get around中文意思

作者&投稿:邵歪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
get around是什么意思~

get around的意思:

1、到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于get round);
读法:英 [ɡet] 美 [ɡet]
vt. 使得;获得;受到;变成
n. 生殖;幼兽
vi. 成为;变得;到达
读法:英 [əˈraʊnd] 美 [əˈraʊnd]
adv. 在四周;朝对立面;到处;漫无目的地;在附近;大约;围绕;以圆周计算;现有;转弯
prep. 围绕;在那边;绕着;同……一致;到处;以(已提及物)为中心;迂回

一、get around的近义词:get round
v. 说服:(消息)传开来;走动;旅行;避免
1、get t round to 找时间做
2、get around round 传开 ; 抽出时间来做 ; 走动
3、get t round 说服
4、get round sb 说服某人做某事
5、get round to 抽出时间做某事 ; 腾出时间来做 ; 找时间做 ; 抽出时间来做
6、Get out of round 脱圆
1、Mother is much better now, she's able to get round a bit more.
2、You'll find this map of great value in helping you to get round London.

get around:绕开;传播;随意走走;说服。英国英语亦用 get round。
Repetition is unavoidable, but you can get around it with AMS. 重复是不可避免的,但是您可以绕开它与医疗辅助队。
He is like a mule, once he decides to do sth, no one can get him around. 他有如骡子,一旦决定做什么,很难被说服。

扩展资料:Get around的近义词介绍:bypass ;short-circuit ;go around
英 [ˈbaɪpɑ:s] 美 [ˈbaɪˌpæs]
第三人称单数: bypasses 复数: bypasses 现在分词: bypassing 过去式: bypassed 过去分词: bypassed
英 [ˈʃɔ:tˈsɜ:kɪt] 美 [ˈʃɔrtˈsə:kɪt]
go around
英 [ɡəu əˈraund] 美 [ɡo əˈraʊnd]

get around

He got round the difficulty. 他避开了这一难题。
I got round my father to lend me his car. 我说服了父亲借车给我。
Don't let him get round you! He doesn't deserve your help.别上他的当!他不值得你去帮他。
3. 走动;旅行
It's easy to get round by bus in this city.这个城市坐公共汽车出门很方便。
4. 传播
How did my secret get around to all my friends so quickly?我的秘密怎么这么快就传到所有的朋友那儿去了?
5. 病后恢复
The doctor got the man round quite quickly after the accident.事故发生后,医生很快就使那个人恢复了知觉。
6. 绕道走
Let's get round to the back gate of the university.让我们绕到学校的后大门去吧。
7. 克服(困难)
We got around the transportation problem by renting a car.我们租了一辆汽车,解决了运输问题。
8. 社交活动频繁
She is a shy girl;she doesn't get around much.她是个腼腆的女孩,很少同别人交往。

希望可以帮到你。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

get around
英 [ɡet əˈraund] 美 [ɡɛt əˈraʊnd]
传播; 绕开; 随意走走; 说服
网 络


get around 的中文意思 到处逛逛

新荣区19749612336: get around的解释及用法 -
祖峡风湿:[答案] get around: vt.规避(说服) 例句与用法: 1.It's wrong of you to get around the regulation. 你存心规避规章制度是不对的. 2.It is difficult for him to get around without a stick. 他没有手杖走路很困难. 3.It's a headache trying to get around in a strange,new ...

新荣区19749612336: get around是什么意思 -
祖峡风湿: get around a problem 绕过一个问题 get around 这里就等于是想一个办法通过的意思 意解为,通过,绕过,越过

新荣区19749612336: get around什么意思
祖峡风湿: get around 到处走动,传播出去He got the doctor' s permission to get around recently.他最近得到医生的允许可以四处走动了.

新荣区19749612336: get around 什么意思? -
祖峡风湿: 1. PHRASAL VERB克服,解决(问题或困难) To get around a problem or difficulty means to overcome it. None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth.这些国家都还没有找到办法来解决贫富...

新荣区19749612336: get around的解释及用法 -
祖峡风湿: get around:vt. 规避(说服)例句与用法: 1. It's wrong of you to get around the regulation.你存心规避规章制度是不对的.2. It is difficult for him to get around without a stick.他没有手杖走路很困难.3. It's a headache trying to get around in a ...

新荣区19749612336: get around -
祖峡风湿:[答案] 1.PHRASAL VERB克服,解决(问题或困难) To get around a problem or difficulty means to overcome it.None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth.这...

新荣区19749612336: get around 和 go around 的区别是什么? -
祖峡风湿: get around=get round回避、说服、花时间和精力去做、(病后)走动go around=go round四处走动、绕道走、顺便走访

新荣区19749612336: show around和get around 都什么意思?有什么区别?最好有例句 -
祖峡风湿: show around 陪同 show sb around someplace 带某人在某地四处转转 eg:could you show me around the school? 你可以带我参观下学校吗 ?get around 1.各处旅行(走动)或(消息等)传开(=get round)2. 逃避,回避; 用计防止 eg:1.It is difficult for him to get around without a stick. 他没有手杖走路很困难. 2.It's wrong of you to get around the regulation. 你存心规避规章制度是不对的.

新荣区19749612336: getting around啥意思 -
祖峡风湿: getting around 在 双语对照例句:1. For toyota, getting around this barrier is crucial. 对丰田来说,绕过稀土壁垒具有关键意义

新荣区19749612336: around的中文翻译 -
祖峡风湿: 1、adv. 大约;到处;在附近. 2、prep. 四处;在…周围. 3、all around 周围;到处,四处. 4、around here 附近;在这周围. 5、go around 四处走动;供应;(消息)流传. 6、in and around 在…的内部及周边. 7、have been around [美...

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