
作者&投稿:才旦点 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

we were traveling thirty to fifty feet above the rocky river bed on about an thirty to fifty feet above the rocky river bed on about an eight-foot ledge road when we came upon a deep cut which took away all but about one foot of the road next to the cliff.我们正行进在...

Books are a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors.The best way to gain know ledge is,of course,to read books,and in the meantime,participate in various kinds of practicaL activities.A combination of the two will sure[y make us full and well informed.:所有我们所拥有的知识,有...

v. 承认(属实); 承认(权威、地位); 告知收悉;一、读音:英 ['sɪmpl],美 ['sɪmpl]二、例句:In each cave they constructed fiveScarcity beds.他们在每间窑洞里做了5个简单的床。三、词汇用法:1、ackownledge用作形容词,基本意思是“简单的,易懂的”,侧重于事物不复杂,...

make a person narrow minded and prejudiced.Books are a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors. The best way to gain know ledge is, of course, to read books, and in the meantime, participate in various kinds of practicaL activities. A combination of the two will sure[y make ...

英语作文 刘翔
Liu Xiang (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a hurdling athlete.In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles.He has since made ...

看看这个 行吗 先说拉 偶 不懂英语 Oneof the most important aspects of a person is his orherjob. Whether a person is a basketballstar, high schoolteacher, or astronaut, it is the job that defines aperson’slife. Even schoolwork determines whatdailyactivities one chooses to...

a"tobot"or a"bookworm"out of the student,but will bring up a new generation that are masters of the robot and kownledge society.我建议应该加快从应试教育转向素质教育的改革。我本人坚信素质教育的潜力,期盼其带来丰硕成果。我们的教育体制不应该是把学生变成所谓的“机器人”或“书虫”,...

Well I know the feeling of finding yourself stuck out the ledge And there ain't no healing From cutting yourself with jagged edge I'm telling you that, it's never that bad And taking that something is well right Lay down on the floor, and you are not sure You can take ...

英语作文,字数110左右 假如你是李磊,你的初中好友韩梅梅去美国读书后...
If you ask me what is my favourite occupation.I will say “A teacher” without any hesitation.This is because of my teachers’ impact on me Teachers are considered as the greatest occupation in the world.They try their best to help their students obtain the knoeledge and become...

knowledge [英][ˈnɒlɪdʒ][美][ˈnɑ:lɪdʒ]n.了解,理解; 知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法); 学科; 见闻;例句 1.She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair.她告诉议会她对此事并不知情。2.The author 's ...

卓熊18446004935问: 美国海军升旗的时候经常说的一句短语是什么呀?? -
商城县丽芙回答: “I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justicefor all” 这是美国陆军,海军,空军升旗的誓词.

卓熊18446004935问: 在美国中学还用每天宣誓the pledge of allegiance吗?
商城县丽芙回答: 不用

卓熊18446004935问: and justice for all -
商城县丽芙回答: 不是独立宣言,是美国的效忠宣誓--The Pledge of Allegiance的最后四个单词.原版的宣誓词由基督教浸礼派牧师佛郎西斯·白勒米(Francis Bellamy 1855-1931)于1892年9月8日的The Youth's Companion上发表,原文是“I pledge allegiance ...

卓熊18446004935问: 美国人宣誓的誓词是什么?英文原版~最好还有翻译~ -
商城县丽芙回答: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible,with liberty and justice for all. 我宣誓忠实干美利坚合众国国旗,忠实于她所代表的合众国--上帝之下一个不对分割的国家,在这里,人人享有自由和正义."

卓熊18446004935问: I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it sta -
商城县丽芙回答: 我对国旗宣誓效忠美国和它的人民sta)

卓熊18446004935问: 英语翻译I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God,indivisible,with liberty and ... -
商城县丽芙回答:[答案] 我 宣 誓 效 忠 于 美 利 坚 合 众 国 的 国 旗 与 国 家 .坚 信 在 上 帝 的 统 领 下 ,美 国 是 代 表 自 由 、正 义 的 独 立 统 一 国 家 .

卓熊18446004935问: 誓言的语境指什么??
商城县丽芙回答: 誓言 基本翻译 oath pledge promise 网络释义 誓言:Promise/Pledge/Vow|The Promise|I Swear 效忠誓言:Pledge of Allegiance 黑字誓言:Swear of black word

卓熊18446004935问: 盟 英语怎么说
商城县丽芙回答: “盟字”就是"Pledge of alliance"

卓熊18446004935问: 在美国上学 每天早上都要捂着心脏发誓 想知道发誓的时候 广播说的是什么 -
商城县丽芙回答: The Pledge of Allegiance“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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