
作者&投稿:董昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好,可翻译为:With the frequent request of mine,my father agreed to go to Australia with me in time(终于;终究)。满意速采纳,谢!

Jadeite is a pyroxene mineral with composition NaAlSi2O6. It is monoclinic. It has a Mohs hardness of about 6.5 to 7.0 depending on the composition. The mineral is dense, with a specific gravity of about 3.4.The name jadeite is derived (via French: lejade and Latin: ilia...

Picture this: The air and the earth interpenetrated in the warm gusts of spring; the soil was full of sunlight, and the sunlight full of red dust. The air one breathed was saturated with earthy smells, and the grass under foot had a reflection of blue sky in it.Every sprin...

Specimen A nearly complete sacrum with three posterior dorsal and three articulated anterior caudal vertebrae,two incomplete ribs,both ilia,parts of the right femur,tibia,fibula and the fourth toe.The specimen is stored in Beijing Natural History Museum:BPV-112. Locality and horizon Luyuan,Shixing C...

The dog, named Pierre Deux, lives in an Indianapolis apartment with owners Ilia and James Macdonald. His toilet lid is wrapped in aqua chiffon with a purple feather boa border and the room is decorated with flower petals and a picture of Pierre's girlfriend, Gigi. He relieves himself on ...

1.我将去美国4年 2.没有,我申请的是州立大学,没有给国际学生提供奖学金。3.我父亲的朋友是这所学校国际招生的负责人,他给我介绍了这个学校。4.因为我的英语有点薄弱,特别是听和说方面,所以我将去语言学校学习英语,而后在规定的时候修完所需的学分。5.毕业后我将回国工作。6.我父亲的朋友...

was born into a teacher's family. 1867年居里夫人出生在一个教师家庭。五、 be born + with, 表示"天赋;命运"。He was born with a good memory. 他生来记性就好。六、 be born+ to do, 表示"生而为...;生来就是"。She was born to succeed in life. 她生来注定会成功。

before, but I have't their contact fact because the delivey is in Manilia ,please dom't worry about the transportation for we will send the good to Manilia,what you should do is only to apply to customs and pick up the is just this simple!

第2题怎么写 英语!!
1 though7.have fun with8.belief 本回答由提问者推荐 评论 0 0 ceiciliahot 采纳率:36% 擅长: 日韩明星 日韩流行乐 电视 动漫 英语考试 其他回答 many people think that christmas is a western custom,but in fact it is really a worldwide ...

Time is Jan. 14 (Friday afternoon).Location is at the company cafeteria.The trainning will last for two hours.The aim is ***, farmiliarizing the uses of softwares and hardwares, decreasing software and hardware mulfunctioning.A colleague from the accounting department will be invite...

邹广13299379747问: insect昆虫 是可数还是不可数名词? -
东乡县尤尼回答: 可数名词,动物,昆虫的名词大多数是可数名词 例句:1.The insect bit him and drew blood from his arm.那只昆虫叮在他的手臂上吸血.2.A cocoon is a kind of silk covering made by an insect.蚕茧是由昆虫制造的一种由丝组成的外包层.3.She stamped on the insect and killed it.她踩死了一只虫子.4.A locust is a kind of destructive insect.蝗虫是一种害虫.

邹广13299379747问: 请用英文介绍几种“Insect(昆虫)”,还要有中文翻译. -
东乡县尤尼回答: butterfly 蝴蝶 ant 蚂蚁 dragonfly 蜻蜓 firefly 萤火虫 grasshopper 蚱蜢 bee 蜜蜂Ladybugs (Coccinellids) are generally considered useful insects as many species feed on aphids or scale insects, which are pests in gardens, agricultural fields, ...

邹广13299379747问: Mary is counting an insects那里错了 2:I likes spring best 哪里错了 Why season do you like best ? -
东乡县尤尼回答: 1,insects改成insect 或者去掉an2 likes改成 like3 why 改成 what

邹广13299379747问: Which letter is an insect? (哪个字母是昆虫?)(打一英语字母)
东乡县尤尼回答: B= bea (蜜蜂)

邹广13299379747问: What letter is an insect(昆虫)? -
东乡县尤尼回答: B(同bee,蜜蜂同音) 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

邹广13299379747问: insect是什么意思 -
东乡县尤尼回答: insect英 ['ɪnsekt] 美 ['ɪnsɛkt] n. 昆虫;卑鄙的人

邹广13299379747问: insect怎么读 -
东乡县尤尼回答: insect 英[ˈɪnsekt] 美[ˈɪnˌsɛkt] n. 虫,昆虫;卑鄙的人;微贱的人,小人 adj. 昆虫的;卑劣的 名词复数:insects [例句]Insect bites usually cause a small red bump. 昆虫叮咬通常都会导致皮肤起很小的红肿.

邹广13299379747问: “蚂蚁”的英文怎么读? -
东乡县尤尼回答: “蚂蚁”的英文:ant 读音:英 [ænt] 美 [ænt] 词汇搭配: 1、Honeypot ant 蜜蚁 2、Ant War 蚂蚁帝国 3、Ant Crucible 热锅上的蚂蚁 4、Ant Nation 蚂蚁王国 常见句型: 1、The ant is a social insect. 蚂蚁是一种群居昆虫. 2、They make ...

邹广13299379747问: What letter is kind of insect?什么意思 -
东乡县尤尼回答: 他的意思是:什么字母是一种昆虫?希望可以帮助你,望采纳.

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