earn as you learn翻译全文是什么?

作者&投稿:成王娟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


There are numerous and reliable ways by which one can measure the impact of employment on student achievement, and we used several in our research. 

We compared the grades of students who work a great deal with those who work in limited amounts or not at all. 

We also contrasted workers with non-workers, on different indicators of their commitment to education. 

Additionally, we followed students over time as they increased or decreased their work hours, and we assessed how different patterns of employment altered school performance and engagement.



We have simplified and classified the data and the results are clear: The stakes are high. A heavy commitment to a part-time job during the academic year, say, working 20 hours per week or more, undermines and significantly interferes with school achievement and commitment. 

Overall, our study offers proof that students who worked more than 20 hours weekly were not comparable to their classmates. They earned lower grades, spent less time on homework, cut class more often, and cheated more frequently. And they reported lower levels of commitment to school and more modest educational aspirations.



On the other hand, we also detected a different pattern. Working for approximately 10 hours per week or less seemingly does not take a consistent toll on school performance. 

Nevertheless, given that half of all employed seniors, about one-third of all juniors, and about one-fifth of all second-year students work above the 20-hourlimit, indications are that a large number of students are at risk of compromising their school careers with their part-time jobs.


Whereas it is true that more disengaged students are more likely to work long hours to begin with, it appears that working makes a marginal situation worse. In other words, over time, the more students work, the less committed to school they become. 

When students withdraw from the labor force or cut back on their work hours, however, the results are striking: Their interest in school is generated anew. This then is good news:The negative effects of working on schooling are not permanent.


We uncovered numerous explanations for the undesirable effects of working on students' engagement in school. First, owing to their demanding work schedule, working students have less time to devote to school assignments. 

One common response to this time pressure is that they cut corners by taking easier classes, copying assignments from other students, cutting class, or refusing to do work assigned by their teachers. Over time, as these become established practices, students' commitment to school is eroded bit by bit.







乌马河区17074676205: earn as you learn?这句话是什么意思, 当你学会挣钱? -
颛伟氟强: 你好 文艺一点说是 自食其力 通俗一点就是 用自学的知识养活自己

乌马河区17074676205: earn - as - you - learn啥意思 -
颛伟氟强: pay-as-you-earn 你赚你付 双语对照 词典结果: pay-as-you-earn[英]['peɪ'æsj'ə'ɜ:n][美]['peɪ'æsj'ə'ɜ:n] n.付工资时扣缴所得税的制度; 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

乌马河区17074676205: 给我100句关于努力学习的英文句子! -
颛伟氟强: 1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐.)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比.] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧.) 3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money ...

乌马河区17074676205: s this the way in which you learn your lessons?能帮我分析一下这个句子的句型吗? -
颛伟氟强: 这是一个定于从句,名词做先行词,先行词the way 是方法的意思,in在这是用的意思 in which是介词加关系代词,引导定语从句的 in可以放到从句中去 you learn your lesson in the way which 是指代 the way.. 简单的翻译过来就是 这是你用来学习的方法么或者你是用这种方法来学习的么?

乌马河区17074676205: how do you learn作文 -
颛伟氟强: Believe do it. Just as this , I will be confident in myself and try my best to learn.First of all,I will make a plan to arrange my time properly,so that I can have effective time to learn something new.Second,I will review what I have learned.More and more ...

乌马河区17074676205: then ues the new word as often as you can - -- - day you learn it. -
颛伟氟强: 应该是the first吧.从你学新单词的第一天开始就尽可能地多用它.

乌马河区17074676205: 4. It's - -------- - (easy) for you to learn it . -
颛伟氟强: ...是.it'..;s + 形容词 表示做

乌马河区17074676205: 英语问题you can learn as you earn and you can earn more learning这里的AS 这里是什么用法还是AS直接做的因为的意思? -
颛伟氟强:[答案] as在这里是表示并列关系的连词:“一边…一边…”. you can learn as you earn and you can earn more learning 你可以半工半读;那样;你学到的会更多. (意思是:除了书本知识,还有社会阅历,这是学校教育所难及的) 【注意】earn两次使用中...

乌马河区17074676205: Reading is very important to help you learn English.To learn as much as you can from reading,you need to read different ... -
颛伟氟强:[答案] DBC 47.D.细节题,根据第一段There are four parts in the book可知有四个部分,故选D. 48.B.细节题,根据表格中Chapter ... "Reading is very important to help you learn English"和"to learn as much as you can from reading"均用了learn这个词,...

乌马河区17074676205: 英语问题you can learn as you earn and you can earn more learning -
颛伟氟强: as在这里是表示并列关系的连词:“一边…一边…”.you can learn as you earn and you can earn more learning 你可以半工半读;那样;你学到的会更多.(意思是:除了书本知识,还有社会阅历,这是学校教育所难及的) 【注意】earn两次使用中的不同意义 第一次:不及物动词“挣钱” 第二次:及物动词“赢得”、“获得”、“博得”

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