
作者&投稿:标永 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what is success
the rich have many reasons to be rich,including opportunites and abilities,and sometimes they deserve the wealth because they have paid for it.I don’t belong to the gang who hate the rich.But,I don’t agree with the point of view that the more you earn the more successful...

原句是一种修辞倒装,目的是强调提前部分。这种倒装的格式是——现在分词(谓语动词)短语 + 助动词 be + 主语(进行时态倒装)过去分词(谓语动词)短语 + 助动词 be + 主语(被动语态倒装)介词短语 + be + 主语(系表结构倒装)例如:Standing at the center of the square is the Monument...

如何理解"成功"不同的人有不同的看法 的英语作文的翻译
the rich have many reasons to be rich,including opportunites and abilities,and sometimes they deserve the wealth because they have paid for it.I don’t belong to the gang who hate the rich. But,I don’t agree with the point of view that the more you earn the more succe...

...with a university education. A. opportunit
应该是A ,有大学教育背景的人将来会有更多新的机会。其他的没道理啊。B必要性 ?C 现实性?D 可能性 都讲不通的

成功 等待着你短文答案

seek out opportunities=take (填一个单词) of opportunit

纳氏试剂光度法用的药品是基准纯还是分析纯的 氨氮(NH3-N)指标的监测规程---纳氏试剂分光光度法 1.目的 为了规范化验人员在污水处理厂中的监测方法和操作程序,提高监测数据的准确性,特制定本规程。2.适用范围 本监测规程适用污水处理站。3.定义及原理 3.1 定义:氨氮(NH3-N)以游离(NH3)...

求英语翻译 急

您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 雅思11月的第一次考试已经圆满结束了,来一起看...

S (strengths)是优势、W (weaknesses)是劣势,O (opportunities)是机会、T (threats)是威胁。按照企业竞争战略的完整概念,战略应是一个企业“能够做的”(即组织的强项和弱项)和“可能做的”(即环境的机会和威胁)之间的有机组合。所谓SWOT分析,即基于内外部竞争环境和竞争条件下的态势分析,...

湛亨13693696970问: opportunity to do 什么意思? -
荷塘区珍芪回答: 你好 opportunity to do 翻译是 机会做..事情的机会 希望能帮到你~

湛亨13693696970问: opportunity to do 什么意思?
荷塘区珍芪回答: 很巧的做了什么. 望采纳~o(^_^)o

湛亨13693696970问: have an opportunity to do/of doing区别它们有什么区别,用法, -
荷塘区珍芪回答:[答案] opportunity of doing sth. opportunity for (doing) sth. 都是做某事的机会 没有区别 给几个例句: This gave him an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这给了他一个机会镇定下来. Austin viewed mistakes simply as an opportunity for learning. 奥斯汀把任...

湛亨13693696970问: opportunity的句式有哪些?有opportunity to do么 -
荷塘区珍芪回答: 有变体名词 An opportunity is a situation in which it is possible for you to do something that you want to do. 机会 例:I had an opportunity to go to New York and study.我曾有过一个去纽约学习的机会.例:...equal opportunities in employment

湛亨13693696970问: opportunity的句式有哪些?有opportunity to do么?有 opportunity for doing么? -
荷塘区珍芪回答: 有this is a opportunity for sb. to do sth. 没有opportunity for doing

湛亨13693696970问: have an opportunity to do与doing的区别? -
荷塘区珍芪回答: 就是to volunteer,不是volunteering

湛亨13693696970问: opportunity 的用法是什么啊?还有它后面加 to do ,of doing ,for -
荷塘区珍芪回答: 没有oing这玩意. opportunity是名词,n. 咱汉语中名词怎么用,英语中就怎么用.

湛亨13693696970问: take a opportunity to do 是什么意思 -
荷塘区珍芪回答: take an opportunity to do sth 抓住(利用)机会做某事

湛亨13693696970问: the oportunity of doing 和the oportunity to do有区别么,区别是什么 -
荷塘区珍芪回答: the oportunity of doing 和the oportunity to do应该没区别吧,都是做某事的机会.it is said about that 后面加上从句应该是表示“据说”

湛亨13693696970问: have an opportunity to do与have an opportunity doing的区别
荷塘区珍芪回答: 只有have an opportunity of doing 做某事的机会 eg: This gave him an opportunity of collecting his thoughts. 这给了他一个机会镇定下来. have an opportunity to do 有机会做某事 If you owe someone an apology or have an opportunity to soothe things over, then do it. 如果你欠某人一个抱歉或是有机会让事情好转,那么就去做. 希望对你有帮助哦~

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