用go off造句

作者&投稿:重咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用go off 造句~

go off
1.make a sudden ringing noise爆发突然的响声
*A bomb went off in the theater.一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了。
2.leave suddenly(突然)离走
*They went off without telling us.他们走时没有告诉我们。
*She went off in a bad temper.她怒气冲冲地走了。
3.cease;wear off;disappear终止;消失
*The effect of the drug will go off after two hours.两小时后这药的效力就将失去。
4.sell;be disposed of by sale卖掉;售出
*The goods went off rapidly.那批货很快就卖掉了。
5.become worse;deteriorate变坏(质)
*I'll complain to the shop;this meat started going off the same day that I bought it.我要向这家商店申诉,我买的肉当天就变质了。
*You had better put the cake in the refrigerator,in case it goes off.你最好把蛋糕放入冰箱,以免坏掉。
*The milk has gone off slightly.It must be the weather.这牛奶已经变质。一定是天气的关系。
*He went off with his manager's daughter.他和经理的女儿私奔了。
7.lose one's skill失去技巧;工作质量下降
*The standard of his work has gone off over the last few weeks.这几个星期以来,他的工作水平有所下降。
*The lecturer used to do well,but he seems to have gone off now.这位讲师以前课讲得不错,现在似乎教学质量在下降。
*The football team seemed to go off.这个足球队似乎在滑坡。
8.fall asleep;pass into unconsciousness入睡;失去知觉Grand father's gone off in the chair.爷爷在椅子上睡着了。
*He didn't seem to be able to go off,so he went into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea.他似乎睡不着,因此他走进厨房给自己泡了一杯茶。
*The old woman went off into a faint.这位老太太晕倒失去了知觉。
9.lose one's liking for(coffee,beer,pop music,painting,etc.,as a hobby)不再爱好
*He went off driving altogether after his accident.那场事故以后,他讨厌开车了。
10.become unavailable(water,gas,electricity,power,etc.)得不到;突然中断供应
*Just as the weather turned cold,the electricity supply went off.正当天气转冷时,电力供应却中断了。
*The light went off as we entered the room.我们进屋时停电了。
11.go mad;behave in a crazy manner发疯;发狂
*Poor old Tom went off his head,spent all his money in six months and ended up begging in the streets.可怜的老汤姆头脑发热了,在6个月内把钱全部花掉,最后到街上去行乞。
12.be carried out;take place;proceed进行;发生;举行
*The party went off without any trouble.聚会顺利进行,没有任何麻烦。
She had the operation this morning and it all went off quite well.她今天上午动了手术,一切很顺利。

The project went off smoothly.

go off 有响的意思。 I get up late because my clock didn't go off

The lights went off just now.

鄯善县17281884701: 用go off 造句 -
宰父高复方:[答案] go off 1.make a sudden ringing noise爆发突然的响声 *A bomb went off in the theater.一颗炸弹在剧院里爆炸了. 2.leave suddenly(突然)离走 *They went off without telling us.他们走时没有告诉我们. *She went off in a bad temper.她怒气冲冲地走了. 3....

鄯善县17281884701: go off 的造句(发出声响) -
宰父高复方:[答案] My car alarm always goes off in the middle of the night. 我汽车的报警器总是在半夜响起来.

鄯善县17281884701: go off. 造句字 -
宰父高复方: go off 英 [ɡəu ɔf]美 [ɡo ɔf] 进行; 爆炸; 突然大作; 停止运转 1. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn. 路灯在黄昏时开,拂晓时关. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2. He pulled the trigger but the gun didn't go off. 他打了一枪,没有...

鄯善县17281884701: go off造句
宰父高复方: I'd better have waited till the rain went off. 我当时要是等雨停再走就好了 . She went off with the gardener's son. 她跟园艺工人的儿子私奔了.

鄯善县17281884701: go off例句 -
宰父高复方: A bomb wen off in central London this morning. 一枚炸弹今晨在伦敦市中心爆炸 They went off into a fit of laughter 他们哄堂大笑 The signal pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了 The plan goes off badly. 计划进展的很糟糕

鄯善县17281884701: 用go off造句 -
宰父高复方: The lights went off just now.

鄯善县17281884701: go off 的造句(发出声响) -
宰父高复方: My car alarm always goes off in the middle of the night. 我汽车的报警器总是在半夜响起来.

鄯善县17281884701: go off例句go off表示被发射和爆炸,动身离开的意思的例句分别有哪些?越多越好啊! -
宰父高复方:[答案] A bomb wen off in central London this morning. 一枚炸弹今晨在伦敦市中心爆炸 They went off into a fit of laughter 他们哄堂大笑 The signal pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了 The plan goes off badly. 计划进展的很糟糕

鄯善县17281884701: go off的用法 -
宰父高复方:[答案] 1.响起The alarm went off.警铃骤然响起.2.变质This milk has gone off.牛奶变坏了.3.入睡Hasn't the baby gone off yet?婴孩还没入睡吗?4.进行The plan went off well.计划进行得很顺利.5.爆炸,发射;动身,离开;去...

鄯善县17281884701: go off 的所有意思.例句和派生? -
宰父高复方: go off 爆炸;(爆竹、铃等)响 The signal pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了. (食物等)变坏 This steak has gone off. 这牛排坏了. 退步;质量降低;衰败 The goods sold at this shop have gone off. 这个商店出售的货物质量下降了. 消失 The pain went off. 疼痛消失了. 进行情况;发生 The interview went off very badly. 访问进行得极不顺利. 睡着;失去知觉 Has the baby gone off yet? 婴儿睡着了吗? 中断;熄灭

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