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I am sorry是什么意思?
I am sorry 对不起;我很抱歉 例句:1.I am sorry to tell you that I can't go out with you.很抱歉没办法和你出去了。2.I am sorry to say this, but I seem to have lost the key to the safe.很抱歉,我好像已把保险箱的钥匙掉了。3.I am sorry I was busy yesterday. If I...

对不起真的很抱歉的英文:I am sorry sorry 读法 英 ['sɒrɪ] 美 ['sɔri]1、adj. 遗憾的;对不起的,抱歉的 2、int. 对不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒绝等)短语:1、sorry for 为…感到可惜 2、so sorry 非常抱歉 3、feel sorry 感到遗憾,觉得难过 4、sorry to hear ...

别人说I am sorry我应怎样回答?
回答:It doesn't matter\/Never mind\/Forget it\/That's all right\/That's OK.没关系 分析:I am sorry:对不起,一般表示道歉的意思,所以回答自然是没有关系,不要紧的含义。例如:--I am sorry about last night but yesterday I had a big problem at home.对于昨晚的事,我很抱歉。 但是...

【导读】最近两天助理突然变了,Excuse me和sorry总是挂在嘴边,一问才知道,他说要学作一名儒雅的gentle man。外教听了以后大笑说这两个词可不要乱用哦,错了可就不gentle啦!下面就和小编一起学习下英语地道说法,Sorry是什么意思?说了I am sorry就是有礼貌?很多人在讲话时,动不动就会将"I am...

I am sorry.重点词汇 对不起I'm sorry ; sorry ; I beg your pardon ; Excuse me。以前我对不起你,老是让你受气。I am sorry you before I always let you Shouqi.我没有对不起你,我怎么会舍得惩罚你。I have not betrayed u, how could I ever punish u?我也对不起你,她两眼含着泪...

2、She began to soften;she felt sorry.她心里软下来了;她觉得很难过。3、I 'm sorry to bring you so much trouble.对不起,给你添了很多麻烦。4、I 'm sorry to interrupt your meditation.很抱歉,我打断了你的沉思。5、I am sorry i snapped at you just now.对不起,我刚才不该对你...

1)sorry【英 [ˈsɒri] 美 [ˈsɑ:ri] 】【释义】adj.遗憾的;对不起的;无价值的,低等的;感到伤心的 【例句】'We're all talking at the same time.' — 'Yeah. Sorry.'“我们俩在同时讲话。”——“噢,抱歉。”2)I'm sorry.【释义】对不起 【例句】I'm ...

”——“噢,抱歉。”1、噢,我忘记了。对此我感到很抱歉。Oh, I'm sorry for that. I forgot.2、对我刚才向你说话的方式,我感到很抱歉。I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you just now.3、对于我曾经做错的一切,我感到很抱歉。For all that I have done, I am so sorry....

l am sorry怎么回答
I am sorry意思是对不起,一般表示道歉的意思,所以回答自然是没有关系,不要紧的含义。 回答是: no problem. 没问题。 扩展资料 I have no problem with you working at home tomorrow.你明天在家里工作,我没有意见。Distance is no problem on the Internet.在互联网上距离已不成为问题。

i'm sorry 和sorry 和apologize的区别
区别是:从正式程度来说,sorry、 I'm sorry、 apologize是从轻到重的关系。 apologize多用于书面英语,像书信往来等,前两个就偏口语化一些。例句:I'm sorry 1、I'm sorry I blew up at you.对不起,我对你发脾气了。2、I'm sorry. How careless of me.对不起,我太不小心了。3、I ...

贲鹏17676361542问: 英语thank you和 i am sorry有几种回答方式,要全
万荣县孚舒回答: thank you 和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高,它们的答语有些是相同的,有些却只能用于其中的一种情况.现简述如下: 1)、两种情况均可使用的应答语: (1)Not at all. 不用谢./没关系. (2)That's all right. 不用谢./没关系. (3)That's OK. 不...

贲鹏17676361542问: iamsorry.有多少种应答方式?除了THAT'SOK之外,还
万荣县孚舒回答: Don't worry. Doesn't matter. Never mind. That's\it's alright. That's\it's not too bad. ......... And if the one who said sorry really cares about his\her mistake, or is really frustrated about his\her mistake, you can said:"It's not that bad, don't take it into heart."

贲鹏17676361542问: 当我说sorry,Iam late时,别人该怎样回答 -
万荣县孚舒回答:a 没关系 还好的意思 b 是别客气的 意思 通常人家感谢你才用这个

贲鹏17676361542问: Thank you very much 和 I am sorry 的答语
万荣县孚舒回答: 说 : Thank you very much 回答: You are welcome 不客气 Not at all 别客气一点也不麻烦! ________________________________________ 说 : I am sorry 回答: It's okay! 没关系 Never mind! 别放在心上 Doesn't matter 没关系啦!

贲鹏17676361542问: Iamsorry的回答 -
万荣县孚舒回答: It is doesn"t matter, 或 Not matter.

贲鹏17676361542问: 当我说sorry,Iam late时,别人该怎样回答A That`s all right.B You`re welcome该选哪一个? -
万荣县孚舒回答:[答案] a 没关系 还好的意思 b 是别客气的 意思 通常人家感谢你才用这个

贲鹏17676361542问: 回答Iamsorry有多少种方法?麻烦列举下
万荣县孚舒回答: That's all right. That's quite all right. It doesn't matter. That's OK. It's nothing. That's nothing. Never mind. It doesn't matter to me. Forget it. No problem. Not at all. Please don't worry. Don't think any more about it.It's not necessary.

贲鹏17676361542问: I am sorry you对吗 -
万荣县孚舒回答: 不对,如果想表达对不起,直接I am sorry.就行.楼上说的I am sorry for you也不对,这句话意思是我替你感到遗憾.望采纳 谢谢

贲鹏17676361542问: i am sorry后动词加to do还是doing -
万荣县孚舒回答: +to do 例如I am sorry to trouble you!~

贲鹏17676361542问: 真的很抱歉英文怎么说? -
万荣县孚舒回答: I am terribly sorry. 我真的十分十分抱歉

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