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鞋读shoe[u:] homework[humw:k]到…里into[intu:] (家庭作业)。(到…)上onto[ntu] ove读[v]词义联想:由do(做) 手套glove[ɡlv](五)u在重读开音节中读[ju:]1.u和ue读作[ju:] 2.use读[ju:z]菜单menu[menju:] 原谅excuse[ikskju:z]大街(林荫道)avenue use用[ju:z][vnju:] 3.ute读[ju...

最小频移键控MSK (Minimum Shift Keying)是一种改变波载频率来传输信息的调制技术,即特殊的连续相位的频移键控(CPFSK)。其最大频移为比特速率的1\/4,即MSK是调制系数为0.5的连续相位的FSK。在数字调制中,最小频移键控是一种连续相位的频移键控方式,在1950年代末和1960年代产生。与偏移四相相...


EVA 的英文介绍
故事梗概 Neon Genesis Evangelion At the turn of the millennium the inhabitants of Earth are nearly completely wiped out by a mysterious supposed meteorite strike on Antarctica. Roughly half the population dies as a direct result of the strike, and the rest are left to struggle for s...

He walked into the bar and ordered a vokda and tonic.I lived in London until I was fourteen.When I was a child we always went to the seaside in August.Tony phoned a moment ago.The Goths invaded Rome in A.D.410.I saw Fred this morning in town.Did the telephone ring?Jim punched ...

翻译成英文 急急急!!关于动漫的...
this contradiction is not resolved.Movie in China, NERV in the SEELE conflicts, SEELE sent troops to attack NERV, in the occupied NERV launched after the third shock. All of humanity into a sea of LCL, only Dingzhen Si and Asuka stay.绝对没错 选我吧 我肯定 这没错 ...

底邦15718991749问: get into shape是什么意思 -
黄山市盖三回答: get into shape 英[ɡet ˈɪntuː ʃeip]美[ɡɛt ˈɪntu ʃep] 为了健美的体形而进行锻炼等; 使有条理,恰当地安排…;强身健体 He ' s still trying to get into shape. 他仍在努力恢复中.

底邦15718991749问: shape的用法 -
黄山市盖三回答: 1、shape的基本意思是指物品的“外形,形状,样子”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词. 2、shape在口语中可表示“人或事物的情况,状况,状态”,用作不可数名词.3、shape有时还可表示“模制的水果冻”,既可用作可数名...

底邦15718991749问: 初二下册语法,shape 有什么用法 -
黄山市盖三回答: 名词 n. 1.形状;样子 2(表现)形式;体现 3【口】情况,状态[U] 及物动词 vt. 1.使成形;塑造,制作[(+into/from/out of)]2.形成3.使符合;使适合(+to)

底邦15718991749问: 常常和经常的用法,并各举例. -
黄山市盖三回答: 常常,总是,通常:usually 经常:often 一丶大部分用法:1丶修饰形容词,要放在系动词和形容词之间 如:I am often late . I am usually late.2丶修饰行为动词,要放在主语和动词之间如:I often go to school late. I ususlly go to school late. 二丶有时会放在句首,此时表强调 Often I am late . 特殊表“经常”这个词 .

底邦15718991749问: lie in , out of shape ,call out ,a good deal of 分别是什么意思 和用法K -
黄山市盖三回答: lie in有"在于.....”;“睡懒觉”;“待产”;“位于”的意思. out of shape:身体状况不佳;变形. call out:大声叫喊;唤起;出动. a good deal of:大量的;很多的

底邦15718991749问: C语言 定义两个函数,一个是info,一个是shape.然后拼成图形 -
黄山市盖三回答: 不能用printf,那就用getchar. 先用函数把形状shape定好,A、B位置做变量,再用info放入字符.

底邦15718991749问: kick具体怎么操作 -
黄山市盖三回答: 您好,具体操作:首先您是房主,然后在游戏画面按退出下面的那个点()键,跳出控制台,在控制台上输入kick+空格+玩家名称.在控制台内输入users可查询玩家序号(如玩家名称:123序号为7),那么T他则输入kick+空格+#7,那么此玩家则被T您的房间(注:+不用出现在控制台上).谢谢!

底邦15718991749问: 用get into shape 造句 -
黄山市盖三回答: My father's in much better shape this week.我父亲本周身体好多了.

底邦15718991749问: shape是什么意思? -
黄山市盖三回答:[答案] n.1.形状;样子,外形2.(表现)形式;体现,具体化3.【口】情况,状态 4.模糊 vt.1.使成形;塑造[(+into/from/out of)]2.形成3.使符合;使适合 vi.1.【口】成形;成型;形成[(+up/into)]2.成长,发展3.【罕】发生

底邦15718991749问: shape中文是什么 -
黄山市盖三回答: “shape”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[] 英音:[] 名词 n.1. 形状;样子,外形[C][U] The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman.雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状.2. (表现)形式;体现,具体化[U][C] The writer's dreams find a ...

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