子 原作:大场鸫(dōng)《死亡笔记》主要人物 ◇ 夜神月 姓名:夜神月 死因 :被松田打了N枪后名字被硫克写在笔记上...

死亡笔记的英语说法:death note 死亡笔记的相关英语表达:死亡 笔记本 Death Note 死亡笔记三部曲 Death Note Trilogy 死亡笔记角色列表 List of Death Note characters 死亡笔记的英语例句:1. The DEATH NOTE will not affect those under 780 days old.在出生后未满780天的人,死亡笔记对他没...

接着上面 DEATH NOTE 《HOW TO USE IT》1.The human whose name is written in this note shall die.This note will not take effect unless the writer has the persons face in their mind when writing his\/her name.therefore,people sharing the same will not be affected.2.If the cause...

L真名是LAWLIET L·Lawliet(rouraito,日文写作エル�9�9ローライト)生日:1979.10.31 星座:天蝎座 《DEATH NOTE HOW TO READ 13》限定版中内含由小畑健先生本人绘制的L真名卡片《True Name Card-L-》里面公布的.也有人说,他无真名。和月上大学时假称流河旱树,是为了不...

エル=ローライト(L=LAWLIET)本名 L. Lawliet りゅうざき 龙崎

馆陶县18912367974: <死亡笔记>英语简介 -
言聪勤可: Light Yagami is a brilliant, but bored, high school student who resents the crime and corruption in the world. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers a mysterious notebook, known as the "Death Note", lying on the ground in the year...

馆陶县18912367974: 死亡笔记英语介绍 -
言聪勤可: Death note is a series of Janpanese manga that primarily centers around a high school student who decides to rid the world of evil with the help of a supernatural notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in it. Light Yagami is a brilliant, but ...

馆陶县18912367974: 求介绍死亡笔记的英语短文.
言聪勤可: Tagline: The human whose name is written in this note shall die. Plot Outline: A battle between the world's 2 greatest minds begins when Light Yagami finds the Death Note, a notebook with the power to kill, and decides to rid the world of criminals ...

馆陶县18912367974: 求 死亡笔记 内容 翻译? -
言聪勤可: 基本规则写名字的时候,一定要看过该人的样子,否则没有效果.因此,不会杀害同名同姓的人.除了名字以外什么都没写的人会在40秒后死于心脏麻痹.在写上名字的40秒内可以写上死因.写上死因后,使用者就有6分40秒(400秒)的时间可以写上详细死因就算死神死了,落在人间界或死神界的笔记本仍然有效.只要名字被写到笔记本上,就肯定会死,没有任何方法可以消除

馆陶县18912367974: 死亡笔记用英语怎么说
言聪勤可: 死亡笔记 《死亡笔记》(Death Note,简称DN)是2003年12月开始于少年Jump周刊连载的心理悬疑推理漫画作品,连载结束于2006年5月,总共连载108回.

馆陶县18912367974: 【死亡笔记】用英语怎么表达?
言聪勤可: Death Note

馆陶县18912367974: 关于死亡笔记的漫画介绍和创作作者介绍 -
言聪勤可: 死亡笔记人物介绍 *夜神 月 假名:やがみ ライト (Yagami Raito) 别称:キラ(Kira/Killer/杀手/基拉?) 年龄:18岁 私立大国学园高等学校-东応大学学生. <死亡笔记>的主人公,希望使用笔记来改造并创造一个全新的世界. *L 别名:龙崎(竜崎) 假...

馆陶县18912367974: 死亡笔记英语怎么说 -
言聪勤可: DeathNote(Dead Note) 另外死亡笔记(L change the world)这个是那个电影的英文翻译 希望能够帮到你!!

馆陶县18912367974: 死亡笔记的英文
言聪勤可: 英文 ? 是说《死亡笔记》的英文色英文翻译吗 是的话就是 《Death Note》啦

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