
作者&投稿:东方洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

One day,a woman had a high fever. She was lying in bed helplessly...

护士:早上好!Nurse: Good morning.病人:你好!Patient: Good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?Nurse: What seems to be the problem?病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.护士:这种情况出现有多久了?Nurse: How long have you had the problem?病...

4.give advice\/ make suggestions 提建议 5.have a high fever 发高烧6.have a pain in\/have a –ache ……疼 7.make a list of 列表8.plenty of 大量,许多 9.no longer=not…any longer 不再10.keep up with 赶上,追上,并驾齐驱 catch up with 赶超11.high pace of modern life 现代生活的高...

怎样用send for造句
1. The child is running a high fever. We must send for a doctor at once.孩子在发高烧。我们必须马上派人去请医生。2. Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once.既然她病得厉害, 我们要马上去请医生。3. The Manager sent for Mr Jackson who said to ...

物理降温 用英语怎么说
物理降温 physical cooling physical cooling 网络 物理降温;[例句]Objective To investigate the effect of physical cooling method of ice compress bag with 10% ice saline using in acute leukemia patients with high fever.目的探讨采用10%盐水冰敷冰袋在急性白血病高热病人物理降温中的效果。

have the flu还是have a flu
第一个THE 是特指的这个FLU A是随意的一个FLU 其他的都正确~

5. LinHua has been ill for two days. he has got a very bad cold, high fever and a very bad headache,and coughed day and night. I went to see him after school today. I asked him if he had gone to the doctor's, and he said the doctor had already come to see him....

got a bad cough and a high fever
我得了重感冒并且发高烧,所以我今天早上没来学校。早餐后,我读了一本故事书。书中有很多注释。从这本书中我懂得了很多关于交通的事情。比如我们应该在道路的右边行驶并且在转弯处慢下来。红灯意味着停下,绿灯意味着通行。我们不能在红灯亮时闯过。我们必须等待绿灯亮起 然后通过 很高兴为你解答...

Many countries in the world have found cases of the new H1N1 flu virus. It is said that people with H1N1 flu virus will cough,have a fever and feel tired. To prevent the virus,we can do many things.First,we need to wash our hands often with soap and water,pspecially ...

求英文预防H7N9倡议书120词 高中水平 速度
1. H7N9 Avian Flu Prevention General Knowledge: 1. Illness symptoms are typical of viral pneumonia, with rapid onset, with early stages being high fever (38 degrees or above), coughing and other respiratory tract infection symptoms. 5-7 days after onset of the illness, breathing ...

田枫15697277246问: 高热的名词解释? -
文昌市凯特回答: 高热(High Fever)在临床上属于危重症范畴,体温在39.1~40℃之间称为高热高热(High Fever)在临床上属于危重症范畴.小儿正常体温常以肛温36.5~37.5℃,腋温36~37℃衡量.通常情况下,腋温比口温(舌下)低0.2~0.5℃,肛温比腋温约高0.5℃左右.肛温虽比腋温准确,但因种种原因常以腋温为准.若腋温超过37.4℃,且一日间体温波动超过1℃以上,可认为发热.所谓低热,指腋温为37.5℃38、中度热38.1~39℃、高热39.1~40℃、超高热则为41℃以上.发热时间超过两周为长期发热.

田枫15697277246问: high fever是什么意思?求告诉阿!!!急急急!!! -
文昌市凯特回答: 你好!high fever 发高烧 如有疑问,请追问.

田枫15697277246问: high feⅴer 什么意思 -
文昌市凯特回答: 后缀est表示“最怎么样”是形容词的最高级,er表示“比较怎么样”是形容词的比较级,如high,是

田枫15697277246问: 高烧用英文怎么说 -
文昌市凯特回答: High fever, 专业术语是hyperpyrexia

田枫15697277246问: 发高热用英语怎么说
文昌市凯特回答: High fever

田枫15697277246问: 发高烧
文昌市凯特回答: 发高烧,英语叫做have a high fever.发高烧是一种常见病症,几乎每一个人都有过发高烧的经历,表现的症状为:额头滚烫、头晕目眩,严重时不仅浑身疼痛,甚至烧到意识模糊、发生抽搐、有时还有冷的感觉.

田枫15697277246问: 请问“高烧”是个词还是短语,请附上理据,如“朱德熙.....
文昌市凯特回答: high fever这是一个短语,这是从词语组成上说.但如果从用法上讲,则high fever与fever无异

田枫15697277246问: high fever和have a temperature区别
文昌市凯特回答: high fever发高烧 have a temperature发烧 口语中常用have a temperature

田枫15697277246问: 感冒时用high后面加什么单词Hehasabadcoldandahigh后面加什么单词 -
文昌市凯特回答:[答案] 填 fever have a high fever 发高烧

田枫15697277246问: 有些英语句子比如说He has a high fever 这一句里中文是他发高烧 好像没有宾语 但其实有宾语吗 这句 -
文昌市凯特回答: 有 宾语啊 a high fever 就是

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