
作者&投稿:邰民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. We have to look at the appendix in order to concentrate on reading and the chapters relevant to the subject

2. I found to understand the meaning of the word, after he was easy to remember

3. I prefer to think carefully before you prepare a draft operational

4. I found 500 a month to keep the money, or a little more

5. Write an essay I spend about 3 hours

1,2010 cosmetics sales in China reached 140 billion yuan, compared with 2009 growth of 12 to 15%.
2, continued growth in imports of Chinese cosmetics. Beginning in 2004, the average growth rate of 30%, far exceeding GDP growth. Shows that the Chinese cosmetic market prospect is broad.
3, the high rate of female consumers skin care products have been close to 100%, remained stable for three consecutive years.
Female consumers of popular skin care products utilization rate is very high, a slight increase of three consecutive years. That most women use skin care products.
4, in the Chinese market, European and American leading position. In the high-end market, 10 brands accounted for 8 seats in the European and American brands, the other for Japan and Japanese-related brands.
5.30 over the age of high-end women pay more attention to skin care.
30 women over the age of high-end skin care products, high utilization rate of women above 30 years of age.
High-end women 30 years of age, more emphasis on make-up.
6, female cosmetic consumers through magazines and the Internet brand of cosmetics.
It was found that the higher consumption levels, female consumers reading magazines in the intention. Internet also showed similar trends. 简单啦

yes, A company in Xiamen has connected us 3 weeks before, but I have't their contact information.in fact because the delivey is in Manilia ,please dom't worry about the transportation for we will send the good to Manilia,what you should do is only to apply to customs and pick up the goods.it is just this simple!

Yes, an about 3 week Xiamen's company has contacted with us, but I do not have his relation material. Actually, because is Manila delivers, you do not use the worry freight transportation the matter, we can be responsible the goods marine transportation to arrive Manila, so long as you declared in Manila take delivery of goods are good. Unusual simplicity.


That\'s right. A company in XiaMen connected us 3 weeks before. But i didn\'t get their contact imformation. However, please don\'t worry about the transportation for the delivey is in Manilia and we will deliver the goods by ship. What you should do is only to apply to the customer and to pick up the goods. It is just a simple thing!

no correct answer

back. here

1.lecture n.1. (通常指大学里的)讲座,讲课,演讲2. 冗长的训斥[谴责]vt. & vi.1. (尤指在大学里)开讲座,讲授,讲课vt.1. 责备, 教训, 训斥2. (尤指恼人地)指责,训斥,告诫 2.delay n.1. 耽搁, 延迟2. 被耽搁[推迟]的事件或时间3. (电话讯息从接收到直播节目转播之间的)...

1.像平常一样,他在开始洗漱前,将收音机调至早晨七点的新闻联播。Before he started to wash,he turned the radio to"Morning News"as usual.2.队员们抽签决定谁先上场。By drawing lots,the team members decided who would enter the stage first.3.在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,...

1我会学着放弃你是因为我太爱你;I'm learning to give you up because I love you too much.2如果我所做的一切不能使你快乐,那么我情愿跟你一起悲伤.If what I have done makes you unhappy, I'm willing to taste the sadness together with you.3前世多少次回眸想望,才换来今生一个擦肩...

Hi. I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.嗨,我挺好的。谢谢你的问候。I'm sorry that you haven't found most people here to be very friendly. Keep trying and you'll find more who will be patient with you while your English improves.听你说你没找到很多特别友好的人,我觉得挺遗憾...

1. Social gap between rich and poor Obviously, the people longing for prosperity 2。她觉得自己本是为了一切精美的和一切豪华的事物而生的 2. She feels that this is to all their fine and luxurious things and all health 3。他只是一个小科员,非常爱自己的妻子 3. He is only a ...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
7.Folk大学是一所成人大学,有着60年的历史,在语言教育方面一直处于 领先地位.With a history of 60 years, the Folk University is adult-oriented and has been in the leading position in terms of language education.8.锻炼和培养我的英语能力.My English Proficiency will be trained and ...

