
作者&投稿:辉广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

太委屈~~A Chip on Your Shoulder
2.情态动词+be doing sth表示对正在发生的事情的推测。 3.情态动词+have done sth表示对过去或已完成的事情的推测。如: They can't be in the dining...ave an axe to grind 别有企图 这个就容易理解了,有种”磨刀霍霍向猪羊“的即视感~ 出于好奇心,我去查了相关资料,结果没找到掌故,倒是又找到了好...

dreaming my dream cranberries是那个年代的
(八) Treasure Box (四张CD 的珍藏版套装) 发行时间:2002年4月 8 日 DISC 1 1\/4: Everybody Else Is Doing It So Why Can't We? (The Complete Sessions 1991-1993) 1. I Still Do 2. Dreams 3. Sunday 4. Pretty 5. Waltzing Back 6. Not Sorry 7. Linger 8. Wanted 9. Still Can't ...

14. If you are not interested in what I am doing, you __leave 回答:选项解析;A. may better: 只有may leave (可以离开) 或 had better leeave (最好离开)才能正确;B. may very much:副词 very much说明 may leave的程度,逻辑上说不过去; C. may just as well:just as well 意思是“无妨”,...

life of ma parker英文简介
"Yes, you 'ave.""No, I ain't.""Yes, you 'ave. Gi' us one!"Already she was feeling for the old, squashed, black leather purse."Well..."It's not your poor old gran's doing it, my lovey," said old Ma Parker,patting back the damp hair from his little scarlet ears. But ...

There are some flowers on the table.翻译:桌子上有一些花。分析:这是存在有句型,be动词的单复数是由后面的名词决定的。 例如:There are some interesting walks in the area.这一带有一些有趣的小径。Of course, there are other ways of doing this.当然还有别的方法做这件事。又例如:Ther...

1.我们十分感谢你们不辞辛劳,远道来访我处。we appreciate very much that you have come to visit our place in spite of the long and tiring journey.2.我希望您在这里过的愉快。I hope you will enjoy your stay here.3.祝您访问圆满成功!Wish your visit a complete success.4.我谨向...

Jeremy Scott who was doing everything on his own way and doesnt care about what other says, but also pay very much attention on the fashion industry.Jeremy's design has perfect match with what business wanted.Jeremy Scott is Jeremy Scott.No on could replace him.In Jeremy's ...

8.B urst out doing =burst into+n 、忽然爆发出。。。9.c ountry、指领⼟疆⼟.N ation 、指民族.n ot、客观否定,.S ign up for 、报名参加。10.some Form of identification 、某种,11.P restigious universityty 、有声望的⼤学.W ave 、指晃东西,.s hake、...


Most people are happy just toget out of jail.I expect to be paid to Ieave.I'm not a fool.I konw that just because they need me that day.Didn't mean they wouldn't make me a scapegoat the next ,But I was back,doing what i do best.非 洲 士 兵:Umbrellas to the ...

侯莺17231134247问: have doing的用法 -
泸定县长富回答: 现在完成进行时,表示从过去持续到现在仍在进行的时态,例句:I have reading this book from two hours ago.

侯莺17231134247问: have+do/done/doing的用法 -
泸定县长富回答:[答案] ①have to do 必须,不得不[+to-v] I have to go right now. 我马上得走. ②have sth.done 使,让;招致[O7][O8] Pa's had his hands burned. 爸的手给烫伤了. I've had the stove lighted. 我已经让人把炉子点着了. ③have done (加过去分词,构成完成时态)...

侯莺17231134247问: have sth doing用法??
泸定县长富回答: have可以用作使役动词,其宾补可以是省略to的不定式、分词、形容词、介词短语等. have sth./sb. + doing表示宾语与宾补呈主动关系,含有“保持、听任”之意: My Dad has only two men working for him. 我父亲只雇了两个人手替他干活. But we have never had women working in this part of our company before. 不过我们还从来没有让妇女在这个部门工作过呢.

侯莺17231134247问: have后面+to do, do ,还是doing? -
泸定县长富回答: have后面+to do, do ,doing这三种都是很常见的. 1.have to do表示“不得不做某事”,例句: I have to do some laundry this evening.我今晚不得不洗衣服. 2.have sb. do表示“让某人做某事”(注意:have to do表示的是自己不得不做某事,而...

侯莺17231134247问: have后接动词的用法have+宾语+do\doing\done这3种有什么区别,什么时候用? -
泸定县长富回答:[答案] have sth.done 1.表示"让,使某事被某人干"是有意识的被动行为,句子主语非动作的执行者. 例如: He had his trousers taken in.他叫人把裤子改小点. 2.表示主语的遭遇,受到某动作的影响,是无意识的被动行为. 例如: He had his pockets picked ...

侯莺17231134247问: have的用法 什么时候用have done 什么时候用have to do. 什么情况下动词开头用什么时候用have done 什么时候用have to do. 什么情况下动词开头用 doing 什... -
泸定县长富回答:[答案] 1. 在表达“我已经完成某件事情的时候”have done 是现在完成时的动词表达形式.比如: I have read three novels by now. 到现在为止,我已经读了3本书了.2. have to do 表示“不得不、必须做某事,客观上决定必须做...

侯莺17231134247问: Have been doing的用法和意义是什么? -
泸定县长富回答: have been doing 和 have done 都是现在完成时态,但在用法上有以下区别:have been doing:表示从过去某时开始一直在做某事,强调动作的持续性或重复性.have done:表示过去某时完成了某事,强调动作完成或结束后的状态.例句:I ...

侯莺17231134247问: have sth doing -
泸定县长富回答: have sth do/doing/done都是可以的,都有使...做...的意思,一般用sb have sth doing/done. have sth doing就是让某事一直进行下去的意思,比如:My little brother has his computer running all the time.P.S done的用法:I will have my clothes washed tomorrow.(自己不洗让别人洗)do的用法我几乎没有见过,才疏学浅啊...建议你再看看别人的回答.

侯莺17231134247问: have done doing是什么时态 -
泸定县长富回答: have done是现在完成时,后面加doing 没见过.have done和have been done有什么分别 一个是主动语态,一个是被动语态. 例如: 1、I have done my homework. 2、My homework has been done. 都可以解释为:我已经做完作业了.但是2中...

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