<u>Unit Darcy's Law</u>

作者&投稿:佼雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

达西通过实验总结得到。1852-1855年,又称线性渗流定律。1856年由法国工程师H达西定律(Darcy's law)描述饱和土中水的渗流速度与水力坡降之间的线性关系的规律,达西进行了水通过饱和砂的实验研究,发现了渗流量Q与上下游水头差(h2- h1)和垂直于水流方向的截面积A成正比.P.G



当单相流体通过横截面积为A、长度为L、压力差为ΔP的一段孔隙介质呈层状流动时,流体粘度为μ,则单位时间内通过这段岩石孔隙的流体量为:Q=KΔPA/μL 。

英文:effective permeability
英文: relative permeability

The birth of groundw ater hydrology as a quantitative science can be traced to the year 1856. It w as in that year that a French hydraulic engineer named Henry Darcy published his report on the w ater supply of the city of Dijon,France. In the report Darcy described a laboratory experiment that he had carried out to analyze the flow of w ater through sands. The results of his experiment can be generalized into the empirical law that now bears his name.

Consider an experimental apparatus like that show n in Figure 6. 1. A circular cylinder of cross section A is filled w ith sand,stoppered at each end,and outfitted w ith inflow and outflow tubes and a pair of manometers. Water is introduced into the cylinder and allow ed to flow through it until such time as all the pores are filled w ith w ater and the inflow rate Q is equal to the outflow rate. If w e set an arbitrary datum at elevation z = 0,the elevations of the manometer intakes are z1and z2and the elevations of the fluid levels are h1and h2. The distance betw een the manometer intakes is Δl.

Figure 6. 1 Experimental apparatus for the illustration of Darcy's law

We w ill define v,the specific discharge through the cylinder,as

If the dimensions of Q are [L3T- 1]and those of A are [L2],v has the dimensions of a velocity [LT- 1].

The experiments carried out by Darcy show ed that v is directly proportional to h1- h2w hen Δl is held constant,and inversely proportional to Δl when h1- h2is held constant. If w e define Δh = h2- h1( an arbitrary sign convention that will stand us in good stead in later developments) ,w e have v ∝ - Δh and v ∝ 1 / Δl. Darcy's law can now be w ritten as:

or,in differential form:

where h is called the hydraulic head; dh / dl is the hydraulic gradient; K is a constant of proportionality. It must be a property of the soil in the cylinder,for were we to hold the hydraulic gradient constant,the specific discharge would surely be larger for some soils than for others. In other words,if dh / dl is held constant,v ∝ K. The parameter K is known as the hydraulic conductivity. It has high values for sand and gravel and low values for clay and most rocks. Since Δh and Δl both have units of length [L],a quick dimensional analysis of Equation ( 6. 3) shows that K has the dimensions of a velocity [LT- 1]. In the following section,we will show that K is a function not only of the media,but also of the fluid flowing through it.

An alternative form of Darcy's law can be obtained by substituting Equation ( 6. 1 ) in Equation ( 6. 3) to yield:

This is sometimes compacted even further into the form:

w here I is the hydraulic gradient.

Darcy's law is valid for groundwater flow in any direction in space. With regard to Figure 6. 1 and Equation ( 6. 3) ,if the hydraulic gradient dh / dl and the hydraulic conductivity K are held constant,v is independent of the angle θ. This is true even for θ values greater than 90° when the flow is being forced up through the cylinder against gravity.

We have noted that the specific discharge v has the dimensions of a velocity,or flux. For this reason it is sometimes know n as the Darcy velocity or Darcy flux. The specific discharge is a macroscopic concept and it is easily measured. It must be clearly differentiated from the microscopic velocities associated w ith the actual paths of individual particles of w ater as they w ind their w ay through the grains of sand ( Figure 6. 2) . The microscopic velocities are real, but they are probably impossible to measure. In the remainder of the section w e w ill w ork exclusively w ith concepts of flow on a macroscopic scale. Despite its dimensions w e w ill not refer to v as a velocity; rather w e w ill utilize the more correct term,specific discharge.

This last paragraph may appear innocuous,but it announces a decision of fundamental importance. When w e decide to analyse groundw ater flow w ith the Darcian approach,itmeans,in effect,that w e are going to replace the actual ensemble of sand grains ( or clay particles or rock fragments) that make up the porous medium by a representative continuum for w hich w e can define macroscopic parameters,such as the hydraulic conductivity,and utilize macroscopic law s, such as Darcy's law , to provide macroscopically averaged descriptions of the microscopic behavior. This is a conceptually simple and logical step to take,but it rests on some knotty theoretical foundations. Bear in 1972,in his advanced text on porous-media flow ,discussed these foundations in detail. In a later section,w e w ill further explore the interrelationships betw een the microscopic and macroscopic descriptions of groundw ater flow.

Figure 6. 2 Macroscopic and microscopic concepts of groundwater flow

Darcy's law is an empirical law. It rests only on experimental evidence. Many attempts have been made to derive Darcy's law from more fundamental physical law s,and Bear in 1972 also review ed these studies in some detail. The most successful approaches attempt to apply the Navier-Stokes equations,w hich are w idely know n in the study of fluid mechanics,to the flow of w ater through the pore channels of idealized conceptual models of porous media. Hubbert in 1956 and Irmay in 1958 w ere apparently the earliest to attempt this exercise.

This text w ill provide ample evidence of the fundamental importance of Darcy's law in the analysis of groundw ater flow ,but it is w orth nothing here that it is equally important in many other applications of porous-media flow. It describes the flow of soil moisture and is used by soil physicists,agricultural engineers,and soil mechanics specialists. It describes the flow of oil and gas in deep geological formations and is used by petroleum reservoir analysts. It is used in the design of filters by chemical engineers and in the design of porous ceramics by materials scientists. It has even been used by bioscientists to describe the flow of bodily fluids across porous membranes in the body.

( Source: Freeze et al. ,1979)


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