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三.翻译 中翻英 中级口译中的翻译不完全等同于以前考试中经常做的中译英题型。因为它要求的是翻译一篇文章,而不是一句句子。所以在翻译的时候,要特别注意上下句的联系。英翻中 英翻中首先要过词汇关,如考试时出现过“obesity”这个核心词,如果你不认识的话,那就会全盘皆输。英翻中最终是翻译成...

In the United States, obesity has become one of the most serious health problems. Investigation shows, more than 60 percent of American adults are overweight, a quarter of those obese. Fast food is caused by obesity is the culprit. Cheap price, but lack of nutrition food becomes ...

只有人们认识到酒后只有人们认识到酒后驾车的危害才能预防它 Only people realized the dangers of drink driving to prevent its ...被认为更容易导致体重问题 ... is\/are regarded as easier to lead to overweight\/obesity.茶引进英国后改变了英国人的生活方式 The introduction of tea into ...

“胖”的英文是FAT 读音f#230t释义 adj1多肉的,肥胖的丰满的饱满的 2厚的粗的宽的 3肥沃的,富饶的,丰饶的利于丰产的 4有利可图的赚钱的职业职务等收益多的薪水等。胖的用英语翻译 形容词 fat 胖, 肥, 油, 丰厚, 丰满, 奘 plump 丰满, 饱满, 鼓起, 胖, 饱, 嗉 名词 ...

...about the fithess of its people 这篇文章的翻译
是这一篇?Singapore worries a lot about the fitness of its people. One-third of the people in the country are overweight and about 6% of them are too fat . Every year, September is the health month for "Fighting Obesity (肥胖) "This fight against unhealthy lifestyIes (生活...

1. The issue of obesity is becoming an increasing concern. How can we maintain a healthy physique?2. It is crucial to first identify the factors contributing to obesity. With economic growth, living standards have improved, leading to excessive consumption of food and a lack of ...

Obesity has increasingly become an obsession, then how to maintain a healthy body? Should first identify the factors that cause this problem, due to the rapid economic development, people's lives become better, eating a lot of sports too less. Another reason is pressure from all ...

求高手帮忙翻译成英语 不胜感谢
With the incresing improvement of our living standard, obesity has become a serious social issue of public health globally. It has been listed as one of the 10 dangerous factors causing burdon of diseases (BOD) by the WTO and may become the killer harming teenager heath in the ...

However, we cannot avoid the problems that exist in fast food. The most prominent is the health issue; most fast foods are deep-fried and greasy foods of high calories, if taken regularly, not only will it lead to obesity but also various other diseases. More worryingly, some ...

熊猫的生活习性 中英文翻译
Columns such as:Pandas are good at climbing, in order to escape predators, bathing the sun, romp and play, courtship marriage. Do not look at individual pandas obesity, and trees are experts, it is their predatory instincts of their ancestors, favorable prey, but also be able to...

蒋肢18046778967问: Obesity什么意思? -
吉首市氨碘回答:[答案] obesity [əu'bi:səti, -'be-] 基本翻译 n. 肥大,肥胖 请采纳

蒋肢18046778967问: obesity翻译 -
吉首市氨碘回答: 名词 :肥胖,过胖;肥胖症

蒋肢18046778967问: 肥胖的英文单词
吉首市氨碘回答: obesity = 肥胖

蒋肢18046778967问: 胖的英语单词怎么写呀 -
吉首市氨碘回答: 1、heavy[ˈhevi] adj.重的;沉的 She is heavy.她很胖. 2、over-weight [ˈəʊvə-weɪt] adj.超重的 The doctor put me on a diet because I am over-weight. 医生要我节食,因为我太胖了. 3、fat [fæt] adj.胖的;肥的;厚的;大量的 I am a fat man....

蒋肢18046778967问: 过度肥胖的英文怎么说
吉首市氨碘回答: 过度肥胖obesity【名词】 过度肥胖的obese【形容词】

蒋肢18046778967问: 瘦的和胖的用英语怎么翻译 -
吉首市氨碘回答: 1、thin: [ θin ]a. 瘦的 ad. 薄,细,瘦,稀薄(的) v. (使)变薄 vi. 变薄2.胖的 fat 通俗用词,略含贬义.指因体内脂肪过多而显肥胖. stout 指膀粗腰圆,身体笨重,暗示肥壮. plump指胖得匀称好看,有曲线感. fleshiness 指多肉的 adiposity 脂肪过多,肥胖,肥胖症 obesity 肥胖,过胖;肥胖症

蒋肢18046778967问: 胖用英语怎么写 -
吉首市氨碘回答: 胖grosgrascorpulentobèsereplet希望能对您解决此问题有所帮助,并得到您的采纳!这里是搜问互助五团Baby小组为你解答~!

蒋肢18046778967问: 怎么用obesity这个单词表达肥胖的人?the obesity? -
吉首市氨碘回答: ~ a person of obesity ~ a person in condition of obesity ~ an obese person 〔直接用形容词 obese〕

蒋肢18046778967问: 一个英语翻译的问题:肥胖症是adiposis obesity, 那么“准肥胖症”中“准”应该用什么形容词? -
吉首市氨碘回答: 一般用semi加在前面,就是semi-obesity,例句:Those who are heavy--in a state of obesity or semi-obesity--will have very flushed faces. If the weather is warm, they will look very much flushed, as if the blood pressure were high.

蒋肢18046778967问: 现今肥胖问题很普遍用英语怎么翻译 -
吉首市氨碘回答: Obesity is very common today.望楼主采纳!

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