1.预报地震 - forewarn earthquake 2.模仿狗鼻子的嗅学功能制作"电子警犬""电子鼻"by mimicking the olfactory function of dogs, produce "electronic dog","electronic nose"3.热情,以主人为中心督促按时起床按时跑步 passionate, wake up and go jogging based on master's timing 4.夜晚帮主人壮胆...

you still stay here 7. Mother put all my toys will send people, I be very sad 8. The landlady ask me sleep last night whether the good 9. The teacher always told us before answering the question should consider to be clear about 10 television was boring, I'm not interested...

in an inter-space communion.4.当窗外不再是先前的风景,看得见的依然是和谐的色彩。When the scenery out of the window gets changed, the harmonious colors are still in sight.你这20分有点超值,今天心情好帮你翻译翻译,平时200分还懒得翻,因为中文意思太难懂了! ---yoyossss ...

yea..Feel a little bit strange..耶...感到有点怪怪的...do i really need to write about something?-.- 我真的需要写点啥?-.- ~Am i a senior3 student???我是高三学生吗???i can't accept that kinda heave study course but i have to..我受不了那么繁重的功课可是我必须......

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了!! -
山莺肝泰: 楼上的不要用翻译机器人应付人吧.这应该是一份做外贸的公司的条款单,我比较熟悉一些.1、不可分拆装运(装船),并请严格遵守贵方在报价单中提供的交货期.2、部分订单:请说明购买方是否有权购买部分货品.3、建议交货期:在接...

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下!谢谢 -
山莺肝泰: 可以这样译:1.歌伴舞,song and dance(歌舞)dance with song(歌伴舞,注意dance在前,否则就成了舞伴歌),你看自己需要哪种(下同).2.大合唱,chorus(齐声唱)cantata(相互配合的合唱,如独唱+合唱+伴奏)3.诗歌联诵,poems and songs就行.4.让我们来欣赏,please enjoy...let's enjoy...5.有请……,please welcome...或now it's ...(for us).单从汉语来看,有不同意义的英语翻译,请楼主根据实际情况,结合括号的注释灵活应用.

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手来帮忙翻译一下,...
山莺肝泰: 1.Be care the high temperature,please don't put your hand into the air outlet 2.Save on paper 3.Please take care of your property by yourself

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢! -
山莺肝泰: 这个句子翻译为:经理有权在90天以后以立即以书面形式通知雇主终止这项协议.upon应为90天后 介词 prep. 1.在...之上,在...上面 He laid a hand upon my shoulder. 他把一只手放在我肩上. 2.在...后立即3.根据;依靠 We acted upon his instructions. 我们根据他的指示办事. 4.接近5.对着,向6.(走)上...,(爬)上...He climbed upon his horse. 他爬上马背. 7.在做...之中8.关于

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手翻译.谢谢 -
山莺肝泰: OK!But today I want to go home,because my periods are coming.Today is the third day.

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手翻译一下,谢谢!(请勿电脑翻译) -
山莺肝泰: Hi,Please send your bank slip via email after transfering the balance.Thank you.Looking forword to our next cooperation!果然又是你~呵呵..这样回答就可以了

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手翻译一下,谢谢!(拒绝电脑翻译) -
山莺肝泰: Hello, really very sorry, and we can not do imaging of 2062 as 2043, Hope you understand. Three kinds of products I recommend to you: 1, WB-2043 (Width 10mm, no inclination), 2, WB-2062 (Width 12mm, have the inclination), 3, WB-2042 (Width ...

汉台区18316425518: 请英语高手翻译下,谢谢!!!1 -
山莺肝泰: ##### local police station moved this location to moved (migrated and moved into this location in the cities and counties) on February 22, 2006

汉台区18316425518: 请各位英语高手翻译一下,谢谢! -
山莺肝泰: 杰伊:这是一个车床?汤米:是的,它是.汤米:这是一个卡盘.汤米:这是一个刀具,那是一个工件.杰伊:噢,我明白了.杰伊:这是一个凳子吗?汤米:这将是一个老虎钳.汤米:这是一个文件,这是一个工件.杰伊:噢,我明白了.杰伊:有多少机床是贵厂生产的吗?汤米:十个.杰伊:什么样的机床?汤米:有四个车床,三个铣床、两个牛头刨床和一个钻孔机.杰伊:有多少工人在您的工作室?汤米:有九大个.杰伊:他们都是车工吗?汤米:不,七人是和两个锁匠.杰伊:没有人能操作铣床.汤米:不.六个车工可以操纵它.杰伊:这里的女人呢?汤米:有八个女人.五是工人.其他人是经理.

汉台区18316425518: 能不能请英语高手们帮忙翻译一下下!!谢谢!! -
山莺肝泰: Dear King, I love you, love love you, but I look at you uneasy, I do not know whether you love me ... ... my king, although everyone is lonely years, but not everyone are lonely and left, if one day, I will eventually ask you this question ... ... Will allow me to answer your heart-rending it?

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