大学英语作文:The Virtues of Being College Students

作者&投稿:空欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
保持年轻的好处英语作文。the virtues of being young~

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of Internet. Netsurfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品). What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on Internet. Its advantages seem countless. Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own entertainment. So much so that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that World Wide Web turns into World Wide Wait. What is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and sex. Apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒) and hackers (黑客). We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential as well. With proper management of Internet people ought to experience more fruits of the information revolution. All the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of Interne

Many famous quote about the spread of good faith, such as "Man does not stand, the country no letter is not strong." "Man Without faith, I wonder if it could have." "Stands by its word, line must be fruit." And so on. Indeed, integrity is the premise of everyone to settle down. Life in this world, every day we are dealing with different people, if lost others for their basic trust, we not become everyone avoided loner?

Honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Honest people like countless stars, shining in the course of history. Shang Yang standing trust, people gained confidence, thereby implementing the new law; Yu Pian assumes letter, won the respect of the world; Jizha hanging sword but Xuguo Guo Jun aspiration, transferred to eternal story.

Temporal changes can be tempting integrity still flashing light. Many great men but also the integrity of the stick and force Walker. Deputy Chairman of the State when Soong, once promised kindergarten children "June" to go visit them, but "June" sudden change in weather that day, the next stop downpour, the teacher and the kids all thought she would not go a. Available at the agreed time, Soong familiar figure appeared in their vision, the kids excited, but also moved to tears left, and afterwards she said:. "Now I say, you have trustworthy"
However, in the 21st century, the integrity of some of the virtues but was gradually forgotten and lost.

Do not you see, in order to reap huge profits, businesses have water to pork, seafood soaked in formalin, Do not you see, uncommon cigarettes alcohol, poisonous rice, inferior milk powder, black cotton, devastated much fresh life! The face of those endless liar, very hard to detect deception, deceptive products, frustration and helplessness in the goodness of people behind, even more frightening, the whole social system being honest and trustworthy unprecedented serious impact!

Do not say these indifference nothing to do with me, but no appointment time with the students on time, plagiarism cheating in the examination room, after graduating from the delay in the repayment of student loans, which do not occur in our midst thing? What qualifications do we have to say has nothing to do with me? Perhaps you will say, these are just trivial, it is time for the event, I will naturally honest. As everyone knows, noble character is a little bit of training by the normal accumulation from in front of the little things still can not in good faith strict self-discipline, what about events? Develop an inertia in the little things will only make us farther and farther away from the integrity of the road.

No human integrity, is a bleak and barren world. We integrity of others, is paid by the sincerity and trust, friendship and respect for harvest. This is an intangible asset, which is a heavy priceless. As the integrity of the foundation of our life will be more stable buildings, carrying integrity of the road, our journey of life will be more colorful!
Honesty is like a pool of clear water secluded, quiet, indifferent, beautiful, simple but clean it yourself face to the people to show their beauty. Is such a secluded lake clear lake, make our life more perfect.

Embark on the journey again, when the road to bring honesty, and let us always this way with integrity counterparts!







During my time as an undergrad I always embraced being a student but there were moments when I couldn't wait to graduate and get a jump start on my career and start making money. My older peers always told me to stay in school as long as you can. Now that I am out on my own, I realized what they meant. I am truly starting to appreciate things I took for granted while I was in school. Therefore, it has inspired me to jot down a few things I miss about college since I've entered the real world.

First, being a student equals free things and discounts. My first few weeks out of college I realized how often I took advantage of my student status. I am no longer eligible for discounts at local food markets, on electronics, etc. Not to mention having to pay for things like a gym-membership.

In addition to freebies I never knew the student health center was the cheapest hospital I'd ever visit. Although it is just a doctor's office, it was nice to have a place to go when I was feeling a little under the weather... and for free. Now if I want to have a doctor check me for a sinus infection or cold, it will cost me. I also didn't realize how much I took my parent's health insurance for granted. Searching for my health insurance has been a true eye-opener. I've learned a lot about how things work and what terms like "deductible" and "co-pay" mean as well as how expensive things can get.

