
作者&投稿:陶钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


neither (包括 either)有四种用法:

1. 副词:表示“也不”,如:
You don't like this book. Neither do I. 你不喜欢这本书, 我也不喜欢。

2. 形容词:与单数名词或代词连用,表示“即非此又非彼的”或者两者都不的,如:
Neither statement is true.两种说法都不正确。
(比较:Neither of the statements is true. 解释见后)
He took neither side in the quarrel. 在争吵中他任何一方都不参加。

3. 连词:与 nor 搭配使用,表示“两者都不...; ”或者“既不...也不)”(谓语通常与最近一个名词[代词]相一致),如:
Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。
Neither you nor I, nor anybody else knows the answer. 你、我以及其他任何人都不知道这答案。

4. 代词:意思是“二者都不”(见上面形容词用法),如:
Neither of the statements is true.
He took neither of sides in the quarrel.

* 形容词用法,结构为 neither + 单数名词:
Neither statement
neither sides
* 代词用法,结构为 neither of + 复数名词:
Neither of the statements
neither of sides

1, loves one thing on account of another 2. See with self's eyes that for reality 3. 4 more better than those below than upper deficiency. Slow sparrow should make an early start 5. Wakeful night 6. Be not fond of not using self own with the thing 7. Do not leave behind leave 8. No discord , no concord 9. Rob Peter to pay Paul 10. Bid farewell to the old and usher in the new 11. The try to make their mistake sound less serious thing spends 12. Broaden mind greatly 13. A contented people living in a country at peace boundary 14. Going too far is as bad as not going far enough 15. Everything comes to him who waits. 16. The good scar has forgot being fond of 17. Good news comes on crutches ill news circulates rapidly 18. Peace breeds wealth 19. Live and learn 20. Forgive the past misdeeds 21. Gold can't be pure man can't be perfect 22. Gold and jade fill the hall 23. In a down-to-earth way 24. Sit on the fence 25. The friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal 26. Cut and dried cut and dried 27. Demand reciprocity 28. Stay such that the green hill burns 29 in being not afraid to have no a firewood. Be accomplished instantly 30. Gain both fame and wealth 31. Become enlightened at once 32. Not having rule is not circumference 33. It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most 34. Man must try best God disposes 35. Get into trouble through clever means 36. Self's speciality 38. Break the ice 37. Give one's enemy a wife and lose one's soldiers as well 39. Break the caldrons and sink the boats 40. Can anticipate machine 41. Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice 42. Row of long distance starts from you 43. The past is the prologue 44. Prehominid plant trees descendants enjoys the cool 45. Qian Pa Lang Hou Pa Hu 46. The mighty dragon is no match for the native serpent 47. Cooperate by force 48. A fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year 49. First nature of person is originally kind 50. People are in high spirits when involved in happy events 52. There be no difficulty in the world as long as agreeing to climb 51. Uge-crowd strategy 53. Arcadia 54. Die in the last ditch 55. Years safe and sound 56. Go ahead having having Suzhou and Hangzhou under Heaven 57. A blessing in disguise 58. A man at thirty should be able to think for himself 59. Promotion is changed replacing 60. Life begins at forty 62. A ship rises with the tide 61. Whose word blade of grass heart reports three light of spring


第一个 莪知道

love me love my dog

1《从百草园到三味书屋》中作者表现的的思想感情 2《爸爸的花儿落了》这个题目的意义 两层 3《爸爸的花儿落了》通过回忆表达了对爸爸怎样的感情 4《伤仲永》中对父亲的做法应该抱什么样的态度?5《最后一课》评价韩麦尔先生\/是个什么样的人 6《木兰诗》评价木兰\/木兰是个什么样的人 7《木兰诗》...

最常见的是宾语补足语。名词,动名词,形容词,副词,不定式,现在分词,过去分词都可以在句子中作宾语补足语。7. 表语表语用于说明主语的身份,性质,品行,特征和状态。常位于系动词(be, become, appear,seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。常由名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,不定式,动名词,从句充当。充当表语的句...

1、问候语:问候语要单独成行,以示礼貌。有“你好”、“近好”、“节日好”等。 2、先询问对方近况和谈与对方有关的情况,以表示对对方的重视和关切。 3、回答对方的问题或谈自己的事情和打算。 4、简短地写出自己的希望、意愿或再联系之事。 敬语:写信人在书信结束时身对方表达祝愿、勉慰之情的短语。多...

1 大笔一挥天地惊 2 七律 人民解放军占领南京(1949.04)钟山风雨起苍黄,百万雄师过大江。虎踞龙盘今胜昔,天翻地覆慨而慷。宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王。天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑。3 介绍一个张思德吃毒草救人的故事 部队进入草地后,由于环境、气候非常恶劣,使得草地行军十分艰难。

1、一答挂子:副词,意思为总的来说。一答挂子什么什么的 2、色资色嘎:就是感觉身上不干净不舒服。3、挂啦蹦脆:说明某人的声音很响亮,很清脆。4、歇列梭啰:有多动症的意思,总是动来动去,么歇个时候。小时候老师总会说:你个小 老非要歇列梭啰娘老色。5、清汤逛水:没有油头,非常...

