
作者&投稿:铎牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Olympic Games have become a bridge for international business so that people from all over the world could join in.We need international communication because it is necessary for us to know about the world.My way of life is different from yours and you should not force me to do ...

When the young man starts to earn his own living,he can no l...
很高兴为您解答!翻译:当一个年轻的男人开始自己谋生时,他不再能够期望别人为他的衣食住行而买单,但是如果他想生活的舒服就必须工作 have to do sth必须做某事\/不得不做某事=need to do sth 希望可以帮到您,,1,英文:When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer ...

for doing sth.。汉语的“希望某人做某事”,英语可说成wish *** . to do sth.。 汉语的“建议某人做某事”,英语可说成advise *** . to do sth.。汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语可说成arrange for *** . to do sth.。 汉语的“要求某人做某事”,英语可说成demand of *** . to do sth.。汉语...

earn one' s living 后跟动词要用ing形式吗?需要加什么介词吗?_百度...
后加by doing sth.

人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案
object to doing sth.反对做某事。 4. obtain vt. 获得;赢得 易混辨析 obtain\/acquire\/gain\/earn\/achieve obtain意为“获得,买到”。指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求或得达到目的的意味,用于正式语体中。 acquire意为“经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于表示对财物等的获得”,强调“一经获得就会...

he made his way easy enough
该题选C,句意为尽管他对伦敦并不是很熟,但他还是很容易找到了去机场的路,enough to do sth为固定搭配,而enough放在形容词或副词后面,故填easily enough。重点词汇解释:1、easy adj. 容易的;舒适的 adv. 不费力地,从容地 vi. 停止划桨 vt. 发出停划命令 双语例句:This is not an easy...

performance 英 [pə'fɔːm(ə)ns] 美 [pɚ'fɔrməns]n. 性能;绩效;表演;执行 性能(Performance)指系统的响应能力,既要经过多长时间才能对某个事件做出响应,或者在某段时间内系统所能处理事件的个数。短语 performance art 行为艺术 ; 表演艺术 ...

初中牛津英语8b unit5单词表 快快快快!!!
earn v. 赚得,挣得 greatly adv. 极大地 moment n. 瞬间,刹那 drama n. 戏剧 academy n. 学院 本回答被网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答...Keep sb. doing sth. ___, keep sb.\/sth + adj11. stop sb doing ___, stop to do ___, stop doing___12. hurt by fire ___. \/ in ...

I earn 10 dollars ___hour as ___supermarket cashier on saturday...
C an ,a 不定冠词a和an在意义和语法作用上完全一样,但用法却有区别,a应该放在以辅音开头的名词或其修饰语前,如a man, a ball而an则放在以元音开头的名词或其修饰语前,如an apple, an elephant。但是我们所说的元音并不是指元音字母而是指读音,因此在辨别上也就不是太容易,有的单词...

find+it+adj+to do sth 英语例句
He found it easy to earn extra money.他发现赚点额外收入是容易的。I found it difficult to understand the purport of his speech.我发现要了解他演讲的主旨是非常困难的。I found it important to learn spoken English.我发现学习英语口语是很重要的。They find it hard to master a foreign ...

穆咳15228375535问: learn后面加动词什么形式 -
金沙县氢溴回答: learn后面加动词的ing或+to+动词原形. 一、常见句型: 1、S+~+to- v 例:I advise you to learn to swim. 我劝你学习游泳. 2、S+~+ v -ing 例:He learned swimming in his childhood. 他在童年时学会了游泳. 二、learn 英 [lɜːn] 美 [lɜːrn]...

穆咳15228375535问: learn 这里是及物动词还是不及物? -
金沙县氢溴回答: 有及物和不及物的 及物:learn+sth+(from) We learn English from teacher. 不及物:learn to do I am going to learn to ski this winter. 今年冬天我打算去学滑雪. learn+(of/from)+名词 从...知道...事 I learn of her illness from him.a lot 这里指名词,代替a lot of things

穆咳15228375535问: learn from和learn with的区别是什么? -
金沙县氢溴回答: learn from和learn with的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1、learn from:向…学习,从…获得[吸取];效法; 例句: The site gives neophytes the chance to learn from experts. 这个网站给新手提供了向专家学习的机会. ...

穆咳15228375535问: 学习某人做某事怎么说?英语. -
金沙县氢溴回答:[答案] learn sth from sb或learn to do sth from sb是从learn from 延伸出来的注意这里的learn不能换成study,因为没有study from的搭配.

穆咳15228375535问: 英语翻译:学习某人做某事 -
金沙县氢溴回答: 有两种说法:learn sth from sb或learn to do sth from sb.固定句型记住就好了

穆咳15228375535问: learn哪两种用法并造句? -
金沙县氢溴回答: ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) 学;学习;学到;学会 I learned a lot from my father. 我从父亲那里学到了许多东西 ~ (of/about) 听到;得知;获悉 I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. 我从一位好友那里听说她到了. ~ (from sth)认识到;意识到;(从…)吸取教训 I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes. 我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训.

穆咳15228375535问: 从哪里学到什么东西(英语用什么词组) -
金沙县氢溴回答: learn sth. from sth.

穆咳15228375535问: 用 learn sth from sb 句型 造句 -
金沙县氢溴回答: I learned a lot from my teacher.

穆咳15228375535问: learn doing sth from sb.的疑问 -
金沙县氢溴回答: 可以learn sth from sb learn from sb learn to do sth from sb learn +疑问词+不定式.不可以learn doing sth from sb 学做某事,这件事还未完成.后跟不定式还是动名词的区别是:不定式一般是未完成的事,动名词一般是做过的事.故want ,plan后一般跟不定式,enjoy,finish后一般跟动名词.

穆咳15228375535问: learn的用法,句型 -
金沙县氢溴回答: learn sth.(学某事) learn to do sth(学做某事) learn by oneseif (自学)

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