
作者&投稿:廉秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, loves one thing on account of another 2. See with self's eyes that for reality 3. 4 more better than those below than upper deficiency. Slow sparrow should make an early start 5. Wakeful night 6. Be not fond of not using self own with the thing 7. Do not leave be...

薄筠17646792697问: huge crowds of的用法 -
西固区纳德回答: huge crowds of 这个短语可以修饰人群的多,比如huge crowds of people.

薄筠17646792697问: 人头攒动(求翻译) -
西固区纳德回答:[答案] huge crowds of people make a movement with head a sea of people make a movement with head a large crowd make a movement with head (有点中式英语的感觉....)

薄筠17646792697问: huge crowds of people是什么意思 -
西固区纳德回答: huge crowds of people 人山人海 双语对照 词典结果:huge crowds of people 人头挤挤;里三层,外三层;人山人海;里三层, 外三层; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Crowds of people are often seen as bad for public order. 人群常常被看作是对公共秩序的一种威胁.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

薄筠17646792697问: 人山人海的英文 -
西固区纳德回答: 人山人海 英语:huge crowds of people; a sea of people [faces];

薄筠17646792697问: 人山人海 英文 -
西固区纳德回答: 人山人海 huge crowds of people; a sea of people [faces]; the sea of humanity (in a crowd);[电影] People Mountain People Sea; [例句]广场上人山人海. The square was a sea of people.

薄筠17646792697问: 人山人海怎么翻译?英文? -
西固区纳德回答: 有一下几种: 1.People mountain people sea (这相对来说有点中文式的翻译) 2.a sea of people 3.Huge crowds of people(这虽没有山、海一样,但也形容人多) 以上几种可以供你选择,希望对你有所帮助

薄筠17646792697问: 人山人海?? -
西固区纳德回答: 人山人海rén shān rén hǎi 中文解释 - 英文翻译 人山人海的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释【解释】:人群如山似海.形容人聚集得非常多.【出自】:明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第五十一回:“每日有那一般打散,或是戏舞,或是吹弹,或是歌唱,赚得那人山人海价看.”【示例】:节日的公园~,热闹极了.【近义词】:川流不息、人头攒动【反义词】:荒无人烟、人迹罕至【语法】:联合式;作谓语、补语、定语、宾语;用于公共场所人山人海的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1. huge crowds of people; a sea of people; a large crowd 若满意望采纳

薄筠17646792697问: 人山人海的英文是什么
西固区纳德回答: Huge crowds of people. A sea of people.

薄筠17646792697问: 人山人海用英语怎么说! -
西固区纳德回答: 人山人海1.a sea of people [faces]2.huge crowds of people3.the sea of humanity (in a crowd)4.crowded conditions 例句:1.早早的,街上已是人山人海了.Early, the street is a sea of people.2.广州火车站可说是人山人海.The Guangzhou train station is a literally a sea of humanity.

薄筠17646792697问: 成语“人山人海”来源于什么
西固区纳德回答: 【解释】:人群如山似海.形容人聚集得非常多.【出处】:明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第五十一回:“每日有那一般打散,或是戏舞,或是吹弹,或是歌唱,赚得那人山人海价看.”【拼音】:rén shān rén hǎi【拼音码】:rsrh【近义词】:川流不息、人头攒动【反义词】:荒无人烟、人迹罕至【用法】:联合式;作谓语、补语、定语、宾语;用于公共场所【英语】:huge crowds of people

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