
作者&投稿:温沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“OFF”造句:TIn reality, that's not far off expectations.

go off造句
The project went off smoothly.

he rolled off the bed.他从床上滚了下来。

off是什么意思 off怎么造句
1、off,adv.离开(某处); (在时间或空间上)距,离; 用以表示除去了某物; 起跑;prep.从(某处)落下; 离开; (时空上)离,距; 偏离; 从…去掉; 从…移开;adj.不新鲜; 变质; 不礼貌; 不热情; 冷淡; 不能接受; 难以容忍; 不行;n.起跑;v.杀死(某人)。2、[例句]September was a long ...

go off什么意思?
go off的造句如下:1、The bad news caused Jim to go off the deep end.那个坏消息使吉姆勃然大怒,失去理智。2、Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper.土耳其和德国就走到一个角落,小声商量。3、And if you need to set a timer to go off every hour or so to remind ...

take in \/down\/over\/on\/off\/up\/ to \/away 请分别造句,如有其他·类似短...
take in \/down\/over\/on\/off\/up\/ to \/away 请分别造句,如有其他·类似短语,请写出解释和造句 这是我第一次提问,请大家帮帮忙!50个以上,谢谢了!急死了,快帮忙啊!明天就要搞定作业,这道题实在不会。希望能有更多的词组,如puton之类的。麻烦了!... 这是我第一次提问,请大家帮帮忙!50个以上,谢谢了!

用go off造句
go off 有响的意思。 I get up late because my clock didn't go off

用off 造句:明天我可以不来上班么
can I take a day off tomorrow

用run off 英语造句
run off 跑掉,逃掉 1.Forgive me if I run off now.请原谅,我得走了。2. She is about to run off. 她正要拨腿跑去。3.The thief has run off. 小偷已逃跑了。

give a ride 和 go off<发出响声>造句
I'd love to give you a ride.我很乐意载你一程。The fire alarm went off.火警响了。

亢凤19228565545问: 用go off 造句 -
沙县宫宁回答:[答案] go off 1.make a sudden ringing noise爆发突然的响声 *A bomb went off in the theater.一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了. 2.leave suddenly(突然)离走 *They went off without telling us.他们走时没有告诉我们. *She went off in a bad temper.她怒气冲冲地走了. 3....

亢凤19228565545问: go off 的造句(发出声响) -
沙县宫宁回答:[答案] My car alarm always goes off in the middle of the night. 我汽车的报警器总是在半夜响起来.

亢凤19228565545问: go off. 造句字 -
沙县宫宁回答: go off 英 [ɡəu ɔf]美 [ɡo ɔf] 进行; 爆炸; 突然大作; 停止运转 1. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn. 路灯在黄昏时开,拂晓时关. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2. He pulled the trigger but the gun didn't go off. 他打了一枪,没有...

亢凤19228565545问: go off 的造句(发出声响) -
沙县宫宁回答: My car alarm always goes off in the middle of the night. 我汽车的报警器总是在半夜响起来.

亢凤19228565545问: 用go off造句 -
沙县宫宁回答: The lights went off just now.

亢凤19228565545问: go off造句
沙县宫宁回答: I'd better have waited till the rain went off. 我当时要是等雨停再走就好了 . She went off with the gardener's son. 她跟园艺工人的儿子私奔了.

亢凤19228565545问: 用括号内的短语造句小偷一进来,警铃就响了.(go off)他新创作的小说什么时候出版?(come out)我们的卡车在城外抛锚了.(break down)他们刚刚才到... -
沙县宫宁回答:[答案] As soon as the thief came in,the alarm went off. When will his new novel come out? Our truck broke down outside the city. He only just came.

亢凤19228565545问: give a ride 和 go off<发出响声>造句 -
沙县宫宁回答: I'd love to give you a ride.我很乐意载你一程. The fire alarm went off.火警响了.

亢凤19228565545问: give a ride 和 go off造句 -
沙县宫宁回答:[答案] I'd love to give you a ride.我很乐意载你一程. The fire alarm went off.火警响了.

亢凤19228565545问: 用1.go along 2.feel like 3.drink in 4.go off 5.subject to 6.build up 7.go through 短语造句?
沙县宫宁回答: 1.How is your work on that novel going along? 你那本小说写得怎样了? 2.This new man-made material feels like real leather. 这种新型人造材料摸起来像真皮一样. 3.These plants just drink the water in. 这些植物很容易吸收水分. 4.I'd better ...

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