
作者&投稿:睢枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Sk.=sanskrita梵语的;subkomprenu意思就是Sl.E.L=Slovenia Esperanto-Ligo斯洛维尼世界语协会Sm.=spesmilo(世界语币制的) 一元[=2.005先令或0.40美金]Sm.=spesmilo千司派司soc.=societo协会; sociala社会的Soc.An.= Societo Anonima股份有限公司sp.=sporto体育运动,(户外)运动s-pg.=senpage免费s-pr.=samprofes...

eneral Jose Eduardo Cardozo, had pr

长孙鲁13674265618问: 求大神! Whan that April with his shoures soote Th -
安塞县氨苯回答: Whan that April with his shoures soote 当四月他的shoures soote The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, 三月droghte所perced的根, And bathed every veyne in swich licour 沐浴在开关licour每唯尼 Of which vertu engendred is the flour; ...

长孙鲁13674265618问: The General Prologue 什么意思 -
安塞县氨苯回答: The General Prologue 总序言 总序 一本书最开始的序言

长孙鲁13674265618问: general principles是什么意思 -
安塞县氨苯回答: 【general principles】意思是【总则 总纲】.【双语例句】 1. The Afro-Asian nations had approved the basic general principles of non-alignment. 亚非国家已经同意了不结盟的基本通则. 2. The fitst session adjourned without going beyond ...

长孙鲁13674265618问: 六一儿童节英语诗歌 -
安塞县氨苯回答: The International Children's Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year. The ICD had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as ...

长孙鲁13674265618问: comprehensive general 区别 -
安塞县氨苯回答: 这两个词都有“泛指”的特征,口语中最常用的是general comprehensive:全方位的,齐全的,(基本上)全包括在内的,一网打尽的,大全性质的.多用于书面语言等正式场合. general:总体上的,一般性的,笼统意义上的,总揽一切或全局的.多用于口语.

长孙鲁13674265618问: general - purpose是什么意思 -
安塞县氨苯回答: general-purpose 多方面的,多种用途的; 例句: This is a general-purpose object model for a Web user you can use as-is, modify, or discard. 这是用于Web用户的通用对象模型,可以按原样使用、修改或不使用这个模型. The design of a ...

长孙鲁13674265618问: general principles是什么意思 -
安塞县氨苯回答: general principles译为一般原则例句:双语英语1.To assert and repeat these general principles is absolutely necessary, of course, either as prologue or conclusion. 当然,坚持和重复这些一般原则是绝对必要的,无论是作为开场白或结论=======...

长孙鲁13674265618问: The general ordered his troops to cease fire. -
安塞县氨苯回答: 主谓宾结构 主:the general 将军 谓:ordered (动词的过去时) 双宾:his troops 间接宾语,to cease fire 直接宾语 fire这里是名词,表示“开火”,cease fire 就是停火

长孙鲁13674265618问: general principle是什么意思 -
安塞县氨苯回答: general principle [英][ˈdʒenərəl ˈprinsəpl][美][ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈprɪnsəpəl] 普遍原理; 总方针; 大道理; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.Yet against such impulsive and appetitive action, due to the individualism ofnature, there also ...

长孙鲁13674265618问: the加单数可数名词后的谓语动词是用单数还是复数 -
安塞县氨苯回答: The teacher said that the class were, in general,very bright. The teacher said that the class was more than forty in number. 为什么两个句子后面的谓语动词一个是单数一个是复数? 解答:这是集体名词中的一个用法. 因为the class的意思不同:第...

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