求英文预防H7N9倡议书120词 高中水平 速度

作者&投稿:庞辉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求2篇高中水平的英语周记 120字左右~

It`s a fabulous day.

I hope it`s a fabulous day for everyone.

I `ve got prepared for the future challenge.The challenges,the days and the nights ,the happiness and the sadness , the success and the failure...

Just wish you happiness.

Summer predictable, run all captive.

Tim gave himself a pair of the burden of responsibility and, occasionally, is not necessarily inevitable?

Is a white paper fell into my hands.

How do I write?

It`s too late .

For everything。

范文1:To make friends with nature

Due to the rapid development of technology and civilization, the relationship between mankind and nature is getting worse and worse. Recently, Copenhagen is being a focus for its Climate Change Conference. A majority of people hold the belief that climate change is the most pressing threat for mankind.

For one thing, it is more frequently that we suffer from the climate disasters such as sand storms, which make it difficult for us to go outside and pollute the air as well. It can be easily proved that climate disasters have caused a terrible influence in our daily life, which is shown obviously in our capital---Beijing. For another, no one can deny that our earth is getting warmer and warmer, which leads to the level of seas rising. That’s to say, we human beings may be swallowed by the sea someday. How terrifying that is! It means we mankind will bury ourselves because we fail to take into account of the importance of protecting nature today!

In view of the seriousness of the situation, some measures must be adopted at once. First of all, the government is supposed to take effective policies to prevent citizens making things worse. Some laws can be announced as well if necessary. Secondly, it is essential for us to attach the importance of building up a better and more harmonious relationship with nature. Only when we are aware of what the most pressing threat is and the importance of saving the earth can we learn to make friends with nature.

范文2: Heal the world

Nowadays, world leaders are in Copenhagen talking about climate change. Who has such a strong power to gather them from busy work? It’s our mother---the Earth that has told her kids to start to heal the environment for the pressing threats they are facing now.

It’s commonly thought that lots of countries are blind to the protection of environment while developing the country. And as the quality of life has developed, many families have its own car. As a result, more and more CO2 has caused the earth to be a “Green House”. If no measure is taken, a large number of kids won’t see the lovely and beautiful snow in winter before long.

To my delight, some people have been concerned about the environment. The movie > is just a good example. It took me 150 minutes to watch the movie. At the same time, I spent a long time considering the meaning which the movie wants to tell people. When the world is at an end, can anyone heal themselves? It’s obvious that the answer is No. It’s commonly accepted that what the director wants to tell people is that we should take measures to beautify the environment at once or we’ll die soon.

In a word, the environment pollution is a matter of life and death---a matter no country can afford to ignore. People all over the world are supposed to spare no effort to heal the world. Let’s take action from here and now!

范文3:No Need for Pollution

As for me, I’m in favor of the opinion that the pollution of the environment has a greater influence on people than climate change. No pollution, no climate change. It is because we put large quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that we have got to be dropped in the trouble. In a word, the essence of the climate change is pollution.

There are a good many reasons supporting my idea. The polluted surroundings result in the falling of the quality of people’s life. Dirty water makes it impossible to drink. Playing with water takes place no longer. It won’t be of pleasure to take walks under the gray sky. There is no doubt that we will live in a world without colorful flowers and blue sky if we keep polluting the environment. The dull life, as you can imagine, won’t hold us entirely in its power anymore. Nobody can deny the fact with my following example. Once there was a beautiful city, well-known for its clean air, attracting exploding numbers of visitors. However, as wealth was increasing, the environment was going from bad to worse. At the end, the city ended up with the failure of its environment.

Only when the well is dry will we realize the importance of the water. No, we don’t want it to happen. No need for pollution! Now, it’s our duty to spare no effort to protect the environment. Hearing the birds’ lovely songs and dancing to the clean water which is as clear as the mirror won’t be just a dream in the near future.

 1. H7N9 Avian Flu Prevention General Knowledge: 1. Illness symptoms are typical of viral pneumonia, with rapid onset, with early stages being high fever (38 degrees or above), coughing and other respiratory tract infection symptoms. 5-7 days after onset of the illness, breathing becomes difficult. 2. Thoroughly cook chicken meat and do not eat half-cooked chicken eggs. 3. Guangdong’s Center for Disease Control has said oseltamivir can be used for early stage treatment. 4. Avoid contact with live poultry and pigs, etc. 5. The virus can be destroyed after 1 minute in 100℃ temperatures. (Compiled according to public information)
  2. After listening to the Shanghai H7N9 press conference, I have a few pieces of advice: 1. If you can help it, avoid eating pork and chicken. 2. Avoid eating out as much as possible, because the source of the poultry is uncertain. 3. If you come down with the flu, don’t go to the hospital in a panic, first observe for some time, as a hospital’s environment is sealed, and there’s a possibility of overlapping infection. 4. Do more exercise and eat more fruits and vegetables, to strengthen your immune system. 5. Be vigilant, paying attention at all times to information from Chinese authorities, Hong Kong media, and the World Health Organization.
  3. From this point on, everyone must eat fully-cooked food, eggs too cannot be eaten too soft, the H7N9 virus cannot survive being heated at 65℃for 30 minutes and at 100℃for two minutes. You must not allow yourself to get sick, be sure to stay warm, don’t hang around places with poultry, and for now don’t eat any poultry products. Remember to also diligently wash your hands, and not give the virus the chance to enter your body. Everyone take care of your health!

