
作者&投稿:费胥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用went away造句
If you go away, you leave a place or a person's company.I think we need to go away and think about this.我认为我们有必要走开一下去考虑这件事。2. 短语动词外出(尤指度假)If you go away, you leave a place and spend a period of time somewhere else, especially as a hol...

用go away for造句?
go away for What was yours is gone . You must to go away for a while.属于你的都已经消失。你必须离开这儿一段时间。As the study in the Journal of Applied Psychology puts it, if you care about the well-being of your employees when they go away for a respite, leave them al...

用go away for造句?
答:造句:Helen is very busy these days.She has gone away for her work.

go away on 怎么造句带翻译
Hernia will not go away on its own.疝不会自动消失。 that sick feeling will go away on its own.那种恶心不舒服的感觉会自己消失的。 A-s come on horseback but go away on foot.病发容易病好难;病来如墙倒,病去如抽丝。 Agues come on horseback but go away on foot.病发容易病...

...形式造句(中英文)go on继续 go back回去 go away离开 go off熄灭...
昨晚我突然被噪音惊醒,然后我回去睡觉了。Seeing the accident ,he went away quickly .看见了那场事故,他快速离开了。The light went off yesterday because of the storm.昨天灯因为暴风雨而熄灭了。I don't know how I can go throught the awful days.我不知道该怎样度过那些糟糕的日子。

go around go getter (俚)老手 go getting 野心的 go off go a good wahy with\/go a great way with go about go aboard上船,上飞机 go abroad出国 go across走过 go after追求(年轻人可以用,哈哈)go away go back(让我想到了马丁·路德的i have a dream,"This is our hope, and this ...

be away for ……leave 造句
go away的确可以用leave替代,go away更加口语化。但是注意,不是所有的leave都能用go away替代的。leave只有解释成“离开”的时候才能用go away替代。举个最简单的反例:i left my book on the desk.我把书忘在了桌上。这个left是绝对不能用went away 替代的。

()16、废气,s!废水,s!染污,goaway! ()17、绿树成荫,花香扑鼻——理想家园靠大家。 ()18、破坏环境的人终将得到大自然的惩罚。 ()19、节约能源,人人有责! ()20、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。 ()21、地球是我们的母亲,我们要爱护她。 ()22、风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。 ()23、让天更蓝,让水更清,...

It's under that d__7___." The boy gets to the basket. "Go away!" he says to the duck. The duck comes o__8___ of the basket and swims away. The b__9___ takes the basket back to the woman. "Oh, thank you very much," says the woman."Not at all!" says...

get away造句
get away造句如下:1.逃走:He managed to get away from the kidnappers and escape to safety.他设法逃离了绑匪并逃到了安全地带。The thief tried to get away, but the police caught him.小偷试图逃跑,但被警察抓住了。The prisoner attempted to get away through the window, but he was ...

宰岩17568191301问: 用go away造句,简单的 -
金堂县辛疏回答: He will be go away on vacation for a few weeks.

宰岩17568191301问: go away造句? -
金堂县辛疏回答: 造句:He stood up and went away without a word. 他站起来,一句话也没说就走了.

宰岩17568191301问: go away,be away,stay away from,give away,put,away的用法,谢谢 -
金堂县辛疏回答: go away: vt. 离开(走掉) I wish he'd go away; I can't stand the sight of him. 我希望他离开,我讨厌这个家伙. be away: 离开 In all likelihood, we shall be away for a week. 我们很可能离开一个星期. stay away from: 离...远点,躲避... Tell him to ...

宰岩17568191301问: go away的意思和具体用法 -
金堂县辛疏回答: go away v. 走开, <口>作祈使句, 别傻了! go away 离去, 带走, 拐逃(with)

宰岩17568191301问: 用go away(离开,走开)和go through(浏览)和go on(继续)各造一个句子 -
金堂县辛疏回答: 1 That's why you go away l know.2 They went through the marriage service. 3 If he goes on like this he'll lose his job.

宰岩17568191301问: go away什么意思 -
金堂县辛疏回答: go away意思是离开;(症状)消失;私奔 英 [ɡəu əˈwei] 美 [ɡo əˈwe] 1、To her annoyance the stranger did not go away 让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走. 2、I could go away again with a clear conscience. 我可以问心无愧地再次离开...

宰岩17568191301问: 用go away for造句? -
金堂县辛疏回答: go away for What was yours is gone . You must to go away for a while. 属于你的都已经消失.你必须离开这儿一段时间.As the study in the Journal of Applied Psychology puts it, if you care about the well-being of your employees when they go away for a respite, leave them alone. 就像《应用心理学》杂志总结的那样,如果你关心员工的幸福感,那么如果他们去学术休假了,就别打扰他们啦.

宰岩17568191301问: 请用go away、have a try、on time分别造一个句子
金堂县辛疏回答: The beast went away. It is worth for us to have a try. He didn't arrive on time.

宰岩17568191301问: 求英语 ... away 的句式的短语,比如go away -
金堂县辛疏回答: be away from et away walk away face away far away

宰岩17568191301问: go away 的语法 -
金堂县辛疏回答: Go Away 是走/滚开的意思. 例如: GO AWAY! I DON'T WANT YOU TO BE HERE! 走开! 我不想你在这里!

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