
作者&投稿:韶泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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the snows of kilimanjaro

Harry is a writer on safari in Africa with his wife, Helen. They are temporarily stranded when their truck breaks down from a burned-out bearing. While photographing a herd of waterbuck, Harry's knee is scratched by a thorn. Gangrene develops in his right leg. Harry attributes the problem to his failure to apply iodine to the wound.

The rotting leg has an awful stench but Harry denies any pain or horror. He is just angry and extremely fatigued. He resents his wife (and maybe even her wealth) and is verbally cruel to her. While he rests, she shoots a ram. Harry reminisces about the people and places in his past. He has multiple flashbacks and contemplates all the writing he had one day hoped to do about the many experiences he has accumulated in his life but realizes nothing more will be accomplished. He senses the heavy presence of death.

When a rescue plane finally arrives, Harry is transported over the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. But wait. It seems Harry was only dreaming. There is no rescue plane yet. Helen discovers that her husband has died in his sleep. Outside their tent, a hyena makes a strange noise that resembles the sound of a human being crying.

Commentary You just know things are going badly when the story opens with the image of vultures circling in the air and the protagonist apologizing for the odor of his rotting leg and then suggesting that his wife either amputate the limb or shoot him. Africa is a magnificent setting for this story--natural beauty and danger lurk everywhere. Harry's death and dying is punctuated by self-examination and frequent recollections of his past. Much like Tolstoy's character, Ivan Ilych, Harry too has squandered his time and talent. Only near death does he comprehend the truth about his life. He realizes that despite the trappings of comfort and success, he is a lonely man who is actually bored with everything, even his own death! The gangrene of his leg is a striking metaphor for his self-destruction and wasted potential as a writer, husband, and human being. Now he suffers more from his own chastisement than from the painless progression of the gangrene.

Yet his fatal infection deepens his insight and a moment of lucidity replaces all his regrets and failure. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" speaks to both altitude and attitude--how high we aim, the excuses we make, and what we ultimately settle for.





2、book on有关…的书 3、book in登记;预定 双语例句:1、He wants to book a room in order to celebrate Tom's birthday.他想预订一个房间来庆祝汤姆的生日。2、That book belongs to my friend.那本书是我朋友的。3、Our hotel is usually booked up on weekends.我们酒店通常会在周末订...

有一本书用英语翻译是:Have a Book

Five books are in the schoolbag.There are five books in the schoolbag.

This is a book. 或者是It is a book. 这都是可以的。

你好!一本英语书 An English book

1.a book of mine 2.one of my books 3.my book

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三河市18774821899: 想找一些英文原著的书籍,有什么好介绍?
职时卡马: 书虫系列 英语名著的缩写本,共50册 爱情与金钱 苏格兰玛丽女王 在月亮下面 藩德尔的巫师 歌剧院的幽灵 猴爪 象人 世界上最冷的地方 威廉·莎士比亚 一个国王的爱情故事 亡灵岛 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 鲁宾孙漂流记 爱丽丝漫游奇境记 等等. 一般都是双语 简单易懂

三河市18774821899: 找一本全英文的书 -
职时卡马: 如果水平相对较高的,有一本书叫 Lovely Bones ,Alice Sebold 写的,现在也排成电影了,可以先看书再看电影,很感人. 还有the alchemist 中文是牧羊少年奇幻之旅,书本身很有哲理,英文版本的语言描述也很有魅力,是本可以看很多遍的书 如果水平相对较低想提高英文水平可以从儿童文学开始读.比如说the Charlotte's web,中文是夏洛的网.相似的儿童文学还有Haroun and the Sea of Stories(哈龙的故事海)等等 建议不要读像墓光之城或者哈利波特之流的作品,因为这类作品的英文文学运用比较极端化,对提高英语水平不是很有帮助,

三河市18774821899: 找一本英文小说书名字 -
职时卡马: 《塔洛城》

三河市18774821899: 汤姆正在书架上找书 用英语怎么写 -
职时卡马:[答案] Tom is looking for books from the bookdhelf.

三河市18774821899: 他到处找那本丢了的书.用英文怎么翻译 -
职时卡马: 他到处找那本丢了的书 He looked everywhere for the book lost

三河市18774821899: 想读几本英文原版的小说或散文,推荐几本吧. -
职时卡马: Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》 Jane Eyre 《简爱》 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》 The Great Gatsby 《了不起的盖茨比》 Oldman and Sea 《老人与海》 Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》 The Jungle 《屠场》------------建议看中英双语的----------------------------------希望可以帮助你,希望被采纳--------------

三河市18774821899: 想要本英文小说
职时卡马: 《小王子》英文版

三河市18774821899: 哪里可以找到很多的英文书籍 -
职时卡马: 1.The little prince (小王子)难度:一星内容:小王子的故事大家都熟了观后感:看的第一本原版书,作为个人入门打个基础是最好的选择.阅读起来几乎无障碍,但毕竟西方的语言表达和东方不一样,先有一个适应的过渡是很必须的 2.The ...

三河市18774821899: 找几本外文的名著小说,最好是英汉双著的 -
职时卡马: 《爱的教育》意大利 亚米契斯 译林版 夏丏尊译 《续爱的教育》意大利 孟德格查 译林版 夏丏尊译 《巨人传》法国 拉伯雷 上海译文版 《爱弥尔》法国 卢梭 商务版 《忏悔录》法国 卢梭 人文版 《老实人》法国 伏尔泰 江苏文艺版 《悲惨世界》 ...

三河市18774821899: 你可以寻找自己喜欢的书用英语怎么说? -
职时卡马:[答案] You can find the books you like. 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢哟!

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