
作者&投稿:孔虽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

真剑13957762994问: 中国魔法社区有哪些? -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: Pottermore官网已经更名为Wizarding World,并且不再提供中文测试入口.不过,中文用户可以通过访问Wizarding World的官方网站,体验其中与哈利.波特魔法世界相关的各种内容.Wizarding...

真剑13957762994问: 求解决方法!(问题看图),wizarding world创建账户时出现的问题!怎么办?急急急! -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: 去掉空格试试.只可以使用字母.

真剑13957762994问: 美国世界通信公司的介绍 -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: 美国世界通信公司(WorldCom,简称世通)是一家美国通讯公司,2003年因会计丑闻事件破产.在2006年1月被Verizon以76亿美金收购,重组成为其属下的事业部门.目前公司已更名为MCI有限公司,总部位于维吉尼亚州.

真剑13957762994问: 求电影哈利波特7的英文简介,一定要英文的,短一点, -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答:[答案] And four days,harry will be in his 17 years old of birthday,become a real the sorcerer.However,he HP7 movie version of the ... back voldemort has won a hogwarts school of witchcraft and occupied the ministry of magic,control for half a the wizarding world,...

真剑13957762994问: 谁能帮我写哈利波特1的英语作文! -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答:[答案] This is an extraordinary and on Tuesday,live in no 4 privet drive of the dursleys' see Mr.A tabby cat home is not far away look ... The wizarding world bank gringotts bizarre stolen; The defense against the dark arts teacher quirrell head why always puzzling ...

真剑13957762994问: 哈利波特英文介绍 -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: Harry James Potter is the title character and the main protagonist of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy series. The books cover seven years in the life of the lonely orphan who, on his 11th birthday, learns he is a wizard. He attends Hogwarts School ...

真剑13957762994问: 哈利波特魔法世界的主题公园开幕了!有谁知道在哪里?! -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: 是在美国 !!据国外媒体报道,美国奥兰多环球影城(Universal Orlando Resort)周四宣布,其园内新建景区“哈利波特魔法世界”(Wizarding World of Harry Potter)将于今年6月18日正式向游人开放.啊啊啊6.18这个日子好啊,就是今年中考...

真剑13957762994问: 《哈利波特3》英文简介 -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: 1.It's always hard to start at a new school. Now imagine that a wand and a Cauldron(坩埚) are on your school supply list, and everyone knows everything about you before you arrive. In fact, you're not only the most famous person in the school, ...

真剑13957762994问: 伏地魔的英文介绍谁有?急 -
屏边苗族自治县惠滋回答: Voldemort (Lord Voldemort) (1926-1998), formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle (Tom Marvolo Lin), 1926, was born in London in at hogwarts school go to school, he hoped that one day when he became "the world's greatest wizard" when, can ...


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