
作者&投稿:帅宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The College will issue a student with two warnings if any student disobeys College rule, particularly with regard to those set out in the Student Diary. If the student re-offends, the College reserves the right to expel the student without refund.如果任何学生违反学校校规(特别是已...

帮忙给出“The Habits of Top College Students”的翻译

how to be healthy in college 的英文阅读文章
You're more likely to make time for exercise if others hold you accountable, so look into intramural sports or recreational clubs. These opportunities help you continue activities you love and learn new ones. Plus, you may make a few friends in the process. No club for the sport...

关于college education
call to the HR department to ask the results . The pesonnel told me i fail due to i am lack of work experience. i feel so annoying and even loose my temper ,because i apply the position in an jop recruting facing undergraduates . So i ask the personnel you re...

大学英语作文:The Virtues of Being College Students
college students are another type of species where even the lowest attempt at maintaining hygiene is tolerated.Everyone who is a student understands that people wear sweats to class. They?re comfortable to sit in for long periods of time and easy to put on in the morning. However,...

Mine \/ 我的最爱" You were in college working part time waiting tables \/ 你在大学时期半工半读 Left a small town never looked back \/ 毅然决然离开老家 I was a flight risk with a fear of falling \/ 我忐忑的心不知所措 Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts \/ ...

The night before my departure for college英语作文
dru came up with my folks and my sister. they're hooked up in a pretty swank B&B down near St. Mark's that gives away free bicycles. can't be bad. I was sprinkled with graduation gifties, which made me somewhat uncomfortable. that doesn't speak to the gesture or to the...

以If i am study hard为题的英文作文
yet is supposed to be more intensive than its high-school counterpart. That's because in college you're expected to put more of your own time into studying.Set yourself a grade goal. If you don't meet it, cut down on non-school activities. (If you can't, because you're...

Scene---in the college dorm Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping. Mike came back from a morning jogging. M: hi, Dan, what are u doing? D: I am playing war craft. M: Where is Tommy? D: Shiiiii! M:What? What's the matter? D: Don't u see?

Education Does Count.
In college it’s appropriate to think about specialization. Getting real expertise in an area of interest can lead to success—unless the specialty ends up being a dead end or you’re not good at it7. Graduate school is one way to get specialized knowledge, although extended ...

德研17858451847问: 美国埃默里大学最好的专业是哪一个? -
濠江区日夜回答: 1:美国埃默里大学最好的科目要算生物及化学. 2:Emory有相当一部分的学生是医学预科(Pre-Medicine)或Pre-Health.这里要解释一下,美国的本科没有医学专业,只有研究生才可以学医,但为了进入竞争最激烈的医学院,本科必...

德研17858451847问: 茱莉亚音乐学院,详细资料.中国每年会有多少学生被录取? -
濠江区日夜回答: 朱利亚现在学院有大学预科部(Pre-college),大学,研究生学院,博士学院.整个学院,包括所有的学位,包括所有舞蹈学院、音乐学院和戏剧学院的全部学生加起来,一共800人.根据学校的资料,整个学院2009年报名人数为2823人,实际录取228人,录取率为4.68%. 特别光荣推出一下全世界最难考的学位:朱莉亚的艺术家文凭(Artist Diploma).每年只招收0到1人.

德研17858451847问: 伦敦国王学院预科 能上什么大学 -
濠江区日夜回答: 伦敦大学国王学院的硕士预科(International pre-master)课程的雅思成绩要求:9月开课的要求IELTS 5.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in reading and writing and 5.0 in listening and speaking) ;1月份开课要求 IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in all skills) ;大学平均成绩要求至少80分以上,完成大学本科获得学士学位.

德研17858451847问: 请问一下剑桥文理学院怎么样啊? -
濠江区日夜回答: 剑桥文理学院提供八种课程:GCSE、Pre Programme、A Level、一年快速A Level、剑桥Pre-U、大学预科、研究生预科和学术英语及夏令营.核心专业有音乐、会计学、电影.CATS剑桥学院主教学楼Bridge House 俯瞰圣约翰大学和大教堂.每年12月学校都要在教堂里举办颂歌仪式.Bridge House通过过道和楼梯与学院的其它校区相连,所以CATS剑桥学院和剑桥视觉及表演艺术学校的学生可以很容易地互通往来.学校最与众不同的优势是教师的激情、专业和奉献精神.一流的教学设备固然让人印象深刻,但是缺少教师卓有成效地引领学生很难全部利用周边良好环境提供的全部机会.

德研17858451847问: two year college中文是什么意思 -
濠江区日夜回答: 两年制专科学院.美国不少社区大学就是这种.

德研17858451847问: post - college 什么意思 -
濠江区日夜回答: 上完大学后而不再上学的阶段,称为post-college.在上大学前的阶段,为pre-college.

德研17858451847问: 英国伦敦帝国理工学院本科奖学金都有哪些 -
濠江区日夜回答: 英国伦敦帝国理工学院本科奖学金有以下几种:(一)2015-2016年校长本科奖学金(Rector's Undergraduate Scholarships) 英国帝国理工学院校长本科奖学金适用于所有院系的学生,名额有110个.此项奖学金将主要根据学生的学术成就进行...

德研17858451847问: pre - major到底是啥意思 -
濠江区日夜回答: 就是预备科目 比如你要进传媒系,之前就就要上pre-journalsim 上传媒系得前提条件是上pre-course 比如J101,J201什么得,这些课达到了J-school得标准后,你就能进去了! 我相信这和数学得专业一样!

德研17858451847问: 小学生可以去美国留学吗?要怎么申请? -
濠江区日夜回答: 美国中小学教育分3个阶段: 学前教育 (pre-school education); 初等教育(elementary education); 中等教育(secondary education). 从学前教育、初等教育到中等教育,都是属于大学前(pre-college)的教育,包括保育学校 (nursery ...

德研17858451847问: 什么样的可称为用于申请的活动呢?
濠江区日夜回答: 1Academic-学术 该类型活动范围广,包括做学科项目,独立研究,学科竞赛,自学课程,参加大学暑期Pre-college课程等. 2Art-艺术 艺术是除了语言之外表达思想的最直...

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