
作者&投稿:中彭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Get around什么意思?
get around:绕开;传播;随意走走;说服。英国英语亦用 get round。例句:Repetition is unavoidable, but you can get around it with AMS. 重复是不可避免的,但是您可以绕开它与医疗辅助队。He is like a mule, once he decides to do sth, no one can get him around. 他有如骡子,一旦决定...

get around中文意思
get around 1.逃避 He got round the difficulty. 他避开了这一难题。2.哄骗;说服 I got round my father to lend me his car. 我说服了父亲借车给我。Don't let him get round you! He doesn't deserve your help.别上他的当!他不值得你去帮他。3. 走动;旅行 It's easy to get...

get around是什么意思
get around的意思:1、到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);2、有办法应付;有办法应付局面 重点词汇:1、get 读法:英 [ɡet] 美 [ɡet]vt. 使得;获得;受到;变成 n. 生殖;幼兽 vi. 成为;变得;到达 2、around 读法:英 [əˈraʊnd] 美 [ə&#...

英语need their own car to get around怎么翻译?
need their own car to get around.他们需要自己的车来四处走动。以下是这句英语的详细解析,希望能够帮助到你。1、含义解释:这句话表达了一个人需要拥有自己的车才能够完成出行的需求。2、难词解释:- get around: [ɡet əˈraʊnd]表示“四处走动”,是一个常用的口语表达。...

get around 和get around to 意思为什么差距这么大
get around 英 [ɡet əˈraund] 美 [ɡɛt əˈraʊnd]传播;绕开;随意走走;说服 短语动词克服,解决(问题或困难)To get around a problem or difficulty means to overcome it.None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem ...


get to是什么意思啊(ato的区别)
get around to是什么意思 getaround[英][ɡet??raund][美][ɡ?t??ra?nd]传播;绕开;随意走走;说服;Otherstudentsarefindingwaystogetaroundthefederalrequirements.其他学生在试图找寻其他的方法避开联邦的要求。get to和arrive ato的区别 一意思不同:getto意思是开始、到达、抵达、抓住、接触、和…...

...are about 7 billions people living on plantet Earth!

Around the man's neck was his father's amulet.那个人的脖子上还带着他父亲的护身符。He wouldn't throw the stone if those boys did not abet him.要不是那些男孩子怂恿他,他不会扔那块石头。Do not abet your friend to pry into other people's privacy.不要唆使朋友去窥探别人隐私。...

--yes,there is pay phone什么new syreet?

宁戚13366905346问: get around to 用法 -
六枝特区阿贝回答: get around to sth或者是get around doing sth.用法=get round to sth/doing sth.

宁戚13366905346问: get around to -
六枝特区阿贝回答: get around to sth 是指 抽出时间 做某事, 这里TO是 介词, 如果非要说 get around to do sth 也可以,只不过这里的结构就是 get around 这个不及物短语了,意思有: 到处逛, 或者信息传播开来,而后面的to do sth,就是不定式表目的了,这种的to do 哪都能加.譬如 i got around to know the city better 意思就可以是 我到处转了转来更好地了解这个城市. get around doing sth其实意思就是 get around sth,意思是 规避. 很明显三者不是一个意思.

宁戚13366905346问: get around to doing sth什么意思 -
六枝特区阿贝回答:[答案] get around to doing sth 去做某事 例句: 1. You're not paid to sit around doing nothing! 花钱雇你来可不是让你坐着不干活的!

宁戚13366905346问: get+宾语+宾语补足语的用法
六枝特区阿贝回答: “get+宾语+to do”句型意为“使……去做某事”,其中get为使役动词,不定式作宾语补足语,且to不可少;能用于该结构的使役动词还有make,let,have,但此时作宾补不定式中的to应省略.例如: You must get them to come over here.你得想法让他们到这儿来. Let them go away.让他们走开.加油!!!!!希望能帮助你

宁戚13366905346问: get around 和 go around 的区别是什么? -
六枝特区阿贝回答: get around=get round回避、说服、花时间和精力去做、(病后)走动go around=go round四处走动、绕道走、顺便走访

宁戚13366905346问: get to know中的get to do是什么用法,什么意思?望高手回答谢谢 -
六枝特区阿贝回答: get+不定式to do结构是用于表达“逐渐...成为/变为”的意思.其相关知识如下: 1.get to do这个结构可以用于表示终于,逐渐,渐渐地做成某事.如例句: She gets to love Mike.她逐渐爱上了麦克. 这个例句中,用get to do这个结构来修饰相爱...

宁戚13366905346问: get around的解释及用法 -
六枝特区阿贝回答: get around:vt. 规避(说服)例句与用法: 1. It's wrong of you to get around the regulation.你存心规避规章制度是不对的.2. It is difficult for him to get around without a stick.他没有手杖走路很困难.3. It's a headache trying to get around in a ...

宁戚13366905346问: get sb (to) do什么时候加to什么时候不加 -
六枝特区阿贝回答: 永远都加to的get 后面的不定式是不能省略to除非是加名次或形容词 please get me the bookI got tired如果加动词,无论如何都要to

宁戚13366905346问: get around the city,get 后面为什么不要加to -
六枝特区阿贝回答: to 和around 词性都是一样的,都是介词.get 作为不及物动词的时候后面可跟很多介词,get to是到达的意思,get around环绕.不能跟两个介词哦~

宁戚13366905346问: get around to是什么意思 -
六枝特区阿贝回答: get around [英][ɡet əˈraund][美][ɡɛt əˈraʊnd] 传播; 绕开; 随意走走; 说服; Other students are finding ways to get around the federal requirements. 其他学生在试图找寻其他的方法避开联邦的要求.

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