Yes, health insurance from the parents is something I didn't calculate into my cost of college, as well as parent's money in general. Even if some students don't get an allowance, parents often pay for car insurance, cell phone bills, taxes and things like that. These are things I never even thought about... until I had to start paying for them.

Health insurance, taxes, bills etc. will become more manageable once I get comfortable financially. But one thing that I simply can't put a price tag on are winter, spring and fall break. Besides a day or two off for Christmas, these glorious weeks don't exist in the real world. I never realized how precious these days were until I didn't have them anymore.

Although I could ramble on about a few other luxuries I miss about being a student, all in all, my transition from student to a young professional as been an appreciative one. No one could convince me how great being in college was; I only truly valued it after I was no longer there. And since I am not in a full-time position yet, I know how incredible things like paid-vacation time and health insurance are when it comes to accepting a job; it isn't all about the salary. Thus, my journey from college to real-world has been a necessary step into what will be a successful and grateful career.

llege students are a special brand of species. You can pick college students out of a crowd by the way they look, what they are wearing, how they walk around in the morning, what they eat and the amount of hygiene they deem acceptable.

The weirdest experience I can remember was coming home from college after my freshman year and taking a shower without wearing flip flops, without the fear of getting some kind of fungus on my feet. Yes, college students are another type of species where even the lowest attempt at maintaining hygiene is tolerated.

Everyone who is a student understands that people wear sweats to class. They?re comfortable to sit in for long periods of time and easy to put on in the morning. However, wearing sweats does not replace showering. Yes, in most cases sweats will cover up your two-days-without-showering smell, and a hoodie, to some, has become the best invention ever to hide your scary bed head. But sweats are not a substitute for showering at least once a day. There is also the issue of wearing the same sweat suit day after day after day. Sweats are miraculous inventions, but even they can?t withstand the smell of a college student for more than two days without being washed. To all of you who do wear the same sweats day after day, you?re not fooling anyone, we can smell you, but something tells me that if you?re doing it, you don?t really care what anyone thinks in the first place. Just don?t expect to get any phone numbers in class.

Worse than wearing the same sweats day after day, is getting decked out in nice clothing to go to class when you haven?t showered. Unless you?re of a special smell-less, sweat-less class, there is no reason why you are an exception to the showering rule. What I don?t get is why you would waste a perfectly good outfit you could wear over the weekend, to throw on your un-showered bodies in order to sit in class all day.

God gave college students sweats for a reason; it is a shame that some of you still wear short skirts and high heels to class. When I see people decked out in class, squirming around uncomfortably in their seats for an hour and 45 minutes, it makes me want to throw a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie at them.

Another thing that some students who are above and beyond hygiene think is that they can get away without brushing their teeth, and that gum, Listerine and Tic Tacs are right up there with the invention of the sweatsuit. But once again, I?m going to have to give you all some bad news: gum doesn?t cover up the yellow stains on your teeth. Even the longest lasting gum, which lasts about four minutes before you?re chewing on what tastes like your own breath, won?t hide your morning breath. I?m not sure whether these people just don?t care that when they speak, others always stand a couple of feet away from them or turn their head, or if they really just don?t have three extra minutes in the morning and night to get the job done.

The last hygiene cover-up attempt, and probably the easiest to pick out is the cologne shower. Guys think that if they just give themselves one spray?or 10?of cologne it will substitute for a shower. As a girl, I can understand a girl waking up late and has to get to class in 15 minutes has no time for a shower. She would have to wash her hair, dry her hair, etc., etc., etc., but all a guy has to do is jump in the shower, lather up, some even wash their hair with a bar of soap I hear, and jump out in five minutes or less.

There is no excuse other than laziness for a guy not showering in the morning, and the cologne showers do not count. When a guy who has taken a cologne shower walks by, you will know, and a certain disgusted expression will appear on your face; guys, it?s not an expression to be proud of.

So to conclude, college students get away with enough stuff as it is: waking up at noon, skipping classes, not having jobs and eating pizza for breakfast. If you add not showering, not brushing your teeth and wearing the same clothing more than a day at a time, you?ve gone too far.

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