刚刚过去的这一个学期,有您和孩子的支持,我园顺利地通过了各种检查,零陵教育局领导对我园和我园的孩子们都给予了很高的评价;有您和孩子们的支持,我们众志成城,共同有效地预防h7n9等疾病的肆虐。相信在我们共同努力和您们的大力支持下,我园将一定取得辉煌的成绩,给孩子们一片更加灿烂的明天! 为了让孩子们度过一个...

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刚刚过去的这一个学期,有您和孩子的支持,我园顺利地通过了各种检查,零陵教育局领导对我园和我园的孩子们都给予了很高的评价;有您和孩子们的支持,我们众志成城,共同有效地预防h7n9等疾病的肆虐。相信在我们共同努力和您们的大力支持下,我园将一定取得辉煌的成绩,给孩子们一片更加灿烂的明天! 为了让孩子们度过一个...

1、H7N9排查工作。为做好H7N9禽流感预防控制工作,引导社区居民正确认识、科学防范禽流感疫情,我社区组织了一系列宣传活动,如设计发放了一批宣传单、精心制作了专门的宣传报等。 2、双百环境卫生治理。“清洁城市、美化家园”百日专项活动和城区大气污染百日治理行动开展以来,社区定期对管辖的小区、街道环境卫生清扫、垃圾...

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就是演那个小老头的,他还拍过些什么片子,他的一些介绍越详细越好~分享到: 2006-10-06 00:57 提问者采纳 中文姓名:路易·德·菲奈斯 英文姓名:Louis De Funès 昵称:Fufu (菲菲) 国籍:法国 生日:1914年7月31日 出生地:Courbevoie, Hauts-de-Seine, ?le-de-France, France 星座:狮子座 职业:导演,演员...

曲水县17645103200: 假设你是某国际学校广播站成员,请根据以下要点用英文拟写一份关于预防H7N9流感的通知.1. 勤洗手;2. 一旦感冒,马上就医;3. 病的较重的同学,建议... -
敏炎丽扶:[答案] AnnouncementHello everyone. Here is some recommendations for keeping yourself healthy during H7N9 outbreak.The most basic thing you should do is wash your hands frequently so as to reduce the chance...

曲水县17645103200: 预防H7N9 的英语作文 -
敏炎丽扶: NowChinahasan infectious diseasefrom poultryhuman,avian influenza H7N9.This kind of diseaseas faras nottimely treatment,is likely to endanger life.Now,to thisdisease whogrow with each passing day,so we shouldpay attention to the following ...

曲水县17645103200: 求一篇预防H7N9的小学英语作文!谢谢!(六年级的) -
敏炎丽扶: to prevent H7N9 we should know some common sense. First of all, it is important for us to prevent H7N9 from ourselves. For example, clean our hands frequently. Sencondly, do more exercises. Such as running. Lastly, change our diet to keep ...

曲水县17645103200: 英语作文:预防H7N9禽流感 -
敏炎丽扶: H7N9 is a subtype of avian flu. Influenza virus particles wax covered by the two type surface glycoprotein, a type of phytohemagglutinin (H), a type of neuraminidase (N), H was divided into 15 subtypes, N is divided into 9 subtypes. All human influenza...

曲水县17645103200: 预防H7N9 的英语作文 -
敏炎丽扶:[答案] NowChinahasan infectious diseasefrom poultryhuman,avian influenza H7N9.This kind of diseaseas faras nottimely treatment,is likely to endanger life.Now,to thisdisease whogrow with each passing day,so w...

曲水县17645103200: 预防H7N9禽流感为主题的作文!用英语 -
敏炎丽扶: Dear Jack, Recently some H7N9 flu cases have been reported in some parts of China. I'm so worried about you. Are you OK? Now I'd like to share some tips with you . Firstly, you'd better stay away from chickens,ducks and birds, which can spread ...

曲水县17645103200: 如何预防H7N9,英文版(150 - 200字内) -
敏炎丽扶: How to prevent H7N9 Although the source of the H7N9 infection and the exact mode of transmission are uncertain, The World Health Organization says basic hygienic practices are useful in preventing infection.Hand hygiene:• Wash your hands ...

曲水县17645103200: 预防H7N9禽流感为主题的作文!用英语 -
敏炎丽扶:[答案] Dear Jack, Recently some H7N9 flu cases have been reported in some parts of China.I'm so worried about you.Are you OK?Now I'd like to share some tips with you . Firstly,you'd better stay away from chickens,ducks and birds,which can spread the ...

曲水县17645103200: 英语作文:Keep Away from H7N9 Flu Virus -
敏炎丽扶: Humans are prone to influenza, so do birds, livestock and wild animals. The best way to fight diseases is to closely monitor the changes and mutations of viruses and find solutions to kill them.The best way to prevent infection is to stay away from live...

曲水县17645103200: 关于一篇如何防御h7n9的英语初中作文
敏炎丽扶: 注意饮食卫生,进食禽肉、蛋类要彻底煮熟,加工、保存食物时要注意生、熟分开;养成良好的卫生习惯,搞好厨房卫生,不生食禽肉和内脏.解剖活(死)家禽、家畜及其制品后要彻底洗手. 1. payattention to food hygiene, eating meat, eggs...

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