
作者&投稿:华舍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

sub作为前缀有如下意思:1、在…底下,在…下边 例如:subordinate, subservient, subsidiary 2、下位,副,一点,稍许 例如:subtitle, subeditor, subacid 3、代替…例如:supplant, subaltern 4、精密地,细致地 例如:subcommittee, subdivide, succinct ...

Congress passes laws that must be obeyed by the people.美国国会通过的法律,人民一定要遵守。rally n. (鼓舞士气的)集会;群众性集会。The football coach called a rally to build up the team's excitement for the next game.足球教练召开了一个动员会,以便鼓舞士气打好下次比赛。seminar n. (大学的)...

虽然,我从小看惯了,我却以为这样一种风俗,与其遵守它倒不如破坏它来的更体面些。这种酗酒作乐使我们受到各国的纷纷的议论和诋毁,他们称我们酒鬼,用下流...Romeo and Juliet by Ford Madox BrownEnlargeRomeo and Juliet by Ford Madox BrownJuliet sends the nurse to find Romeo. Accompanied by one Peter, ...

雅思口语 求高手给素材
This is also the method of selection of federal judges, who are appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the Senate. Even under the appointive system the selection of judges is not immune from political influence and appointees are usually of the President�s or...

Unconsciously, I have been spoiled by you for ten years. Thank you for your love and tolerance, and look forward to the next round of spring, summer, autumn and winter with you.6、愿多年以后,仍不忘初心,执子之手,与子偕老,苦乐共享。I hope that after many years, I will ...

144. Ive heard so much about you!(久仰大名!)145. Dont underestimate me.(别小看我。)146. She gives me a headache.(她让我头疼。)147. Its very annoying.(真烦人。)148. He often fails to keep his word.(他常常不遵守诺言。)149. You made me feel ashamed of myself.(你让我感到羞愧。

144. Ive heard so much about you!(久仰大名!) 145. Dont underestimate me.(别小看我。) 146. She gives me a headache.(她让我头疼。) 147. Its very annoying.(真烦人。) 148. He often fails to keep his word.(他常常不遵守诺言。) 149. You made me feel ashamed of myself.(你让我感到...


问题一:商务邮件的格式怎么写?有范文吗? 在使用电子邮件对外进行联络时,应当遵守一定的礼义规范,如何正确...You and y揣ur pany have been remended to us by Charles Lewis of East Asia Building Material...If your prices are petitive we would expect to transact a significant v胆lume of business. We...

Sincere occasionally, into the role of people sincerely, the most easily by his sincerity moved....Ive been sincere and complaint or regret. But no no lack. Unless there is no sincere, will ...11、遵守诺言就象保卫你的荣誉一样。——巴尔扎克 12、在一切道德品质中,善良的本性是世界上最需要的...

邲霄15679523655问: live 后面加介词有几种用法? -
镇康县丹参回答: 有三种用法.live后面加in,on,at,by. 表示某地时,live in后接大地点,live at后接小地点. live in的意思是住在(某地);存在于…;为…而生存 live on的意思是“靠…为生”,指的是来源. live by的意思是“靠…过活”,指的是手段 live by多数...

邲霄15679523655问: live in, live on, live by的用法
镇康县丹参回答: 1)live in 后面加地方 2)live on 靠……生活,以·······为食,可用于动物和人,后接食物或生活来源.如:He lives on teaching.他靠教书为生. 3)live by 1. 以……为生 live by one's wits 靠小聪明过日子 by 以……为生 down 被...

邲霄15679523655问: 请问怎么选择? 谢谢!
镇康县丹参回答: 答案应该是:B A live by 的意思是“靠...活着”,一般后面应该加职业. 例句:Jack lived by writing for a newspaper.杰克靠给一家报纸写稿来维持生活. B live on的意思是“以...为食;靠...活着,生存”,虽然意思与上一句相类似,但是后面普遍跟的应该是食物,或者精神食粮,而题中的calories是卡路里的意思,显然B选项比较贴切. Clive with是“和...一起住” Dlive up to 是“符合;不辜负...的希望;遵守”之意. 综上可知应该为B

邲霄15679523655问: 中翻英.使用(live by.inreturn) -
镇康县丹参回答: Keep ageement up you done, after anyone will be respect you.

邲霄15679523655问: live by 与live on 的区别?
镇康县丹参回答: live by是指以...为生比如 I lived by teaching 我以教书为生live on是指吃...为生比如 He lived on meat 他吃肉为生

邲霄15679523655问: live on 和live by有什么区别?
镇康县丹参回答: live on的意思是继续生活、以...为主食,靠...生活. live by有靠...为生,住在...附近的意思.

邲霄15679523655问: live off, live by 和 live on 都有“以....为生;靠......生活”的意思,它们在使用中有什么区别吗? -
镇康县丹参回答: live off sb./sth. 1.靠…挣得食物或收入 2.(贬义)靠…供养 live by sth./doing sth. 1.靠…过活 2.以…为行为准则 live on sth. 1.只以…为食,只靠…挣取收入(强调其唯一性)

邲霄15679523655问: live on和live by 的区别 -
镇康县丹参回答: 首先两者都可以翻译成“靠...为生”. 两者细微的差别在于后面的介词“by”和“on”, by---通常表示“手段”和“方式”,此外“live by”还有住在...附近的意思. on----则表示所依赖的具体的物质,具体可用于动物方面,表示“以...为主食”.

邲霄15679523655问: "遵守"用英语怎么说 -
镇康县丹参回答: 关于这个意思,表达方式比较多,可以用不同的单词或词组来表示,常用的有以下一些:observeabide bycomply withstick bylive up tokeep toobeystand to

邲霄15679523655问: live up什么意思? -
镇康县丹参回答: 据我至今的学历看,是没有live up 这个短语的,只有live up to,有遵守实践;不辜负的意思,例句:you should live up to your promise.(你应当遵守你的诺言.) 还有楼上的升级是level up.而不是live up,看来你玩游戏的时候没有认真的看.

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