
作者&投稿:姬哈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a DVD player The film is now out on video and DVD.CD-ROM CD-ROM \/ˌsiː diː ˈrɔm US -ˈrɑːm\/ n [U and C]compact disc read-only memory a CD on which large quantities of information can be stored to be used by a computer ...

High Sierra格式 所有的制造商对解决这个标准化问题都很感兴趣。1985年,CD-ROM驱动器及光盘的主要制造商们云集在一起,研究如何解决在实现ISO 9660格式中存在的分歧。最终达成的协议就是著名的High Sierra格式,现在已成为ISO 9660规范文件的一部分。这个协议能使所有的光驱读取符合ISO 9660格式的光盘,...

(od - dump files in octal and other formats) 我认为od最有用的就是文件的字节流了: od -t x1 filename 查看文件的 Ascii 码形式: od -t c filename (其中统计信息最左边的是: 字节数) * 查找命令所在文件的位置: which od 输出: \/usr\/bin\/od 查看该文件由哪个包提供: dpkg -S \/usr\/bin\/od...

CD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory) 只读光盘 CD-RW (compact disc-rewritable) 可擦写光盘 CIP (cataloguing in publication) 在版编目;预编目录.在图书出版前,由图书馆编目部门根据出版商提供的校样先行编目, 编目后将著录内容及标准格式交出版机构,将它印于图书的版权页上 DIY (do it ...

CD-ROM是计算机在(多媒体技术)应用中必不可少的一种设备 参考资料:http:\/\/\/zctda.asp?whichpage=7&pagesize=10

华盛顿特区 109.water 水 110.west 西,西方 111.when 什么时候 112.wherever 无论哪里 113.which 哪个 114.wolf 狼 115.wonder 想知道 116.worker 工人 世界 (叫声)哎呀 Book 9 第9册(110个) 1. add up 增加 2. air 空气 3. a lot 许多 4. always 总是 5. answer 回答 6....

Harry potter,popular with most young people,can serve as reading...
形容词短语做定语, 因为过长, 避免头重脚轻,所以后置,如果单独是popular则需放在前面就ok了

A magnetic tape is a narrow plastic strip similar to the tape used in tape recorders.The tapes are read by tape drive moving the tape past a read/write head,which detects or writes magnetized spots on the iron-oxide coating of the tape.Each pattern of spots matches the ...

表3.1列出了主要几种可编程和ROM计算机的CPU和存储容量。 参数测量 分系统包括AN\/APG-65雷达、AN\/ASN-130惯导装置、AN\/AAS-38前视红外装置、AN\/ASQ-.... It started from a 9000 foot line abreast 300 knot setup (which AF pilots never fly) where they turned into each other at the "fights on"...

英语作文:tomorrom's internet
Internet is more and more important as well as more and more popular in today's life.We can do many things with the help of Internet.We may search for information about sport or watching movies.We even can go shopping when we remain within doors.The things which most make me...

钟离菡17075211370问: from which after which 有什么区别 -
同仁县大黄回答: 首先,你要明白,这并不是固定词组或者短语之类的东西.from 和after的选用要看具体的语境(偶尔是动词的搭配,有时也是逻辑上的搭配) from 表意是“从哪里”这样的意思,其后面可以加地点等然而after则表意为“在...之后”这后面的...

钟离菡17075211370问: 定语从句中from where与from which的区别 -
同仁县大黄回答:[答案] from which 与 from where的用法区别1、Soon after getting off his horse,the captain appeared at the second storey windows,from where he could see nothing but trees.下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了.他从...

钟离菡17075211370问: of which , by which , in which , from which 有什么区别? -
同仁县大黄回答: in which +地点名2113词表示“在...里面”which引导定语从句,是起修饰作用. in which+方式5261名词“用...方4102法/手段” from which引导具体地点的定于从1653句 by which通常是表示的采用专的....方式 of which是比较特殊的限定性定语从句 of是根据主句中的动词决定的属

钟离菡17075211370问: 定语从句中from where和 from which怎么区分
同仁县大黄回答: from which 是几个中的一个,有得选择.The top floor is the floor from which I could get the best view of the sea. 顶楼是最能看清河流的一层.(指所有楼层中的顶楼)from where 就直接指地方,没有强调是几个中的一个.I went to the top floor from where I had a better view of the sea.我去过顶楼,在那儿最能看清河流.(指只是顶楼)

钟离菡17075211370问: 谁讲一下定语从句中from which和from where和from when的用法,举些例子谢谢 -
同仁县大黄回答: Nanjing, from which the famous writer comes, is a big city. 这里的from which是comes from Nanjing的含义,选用from是因为come from.which指先行词Nanjing. He stood on the top of the mountain, from where he could get a good view of the whole ...

钟离菡17075211370问: from which的用法 -
同仁县大黄回答:[答案] 这个问题可能是“断章取义”了,应该把句子写全.推断which是引导一个定语从句,from介词前置了.如:I want to book a room from which I can see the sea .(我想预定一间房子,从这间房我能看到海.)

钟离菡17075211370问: 有些定语从句中的介词要前置,有的却不用,为什么 -
同仁县大黄回答: 在非限制性定语从句中,一般是介词+which的用法.介词,一般是根据固定搭配,come from,常见from+which.有时也根据句子的意义来判断,这个比较难.如:The window is ver large,through which you can see many people. 这里through+...

钟离菡17075211370问: from where 和from which区别?? -
同仁县大黄回答: 意思的区别吧,fromwhere是从哪里来的意思吧,fromwhich是一种语法吧,可能意思跟what,where,why等相同吧

钟离菡17075211370问: 非限制性定语从句引导词from where怎么用? -
同仁县大黄回答: from which=where He graduated from a foumous university from which/where many other famous businessmen graduated.

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