怎样用send for造句

作者&投稿:晨竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. The child is running a high fever. We must send for a doctor at once.
2. Since she is seriously ill, we have to send for a doctor at once.
既然她病得厉害, 我们要马上去请医生。
3. The Manager sent for Mr Jackson who said to his colleague,"while I am in the lion's den, will you finish these letters for me? "
4. He was so ill that we had to send for a doctor.

贺兰县15261804205: 怎样用send for造句我想要3个句子,比较简 -
卞丁桂林: I've sent for the doctor. 我已经派人去请医生了.2 Send for your free catalogue today. 今天寄信索要你们的免费目录.3 Send for our free patterns to knit yourself. 欢迎函索免费式样体验自己编织的乐趣.4 I was too certain of her coming to send for her. 我相信她定然会来,故没打发人去请她.

贺兰县15261804205: 怎样用send for造句我想要3个句子,比较简短一点就行! -
卞丁桂林:[答案] I'm ill,dad sends for a doctor.我病了,爸爸派人去请医生.(派人去叫) I have sent for some copies of the book.这本书我订购了几本.( 订购) The boss has sent for me .老板派人叫我.

贺兰县15261804205: send for 造句 -
卞丁桂林: send for sb 请某人来 Please send for a doctor 快请来一个医生 send for sth 让人带来某物 He sent for help 他找人寻求帮助 She sent for latest news 她让人把最新的消息带给她

贺兰县15261804205: send for 造句写好请翻译 -
卞丁桂林:[答案] send for sb 请某人来 Please send for a doctor 快请来一个医生 send for sth 让人带来某物 He sent for help 他找人寻求帮助 She sent for latest news 她让人把最新的消息带给她

贺兰县15261804205: send for派人去请 谁能造句啊? -
卞丁桂林: Tom is very ill .We must send for a doctor.汤姆病得很厉害,我们必须去请一个医生.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.祝你进步.请尽快采纳.

贺兰县15261804205: 请帮我用sendfor造一个英语句子,外加中文翻译
卞丁桂林: He is very ill; you must send for a doctor.他病得很厉害,你得请个医生来.

贺兰县15261804205: 英文造句!帮忙啊!
卞丁桂林: His grandma has the fever,please send for a doctor by 999 . 他的奶奶发烧了,请拨打999马上请医生来!

贺兰县15261804205: send在英语句子的各种用法 -
卞丁桂林: 一、send可表示“使……被送到”,但是没有“赠送”的含义.Thank you for sending the flowers. 谢谢你送花.句中的send不是赠送的意思.二、send是瞬间动作,不可以用完成时态.I sent it to him a week ago. 我一星期以前就把它送给他了...

贺兰县15261804205: 谁能给我讲一下英语send for 的用法同题 -
卞丁桂林: send有发送;派遣;使处于...的状态;放出;运输等意思, end的用法1:send的基本意思是“派; 打发”,指通过某人或某种手段把东西送给某人或送到某目的地.也可作“用无线电波发送”“使…猛然或迅速移动”“发出信息”等解. send...

贺兰县15261804205: send up.send out.send for.三个短语的用法.谢谢 -
卞丁桂林: send up 固定词组 ph. 1.使升高 2.【口】判决入狱 3.发射 4.取笑某人 Did you know that Peter was sent up for ten years? 你知道彼得被判处10年徒刑吗? As soon as you get to the assembly point send up a red flare. 你们一到达集合地点马上发射...

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