
作者&投稿:威欧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

7, although competition is becoming increasingly fierce, but the British and American investment banks can earn a lot of money, which is why? 有...They seldom complain about the amount underwriters. 但从另一方面看,由于这些强有力的大客户,投资银行在其他服务领域,如兼并咨询费方面被迫减少了费用收入...


托福独立写作模板:英文例文 Both good and bad students should have the opportunity to attend college. Everyone should have a period to learn about themselves before they begin to work and earn money. An education is an investment in yourself and in your future. Good or bad, a ...

care about关心,在乎 如:The child is supposed to be cared about in this society worry about担心,担忧 There is nothing to worry about,Everything is gonna be Okay.rush是冲刺.如:rush out of the classroom after the class is over 或者是催促的意思,rush sb. to do push推 B ...

earn as you learn翻译全文是什么?
Nevertheless, given that half of all employed seniors, about one-third of all juniors, and about one-fifth of all second-year students work above the 20-hourlimit, indications are that a large number of students are at risk of compromising their school careers with their part-time...

And the family are very concerned about to miss you, especially your mother passed away, the Community learning, very distracted. to the telephone exchange with you and trust, and the family has no telephone access, You had to write letters and exchanges and instruction, concerned about several...

英语励志语录经典短句 适合学生励志的英文句子
Exercise when you are in bad shape, and try to earn when you have no money. Dont turn your embarrassment on others. The only thing you can complain about is yourself who doesnt work hard enough.不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。Dont worry about the vague future,...

1.好像买股票赔了 He\/she lost money from stock market.2.我也担心 I am also worried about….3.好啊 Well,4.我也听说了,也有许多同事赚钱了 I heard that many of colleagues have been earned profit.5.我也这样认为,可以买些试试 I do think so, let’s try to buy some stocks....

what do you think about和what do you think of有什么区别
What do you think about 意思是关于---你是怎么样想的。如:What do you think this story about?而What do you think of 是你认为---怎么样。它=How do you like--- 如:What do you think of (How do you like)China?回答:Very much!意思是我非常喜欢!它们俩是关于对某事的...

Olympic Games have become a bridge for international business so that people from all over the world could join in.We need international communication because it is necessary for us to know about the world.My way of life is different from yours and you should not force me to do ...

毓裕18981094271问: learn about music是什么意思 -
龙文区正大回答: 了解音乐

毓裕18981094271问: 我想学许多有关音乐方面的知识.I want to learn - ______ - _______ - about music. -
龙文区正大回答:[答案] the knowledge

毓裕18981094271问: 问一下这句子结构 帮分析一下
龙文区正大回答: 没有主语,只是一个短语. 谓语help 宾语students learn about music省略不定式符号 仍然是宾语 这个成分中 learn 不及物动词 后面跟介词构成短语 music 介词about的宾语 说明learn的内容 help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事 “帮助学生学习音乐(方面的内容)”

毓裕18981094271问: “我想学习有关音乐方面的知识”怎么用英文说 -
龙文区正大回答: I want to learn about the knowledge of music

毓裕18981094271问: 英语题请解答
龙文区正大回答: 是lot.如果要表达“我不想学习很多关于音乐的东西”,一般说I don't want to learn a lot about music.不说,I want to learn a little about music.这就是英语的表达习惯.

毓裕18981094271问: Do you want to learn ( )music? A.of B.for C.abo -
龙文区正大回答: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:10 Do you want to learn ( )musicC aboutlearn about 了解

毓裕18981094271问: 牛津九下Chapter1和Chapter2的质疑Chapter1
龙文区正大回答: 1.learn about 表示“了解到”;learn是“学习,学会”“听到,意识到” learn vt. learn music learn the news of vi. learn of the news know vt. know oneself ; know truth ...

毓裕18981094271问: 关于英语的过去式 -
龙文区正大回答: I learned / learnt more about music in the music club.这句话in the music club没必要提前.其次,learnt 和 learned都是learn的过去式,不同的是learnt用在英国,而美国则使用learned.第三,music club应该是一个指定的music club吧,所以要加定冠词the.第四,如果这个学习过程已经结束,那就要用过去时.如果没有,也就是说你还是music club中的一员,还会继续参加的话,用过去时就不恰当了.^_^

毓裕18981094271问: 英语中learn后面都要加about吗?(考试急求!!!) -
龙文区正大回答: learn是及物动词,可以直接加宾语

毓裕18981094271问: 用词的适当形式填空be learn music want1.I want____about art.2.You can_____in our school music festival.3.We want three good - ___ - to teach music.4.... -
龙文区正大回答:[答案] 1.I want_to learn_about art.want to do sth.2.You can_be_in our school music festival.can do sth 3.We want three good _musicians_ to teach music.名词形式4.Teachers are _wanted_ for Children's Center.过...

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