
作者&投稿:秋非 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

leave···doing 继续做某事 leavebehind 留下落下遗忘 leaveout遗漏省略 不考虑 leaveaside 把···的一边 不管···leaveoff停止中断 关闭 leavesbtoit 听任某人自由行事听其自然 leave···asit 别管他 leavesth with sb把某物留给某人 leavefor =head for 动身前往 leaveover 留下 剩下 ...

cause sth. (to do)result in lead to 2. 由……引起 be caused by result from grow out of lie in ♣表“全力以赴”的短语:do \/ try one’s best spare no efforts to do take great pains to do go all out to do do what somebody can (do) to do do all somebody ...

11.P restigious universityty 、有声望的⼤学.W ave 、指晃东西,.s hake、指剧烈的抖,12.s tir、指摇动搅拌,或把沉淀物激起来,W ork out 、解决,做出,锻炼,了解某⼈品质,13.F ind out 、发现,使发作,使受惩罚.T ry sth out 、实验,考验,提炼.T ry out for ...

直接把are 改为过去式were 即 We were not willing to live here.

恽惠13043937152问: have加sth.加adj后面动词什么形式Tom has something nice - ____. -
镇江市亚莫回答:[答案] 加 to do,doing 和done 都是可以的,必须根据具体的动词和情境来判断.举例:Tom has something nice to share.Tom有一些好事要(和大家)分享.Tom has something nice vanishing.Tom正在失去一些美好的东西.Tom has s...

恽惠13043937152问: have + adj. + doing sth.是什么意思? -
镇江市亚莫回答: 做某事怎样怎样,怎样就是形容词对应的意思

恽惠13043937152问: have n. adj. doing sth -
镇江市亚莫回答: 最常见的就是have fun doing sth.,不知道你想问什么哎?是不知道有这种用法还是其他什么? 还有“让某人做什么”,比she had her audience listening attentively(她让她的听众听得入神).

恽惠13043937152问: have it + do 是什么语法??应该怎么样用? -
镇江市亚莫回答: have it + do 是什么语法??应该怎么样用? 答:have+宾语+do sth.( 无to不定式作宾补)的用法.意为:让(使)...做某事. 能做事的通常是“人”,所以常见的结构是have sb. do sth. 如: - Have h埂怠囤干塬妨剁施筏渐im return my call. ...

恽惠13043937152问: have+adj.后动词一般都是(in) doing吗 -
镇江市亚莫回答: 也不是绝对的 要按照固定搭配或者用法去记忆 比如have difficulty in doing sth have a good time 就不是in doing 了

恽惠13043937152问: 速来 英语造句 have time to do sthhave time to do sthtaste+ adjeither...orbe good forbe bad forbe late for我自己总结的搭配 看一些例句= = -
镇江市亚莫回答:[答案] 1 I have time to play basketball every day. 2 The food tastes delicious. 3 Either he or you can go with me . 4 Eating more vegetables is good for our health. 5 Reading in bed is bad for our eyes . 6 He is never late for school .

恽惠13043937152问: have +adj+ time+doing还是to do -
镇江市亚莫回答: to do

恽惠13043937152问: have a adj time doing还是to do?
镇江市亚莫回答: have a/an +adj. + time + doing sth We had a good time playing in the pak yeaterday afternoon. have a hard time with sth I have a hard time with my math study.

恽惠13043937152问: have a adj time doing还是to do?(1)have a hard time +with sth/doing sth (2)中间的“adj”改变后对后边的“to do”/“doing”的改变有影响吗?(3)如果(... -
镇江市亚莫回答:[答案] have a/an +adj. + time + doing sth We had a good time playing in the pak yeaterday afternoon. have a hard time with sth I have a hard time with my math study.

恽惠13043937152问: have+adj.后动词一般都是in doing吗 -
镇江市亚莫回答: 是的,像 have fun doing sth

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