半包围结构的字有:区 同 左中右结构的字有:侧 读音相同的字有:没 梅 整体认读音节的字有:芳 模仿咕嘟写词语:呜呼 ABAB式的词:( 朦胧 )的月色 ( 清幽 )的月色 ( 神奇)的传说 ( 古老 )的传说 ( 古老 )的文化 ( 独特 )的文化 ( 累累 )的硕果 ( )的硕果 特殊的近,反义词:( 奇特...

오렌지(orange)是外来语,在韩国应该这个常用。 **\/\/ 呵呵,这个问题好! 昨晚喝酒,一个来自济州岛的朋友,大家要她等到济州熟了,给我们邮一箱,一个人说,济州的桔子有什么特别吗?제주 귤은 무슨맛이냐? 另一个人说:오렌지맛이지! 说什么意思呢?就是其实两者都用,并且通常不...

1、表示与现在事实相反的情况 从句:If+主语+动词一般过去时(Be动词用were)主句:主语+ should\/would\/might\/could+do:If I were you,I would take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。(事实:我不可能是你)If I knew his telephone number,I would tell you.如果我知道他的电话号码,我...

但是,一般情况下,疑问句式的插入语只是就do you think\/know\/suppose\/guess\/imagine...来说的。其实,它们也不是插入语,尽管一般人都把它们说成是插入语。原因是,比如以下句子,你把do you think\/know\/suppose\/guess\/imagine...拿出来的话,都不能单独成句,因为它们都是从句,而从句都要用陈述...

He didn't reply to my question.He replied that he would go at once.句子4:这里的insist是不及物动词,不能直接跟动名词,要在其间加入介词 on。insist on (doing) sth: 坚持(坚决要求,坚持要)做...。但insist(及物动词)可以后跟that引导的宾语从句。句子5:enter(进入)是及物动词,...

莱芜市17377462630: [英语提问]用英语写10个问题,切合日常生活的就可以了.用来做课堂提问的,请在每个问题下面标好中文意思.摆托勒~ -
呼李壮骨:[答案] What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床?May I have your name?能告诉我你的名字吗?Do you want to go with me?你愿意和我一起走吗?What are we going to do?我们将要干什么?How can I fly the kite?我怎么...

莱芜市17377462630: 谁能写出英语提问(或问题)并答题.列如:What is your name?My name is 基本的,越多越好(20个左右) -
呼李壮骨:[答案] 1.what's your favourite colour my favourite colour is yellow! 2.how many book do you have I have one book. 3.do you know the ... They speak English French and so on. 19.What are the biggest cities in Europe? London,Paris and Moscow are three of the ...

莱芜市17377462630: 向大家征集十五个英语问题 -
呼李壮骨: 1:2009 said goodbye to us.Have you thought of sth. you achieved in 2009?2:Today,we'd like to talk about sth. about the alien.Does anyone have some ideas?The aliens' loo...

莱芜市17377462630: 英语问题 -
呼李壮骨: His favourite subject is English 形容词favourite修饰名词subject

莱芜市17377462630: 英语问题 -
呼李壮骨: 1.There will be schools in the future.(改为一般疑问句)( Will )there ( be ) ( schools )in the future?2.They will send their homework to the teachers (by email).(就括号里的...

莱芜市17377462630: 问一些英语问题 -
呼李壮骨: 第一句的意思是“曾有一段时间我很讨厌上学”,这是一个时间状语从句,when作为从句中的状语,不能用that来代换,that一般在从句中是要充当一些名词性或代词性成分. 第二句,由于from是介词,后面接的是名词或代词,which只能作为定...

莱芜市17377462630: 英语常见问题主要分为哪几种? -
呼李壮骨: 你好,我是”新东方问吧“的老师,我总结的学英语过程中常见的问题主要有:听力水平差(听不懂);继而影响到说(张不开嘴,不知该如何表达);没有语感,即便单词量不小,有些文章还是读不懂(阅读问题);写作水平提不高;最后就影响到翻译的理解.听说读写译都会受到影响.所以学英语就是要全面提高英语水平,却哪一方面都不行. 如果你还有什么问题的话,欢饮来“新东方问吧”提问

莱芜市17377462630: 英语问题~!~ -
呼李壮骨: 问题一应举出例句问题二:这句话的意思是“他毫不困难地解决了这个问题”had difficulty doing sth是固定用法,意为做某事有困难,difficulty后接动词要使用动名词形式,如例句中的working英语中很多情...

莱芜市17377462630: 英语问题 -
呼李壮骨: 1.How are 那里的人们怎样? 2. Let us help

莱芜市17377462630: 英语问题 -
呼李壮骨: 不对 TO BE REMEMBERED 在这里不正确 .this is a day to be remembered 这里是正确的.we go to USA to be trained 这里不能用TO TRAIN . AS 就是 像这样的意思 BECAUSE 就是因为的意思 毕业院校 香...


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