
作者&投稿:扶鬼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

台词:1、He's a man from outer space and we're taking him to his spaceship.他是来自外太空的人,我们要带他去他的宇宙飞船。2、You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers?你知道他们怎么说下水道里有鳄鱼吗?3、All we're trying to say is, maybe you just probably...

体验星纪元 ES、ET:科技感、智能化对标特斯拉
虽然,该车在产品参数上没有更多信息透露,不过我们还是了解到一些动力方面信息。比如该车基于E0X平台打造,续航或在700km以上,支持800V高压架构,可实现充电5分钟续航150km。从这些产品参数来看,就知道星纪元ET实力不俗。对标Model S的星纪元ES 星途汽车展台上另一款星纪元ES也是一大亮点。作为“星纪元”...

翻译 英语
农夫的邻居———铲土的动物,那一天,我问妈妈早做些什么,我们就开始在学校但她不认为食物很像向我. 当我父亲帮忙,他带我去教堂。在学校的时候,我内心充满了一瓶喝汤为我们的午餐,把它带回家,我告诉厨师把汤在plaet、拿来给我的母亲,她喝了它,喊着:怎么了?”我的汤今天马上告诉她我一切所行的...

In the 8th century, the Venerable Bede (c. 672–735) wrote a famous epigram celebrating the symbolic significance of the statue: Quandiu stabit coliseus, stabit et Roma; quando cadit coliseus, cadet et Roma; quando cadet Roma, cadet et mundus ("as long as the Colossus stands, so ...

谁有莫扎特Mozart安魂曲Requim KV.626的唱词(中文+拉丁文)
et semini ejus. . 英文: Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the bottomless pit。 Deliver them from the lion's mouth Neither let them fall into darkness nor the black abyss swallow them up. And let St. ...

In 1357, he began to go to the court, and then he often visited Europe. In Italy, he met Dante, Boccaccio and other works, which affected his later literary creation.Chaucer died in London in 1400 and was buried in the "poet's Corner" of Westminster Abbey.乔叟被公认为是...

1、Et 英文缩写:Et 英文全称:Ethyl 中文解释:乙基 缩写分类:化学化工 2、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:extra-terrestrial 中文解释:外星人 缩写分类:常用词汇 3、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:endothelin 中文解释:内皮素 缩写分类:生物科学、医药卫生 4、ET 英文缩写:ET 英文全称:Ethiopia 中文...


<u>Unit Darcy's Law<\/u>
An alternative form of Darcy's law can be obtained by substituting Equation ( 6. 1 ) in Equation ( 6. 3) to yield:This is sometimes compacted even further into the form:w here I is the hydraulic gradient.Darcy's law is valid for groundwater flow in any direction in space...

卢梭简介 英文
(from Discours sur l'Origine et le Fondement de l'Inégalité Parmi les Hommes, 1754)Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland, into a Protestant family of French refugees. Rousseau's mother died of puerperal fever shortly after his birth. His father, who was a watchmaker of ...

敞肤18315957943问: get into shape是什么意思 -
东风区苏泰回答: get into shape 英[ɡet ˈɪntuː ʃeip]美[ɡɛt ˈɪntu ʃep] 为了健美的体形而进行锻炼等; 使有条理,恰当地安排…;强身健体 He ' s still trying to get into shape. 他仍在努力恢复中.

敞肤18315957943问: 用get into shape 造句 -
东风区苏泰回答: My father's in much better shape this week.我父亲本周身体好多了.

敞肤18315957943问: 英语翻译没有人知道接下来几天会发生什么事(to come)现在许多人去健身房锻炼,希望能强身健体(get into shape)事实上,我对你的经历不感兴趣.(as... -
东风区苏泰回答:[答案] No one would know what to comeNowadays lots of people go to the gym,wanting to get into shapeAs a matter of fact,i do not get interested in your experienceThis od man is energetic,so is his wifeEvery ...

敞肤18315957943问: get in shape 意思
东风区苏泰回答: 恢复健康 1. 720 Let us get in shape! 我们去健身吧! 2. Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again. 亨利长得胖,他应该恢复体型. 3. I must get in shape; otherwise I will lose the game. 我必须保持好良好的状态,否则会输了比赛.

敞肤18315957943问: get bent out of shape是什么意思 -
东风区苏泰回答: get bent out of shape 变弯曲形;杞人忧天 例句 1.I know you're worried about your job interview, but don't get bent out of shape. 我知道你很担心你的口试,但别杞人忧天了. 2.Hey, don't get bent out of shape, your exam will be surely ok. 喂,不要...

敞肤18315957943问: get back in shape 是恢复体形,还是恢复状态 .还是两者都有啊 -
东风区苏泰回答: 1. 恢复体形:For women who have had kids, that area is very hard to get back in shape 对于生过孩子的女人来说,这个部位很难复原2. 恢复状态 一般用recover;refresh; reinstate; restore;bring back to the previous state等等~

敞肤18315957943问: get you into shape?是American next top model 里面的一个人说你们要做做热身 在tyra 来之前 要不你们别想见她这里就翻译成热身 但是我感觉好像不是热身... -
东风区苏泰回答:[答案] 让你进入状态

敞肤18315957943问: You shoud - --to get in shape and stay in shape. -
东风区苏泰回答: 选D.try.You should try to get in shape and stay in shape.should: 在这里是应该的意思.in shape: 成型,成形.这里指体形健美.你应该努力锻炼,得到健美的体形并保持住.want, wish, hope 都与should 不合.

敞肤18315957943问: get...into trouble 和be in trouble 在句中的用法 -
东风区苏泰回答: 1、get oneself into trouble给谁带来麻烦. 例句: The incident got many people into trouble. 这件事连累了许多人. 2、be in trouble,be和in trouble间不能用宾语,意思为:在困境中. 例句: The economy was in trouble. 经济处于困境中. 扩...

敞肤18315957943问: get into trouble 的用法 -
东风区苏泰回答: get myself into trouble.让自己陷入困境. get him into trouble.让他陷入困境.

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